docker desktop wsl 2 backend has stopped unexpectedly - docker

I am facing issue with Docker desktop. it is getting crashed in 15-20 min.
Docker Desktop 4.3.2
Docker 20.10.11
Windows 10 PRO
reference link:

I met that problem too, but that's when I start a relatively big image/container, and don't see many useful solutions on the community.
One tutorial that I follow is, add some config documents to limit the RAM use of the WSL-2, and restart my PC, it seems to work.
User Win+R, then enter '%UserProfile%' to enter the user dictionary in Windows, create a file: '.wslconfig', and then edit the file as follows:
The 'memory' should be edited by the condition of our laptops, I used 4GB in my one. Then restart the PC.
I'm new to Docker, don't know whether it's the right solution, but it seems work in my laptop:D Hope that can help someone meet the same problem.


Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down

This question was already asked a lot, but I didn't found a solution which is working for me.
I downloaded Docker Desktop with his guide for my windows 10 machine. After a successful installation the application does not start.
Following this solution didn't work. I deleted settings.json and restarted everything without success. Even reinstalling did not work. Any one has an other idea?
Edit:Reinstalling an older version (3.6.0 in my case) fixed the issue, but there has to be some other way...
Stop all processes with Docker and remove all content from the directory
After that start Docker Desktop.

Docker desktop automatically stopped on Windows 10

Recently I faced a problem that when I open docker desktop it's automatically stopped after a few seconds. I try to solve it in several ways like reinstalling the docker desktop and also trying some methods that are available on the internet as solutions. But these do not work for me.
Is anyone can help me, please.
I have had lots of problems with installing docker on windows .
make sue you are following docker's documentation step by step.
Most of the times the problem is related to wsl2 , hyper-v or cpu virtualization. check this parameters
Docker in windows

Using docker with hypervisor instead of wsl2

Before I hear about wsl, I was using virtualbox and some other software to use linux. But wsl was amazing. Instead of allocating mamory wsl uses dynamic allocation that was really useful. When I heard about wsl2 in docker I was really happy. But nothing went as expected. A process named vmmem starts with wsl2 backend and uses almost 2gbs of ram. Even if I use the hyper-v backed I would not allocate that much memory. Even with wsl2 ubuntu or wsl2 kali the same process starts but does not allocate that memory. I searched on youtube, Quora, Google and everything I could not get any solutions.
I wanted to switch back to hyper-v backend or wanted to get rid of the vmmem process, So please help me
Thanks to everyone who read this kindly and special thanks to the one who is going to solve my problem
I can give you any additional information if you want
To answer your question, there is a checkbox in the Docker settings (right click Docker icon > Settings > General) labelled "Use the WSL 2 based engine" which will do what you are looking for.
However, if you want to give WSL another go, you can limit the amount of memory that WSL can allocate.
If you create a file in your %userprofile%, called .wslconfig and give it the contents:
However, there is an ongoing issue with WSL2 and Docker that appears to indicate a memory leak. Limiting the memory in this way may cause undesirable side effects.

Docker dashboard not showing file sharing option

I am new to docker, and am running Docker for Windows 10. I am not seeing drives for sharing?
I tried restarting, resetting, etc, but it didn't work
Hey Sorry but drives for sharing is the linux only version of Docker.
Please see this thread for more details:

Cannot start container: [8] System error: exec format error

I'm brand new to Stack Overflow and the world of containers, so hopefully my questions aren't too silly.
So first I will say that I'm aware that there are other questions similar to the one I'm asking, but I've tried the solutions in all of the ones I've found and they haven't worked for me. If there is another question out there that does have the answer, I'm really sorry for double-asking!
So, background info: I've got a Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian, with docker freshly installed. I'm able to pull images down from repositories with no real issues. However, I can't run any of them. I always get the same error (the title of my question). Someone pointed out that it might be because there are mostly 64-bit images in the repositories and I'm running a 32-bit machine, which I thought was the problem. but then I pulled a 32-bit Debian image (the first thing I could find that was 32-bit) and tried to do docker run with the image ID. but it still comes up with that error.
What else may cause that error? Or maybe it's the fact that I'm doing it on a Pi...? Open to anything!
Thanks in advance!
I have had similar issues when I tried to run Docker images on Rasperri Pi. Most of the Docker images are built for x86/x64 architecture. You need Docker-based apps packaged specifically for ARM to run on Raspberry Pi. Hypriot (Based on Debian) is one of the Raspberry Pi images that built for running latest Docker. Check it out here. They also have images specifically built for ARM. Search for hypriot on docker hub.You still may run these images with your current Docker installation, which I did not try.
