VS Code stopped suddenly from previewing colors in settings.json file how to fix that? - editor

Someone asked a similar questions but non of the answers fixed the issue:
The questions on stackoverflow
also here is a link to the feature I am referring to :
VSCode color picker feature
it doesn't work on SOME .json files only with like settings.json.


Xcode Canvas not working for a specific file

I am new to xcode and is practicing coding an expense tracking app. However, all of my files are working properly except for this one file (transactionList), which I am trying to make my work show up on the canvas.
I have tried to delete and recode the file a couple times, but nothing seems to work and I don't exactly know the issue because there was no bugs/errors shown.
Can you guys help me fix it? Thank you so much! enter image description here

CNContactViewController discard message Xamarin

I have same issue as described in this post
CNContactViewController iOS 13 Discard Message and Keyboard
but i'm working with xamarin
and i've added Localizable.strings like this:
and content in this file:
Any way I still cannot make it work and accepted answer in the link above does not work for me.
What am I doing wrong?
the problem is that the text of discard action sheet looks like this and it is not human readable. adding Localizable.strings into Base.lproj didn't help
ok, after long search, i`ve found a solution.
to make it work i've added to info.plist values described in official xamarin documentation.
and now it works perfectly. but it is not obvious solution
PS: and for the future, Dear commentators, don't answer in such manner: "I created a new project and just open the CNContactViewController, everything works well on my side. I can't reproduce the issue" - It doesn't bring any useful information. better no answer than answer like this.

xcode: ERROR ITMS-90022: "Missing required icon file.."

I've read numerous other answers for this, but I thought it was worth posting the same question with an addendum..
I actually solved this exact same problem once before by adding the correct images in my images.xcassets window, however I don't recall how I figured out which boxes to put the image in? How do I link the errors to the correct box?
Are you using Cordova? I see you tagged it but have no mention of it?
If you are just to save you some time and effort theres a really good npm plugin that generates all this for you & my xcode picked up all the different sizes automatically. cordova-icon.
It's really simple, just have an icon.png in your root and run cordova-icon in your console. It generates icons for android iOS and windows.

How to share code style between Xcode and AppCode?

We want to start to use AppCode in my team but we want to use same code style between Xcode and AppCode (we're already using Uncrustify on Xcode).
Does someone have experience sharing code styles between Xcode and AppCode? Any tip?
That was exact my problem one year ago.
There is ticket for AppCode to allow uncrustify import.
I ended up with solution that took me one day. Unfortunately uncrustify doesn't have documentation. As well categorisation of formatting in uncrustify is different from AppCode. I made uncrustify config as close as possible for AppCode formatting settings. I didn't succeed 100% but amount of difference is quite small (and still annoying). All configs ended up on wiki and in repository.
Finally all in our team (me and my buddy) are using AppCode and quite rare open Xcode. That was main fix for formatting.

Integrating iTunes File Sharing

I want to be able to list iTunes File Sharing contents in a list, but all the tutorials I've found aren't helpful at all. They're either extremely vague, only explain how to enable it, or are for specific files.
What I really need is how to have my UITableViewController display files in the Directory folder. I'm in the same boat as this question iTunes File Sharing - Showing Document Folder Contents, sort of, but I just need to learn how to actually implement it.
So how do I link my application directory to my UITableViewController?
If anyone can help, that would be awesome of you!!!
Well, I've learned a good place to start is the sample code DocInteraction. It demonstrates "kqueue" kernel event notifications, to monitor the contents of the Documents folder and present them in a TableViewController.
Technically not an answer, but my question is no longer (how should I say this?) relevant, active, what have you.
