No Such Module Flutter - ios

I've run the flutter app from XCode Using XCode version 13.2.1 (latest in January 2022)
XCode showing error like mentioned in image :
It is claimed by the Flutter team to be a bug with the visual component of XCode... as evidenced by the fact that the project will still build and run from XCode.
There are many reported ways to get rid of it temporarily, such as doing Product\build , Product\Clean Build Folder, or running the project on IOS from within Android Studio...
But these are only temporary and the problem will reappear.
How to get rid of this critical issue in XCode, thanks in advance.


Failed to launch IBCocoaTouchImageCatalogTool via CoreSimulator spawn on BigSur

I've had the same error over and over for 5 times till now, and it's happening randomly on builds. In previous scenarios one of fallowing actions resolved it for me:
Clean project filed and delete xcode folder in Library/Developer
Reinstallation of xcode and actions from the first point
But my colleagues in project have no problem with this but they are on Catalina not BigSur. Could you please help me find a permanent solution to this problem? I'm using xCode version 11.3.1

Building iOS app with Xamarin and Visual Studio 2019 - Error Wrong Version of Xcode installed when it isnt

I am trying out Xamarin on the Mac. I have an oldish Mac that DID have Xcode 10.1 on it.
I tried to build the iOS app and got the following error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The Xcode version installed on the Mac (10.1) is not compatible with this version of Visual Studio. This may cause unexpected warnings or errors when building and deploying iOS projects. Please install Xcode '11.3' or visit the documentation to learn more. 0
I upgraded the Mac to Caitlin and upgraded Xcode to 11.3.
I can connect to the Mac and actually can run the iPhone simulator with the app, however, if I run the build, I STILL get the same error, like its not figured out how to update itself?
I have done the 'forget this Mac' and even renamed it on the network in case there was some legacy in a file somewhere.
I have dumped the solution and created a new one from the templates and still get the same error ... hair being torn out...
It might be one of those things that just goes away after a while I don't know. Any ideas?
EDIT * I realised that I wasnt clear. I am running VS2019 on a PC connecting to my Mac.

Can't run flutter app on physical Apple devices

I have a perfectly working Xcode (at least for Swift iOS projects), today I tried to install flutter.
I followed the steps from here: FlutterDev (every step, so the solution is not here)
I can build and run Flutter projects in terminal on Simulator on iPhones and Android Virtual Devices as well.
Flutter doctor found everything OK.
But I can't run it on any physical Apple device. Tested on 2 MacBook Pros -> deploying to 3 different iPhones.
I got SIGABRT error right after the app tried to launch if I run the from Xcode, and the terminal stuck in installing and launching... if I try to run the app from there.
Maybe you should just try these steps:
1) flutter clean
2) flutter build ios --release
Then later do this in Xcode MenuBar: Product -> Clean and then build in Xcode
It is a bug from Flutter. Instead switch the channel:
flutter channel dev
flutter upgrade
flutter run
But remember: The dev channel is far ahead of the stable one, it is little less safe. I would recommend you to use it just for running the app on your device. For coding etc. switch back to the stable channel:
flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade
The bug will be fixed in v1.15.3.
After I've spent my day troubleshooting the only solution that worked for me is to download xcode beta, the newest 13.4 iOS beta and then everything worked immediately. I opened the existing projects, hit run and opened on my phone without any extra steps.

Project ERROR: This mkspec requires Xcode 4.3 or later

I have updated to Qt 5.9.6 and I have Xcode 10.0 running on High Sierra.
I have a Qt App that builds for OSX and iOS. And it builds and runs all well with Qt 5.9.4.
Now, I want to update to 5.9.6 for a reason. When I try to build for iOS using Qt 5.9.6, I get the following error
Project ERROR: This mkspec requires Xcode 4.3 or later
Is there a way to get around this issue?
Note that the OSX build using Qt 5.9.6 just works fine. I have QMAKE_IOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to 10.0 for iOS case
I also deleted the .qmake.stash and the .pro.user file from the root directory and restarted QtCreator to try build from a a fresh start. But still get the same issue!
This is bug in Qt, use Qt 5.9.7 where this bug is fixed.

apple LLVM 6.1 error Could not read profile: No such file or directory (after upgrade to XCode 6.4/7.0 beta2)

I'm trying to compile a Cordova project.
The project was working fine with XCode 6.3 and iOS 8.3 phone.
We upgraded the phone to 8.4 then everything stopped working.
I tried XCode 6.4 - got this error.
I tried XCode 7.0 beta 2 - got this error.
Search on google shows that many have this problem with no solution.
I tried to clean the code, project->build for->generate optimization profile, restart the computer, etc. Noting help.
It was a Cordova's problem: To fix it:
Remove both platform and plugins folders.
cordova platform add ios
Add all your plugins again.
Don't forget to select your profile on the project's first tab.
Same steps as when you trying to remove a plugin (never working for iOS).
