Woocommerce single product categories and tags - hook-woocommerce

I have custom Woocommerce single product template. I want to display product category ant tags after 'Add to cart' button. How can I do that?


Permalink for JIRA Dashboard with few Rich Filter Controllers

I have a JIRA Dashboard where I need to use few Rich Filter Controllers (with JQL filtering only - how it looks like), is it possible to generate permalink with preserved values set up in every Controller?
Tapping the 'generate permalink button' for the first gadget will generate https://:projectID.atlassian.net/jira/dashboards/:dasboardID#v=1&d=:dasboardID&rf=:controller1ID&jql=created+%3E%3D+-1w
Tapping the 'generate permalink button' for the first gadget will generate https://:projectID.atlassian.net/jira/dashboards/:dasboardID#v=1&d=:dasboardID&rf=:controller2ID&jql=statusCategoryChangedDate+%3E%3D+-1w
E.R. I need something like 'rf=:controller1ID&jql=created+%3E%3D+-1w' and 'rf=:controller2ID&jql=statusCategoryChangedDate+%3E%3D+-1w' to be in one link

How to configure the Fields plugin to filter the domain

I have an Author who has a Book.
class Author {
String name
Book book
The <f:all bean="Author"/> tag in the edit.gsp will create a html textbox with the Author.name and a html dropdown box with all the books in the html element.
How to setup the Fields plugin to only show just a sub-set of the books (not all the books)?
(from the question...)
How to setup the Fields plugin to only show just a sub-set of the
books (not all the books)?
(from a comment...)
So, I want the Fields plugin to fill out the book dropdown with all
the books that are published by Penguin only.
The fields plugin does not provide a mechanism to do that filtering.

OpenCart - Custom product field in admin panel

I want to add a field for product's (add/edit) page in admin panel where will be a checkbox or a Boolean option (yes/no) which will be displaying to the product's front page. I know how to do the last part, and where "last part" I mean how to display it on the product page but I have no clue how I could add another field to the products admin add/edit page.
OpenCart version: 3.0.2
I would be grateful if you guys help me out to solve that :)
Thank you!
Admin panel:
1. Catalog -> Options - to create new product options
2. Catalog -> Products -> Edit -> Option(tab) - assign created before option to currently editing product

WooCommerce shortcode show only products by specific text

I am trying to show products with WooCommerce shortcode that have a specific text inside.
I use this code but didn't works. [products products per_page="4" columns="4" s="text"]Any help? Or some other way?

Rails Shopping Cart Maximum amount

I am working on a rails 3 app and have a shopping cart functionality. On the products page I have Items listed and "Add to Cart". the cart is also rendered on same page as a partial. Now I need functionality to put in a maximum amount allowed in a cart. I have a input box on that page for this. When I click checkout I need to compare the the total cart price against the maximum amount and display appropriate message. Where do (which controller action) I capture form value for the maximum amount?
It would be nice if you add some code. No one is gonna tell you that at least that you said what controllers uses for your shopping cart. Maybe you should add a action in your "shop" controller, and add your restful route in your routes file.
