Docker dashboard not showing file sharing option - docker

I am new to docker, and am running Docker for Windows 10. I am not seeing drives for sharing?
I tried restarting, resetting, etc, but it didn't work

Hey Sorry but drives for sharing is the linux only version of Docker.
Please see this thread for more details:


Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down

This question was already asked a lot, but I didn't found a solution which is working for me.
I downloaded Docker Desktop with his guide for my windows 10 machine. After a successful installation the application does not start.
Following this solution didn't work. I deleted settings.json and restarted everything without success. Even reinstalling did not work. Any one has an other idea?
Edit:Reinstalling an older version (3.6.0 in my case) fixed the issue, but there has to be some other way...
Stop all processes with Docker and remove all content from the directory
After that start Docker Desktop.

Docker desktop automatically stopped on Windows 10

Recently I faced a problem that when I open docker desktop it's automatically stopped after a few seconds. I try to solve it in several ways like reinstalling the docker desktop and also trying some methods that are available on the internet as solutions. But these do not work for me.
Is anyone can help me, please.
I have had lots of problems with installing docker on windows .
make sue you are following docker's documentation step by step.
Most of the times the problem is related to wsl2 , hyper-v or cpu virtualization. check this parameters
Docker in windows

Docker Failed to Initialize on Windows 10

I have an issue with running the Docker Desktop on my Windows 10 PC. After trying to run it I got an error:
Docker failed to initialize - Docker Desktop is shutting down
I already tried reinstalling (as admin), restarting PC, restarting docker services, removing content from .../AppData/Local/Docker and .../AppData/Roaming/Docker folders, but still receiving the same error message.
Does anyone have an idea how can I fix it?
Thank you a lot!
Simply local Appdata on your windows box, go to Roaming->Docker and delete the settings.json file. Restart docker and you will be fine.
Appdata can be located at this path: C:\Users\LifeIsGood\AppData\Roaming\Docker
NB. LifeisGood is my username
Downgrade to the older version solved my issue
You can try uninstalling docker and deleting
C:/Program Files/Docker
Reinstalling Docker
However, what worked for me ultimately was deleting .docker in /Users folder and restarting docker.
I get that a lot on my laptop. I restart the "Hyper-V Host Compute Service" in Services. When that has restarted, I can start Docker Desktop.
I haven't found a permanent fix.
I had the same issue while starting the "Linux container" but windows container was working fine.
After trying All the possible methods to make docker desktop work, In case that is not worked then try this one. This one worked for me.
Please make sure to use older version of docker desktop ( mine is 4.4)
In docker desktop,
Go to settings --> General --> Use the WSL 2 based engine
Where If that check box turned On, Just Turn that off.

docker desktop wsl 2 backend has stopped unexpectedly

I am facing issue with Docker desktop. it is getting crashed in 15-20 min.
Docker Desktop 4.3.2
Docker 20.10.11
Windows 10 PRO
reference link:
I met that problem too, but that's when I start a relatively big image/container, and don't see many useful solutions on the community.
One tutorial that I follow is, add some config documents to limit the RAM use of the WSL-2, and restart my PC, it seems to work.
User Win+R, then enter '%UserProfile%' to enter the user dictionary in Windows, create a file: '.wslconfig', and then edit the file as follows:
The 'memory' should be edited by the condition of our laptops, I used 4GB in my one. Then restart the PC.
I'm new to Docker, don't know whether it's the right solution, but it seems work in my laptop:D Hope that can help someone meet the same problem.

Visual Studio 2019 - No Attach to Process Type option for Docker (Windows Container)

I have a bunch of containers running .Net Framework Apps on Windows Containers. Apps work great, containers work perfectly. I need to debug some code on one of the containers using VS2019 and according to this article it should be easy
Unfortunately, I only see "Docker (Linux Container)". I do not see an option for "Docker (Windows Container)" and I don't see any additional steps needed in the articles or any other to enable this.
I can confirm that my Docker Desktop is switched to Windows Container and everything is working perfectly I just don't see this option but seems like I should be able to. Has anyone come across this and found a solution? I saw some stuff for installing a remote debugger on the container but again the article does not say this is a prerequisite. Any help will be much appreciated.
To anyone facing the same issue, the answer is to upgrade your visual studio 2019 instance to the latest. I noticed I was on 16.4.x. I upgraded to 16.8.3 and the options all appeared and worked as expected. Apparently the options for Windows containers and the new WSL 2 based engine are only available in 16.5.x and above. Hope this helps someone out.
