I am using the hugging face's BERTweet implementation (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/model_doc/bertweet), I want to encode some tweets and forward them for further processing (predictions). The problems is that when I try to encode a relatively long sentence, the model raises an error.
import torch
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer
from DataLoader import DataLoader
bertweet = AutoModel.from_pretrained("vinai/bertweet-base")
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("vinai/bertweet-base", normalization=True) # Automatic normalization of tweets by enabling normalization
line = "SC has first two presumptive cases of coronavirus , DHEC confirms HTTPURL via #USER :cry: SC has first two presumptive cases of coronavirus , DHEC confirms HTTPURL via #USER :cry: SC has first two presumptive cases of coronavirus , DHEC confirms HTTPURL via #USER :cry: SC has first two presumptive cases of coronavirus , DHEC confirms HTTPURL via #USER :cry: SC has first two presumptive cases of coronavirus , DHEC confirms HTTPURL via #USER :cry: SC has first two presumptive cases of coronavirus , DHEC confirms HTTPURL via #USER :cry: SC has first two presumptive cases of coronavirus , DHEC confirms "
input_ids = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(line)])
with torch.no_grad():
features = bertweet(input_ids)
RuntimeError: The expanded size of the tensor (136) must match the existing size (130) at non-singleton dimension 1. Target sizes: [1, 136]. Tensor sizes: [1, 130]
However, if you change the line to:
line = "SC has first two presumptive cases of coronavirus , DHEC confirms HTTPURL via #USER :cry:"
, then the model encodes the sentence successfully. Is that an expected behaviour? I know that BERT has a maximum of 512 words in a sentence, and BERTweet is basically a fine-tuned BERT.
Is it a good idea to just trim out longer sentences, would it be an acceptable solution to my problem?
Thanks in advance.
The original BERT model has indeed a 512 word limit per sequence, however a custom-made model such as BERTweet can have different features, depending on what the authors decide while pretraining from scratch. It seems that the authors have capped the max sequence length at 130 in your case, likely due to the 280 character tweet limit, and very high costs of training longer sequence models (training 120mln lines of data as 128-long sequences costs about $600 per epoch, while with 512, the price goes to around $10K per epoch).
To answer your question, you will need to somewhat truncate the inputs, so that they fit the 130 max length. I would recommend simply providing the necessary arguments to your tokenizer, such as max_length = 130, truncation = True, padding = 'max_length', etc. (plenty of examples online), then this all is done automatically and every tokenized sequence will have equal length of 130.
Note that this will discard all words in the sequence that appear after the 130 limit. You may consider splitting each line that has over 130 words, if you want to preserve that info.
One thing that bothers me, however, is: how on earth did you find a tweet that is over 130 words long? It doesn't seem possible, unless you find one that is full of single-character words, but that is more noise than data. So, you may want to re-evaluate your data pre-processing pipeline, to make sure all inputs are cleared properly. And otherwise, if you're using longer combinations of tweets or smth, then you may have to stop and consider, whether BERTweet is indeed the best model to use.
When I use SpaCy NER, SpaCy will recognize 'TodoA' as PERSON. This is obviously unreasonable. Is there any way to verify whether the entity extracted by SpaCy is reasonable? Thanks!
Most of these unreasonable entities are extracted by spacy beam search. The beam search code is:
import spacy
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
nlp = spacy.load('en')
text = u'Will Japan join the European Union? If yes, we should \
move to United States. Fasten your belts, America we are coming'
with nlp.disable_pipes('ner'):
doc = nlp(text)
threshold = 0.2
(beams, somethingelse) = nlp.entity.beam_parse([ doc ], beam_width = 16, beam_density = 0.0001)
entity_scores = defaultdict(float)
for beam in beams:
for score, ents in nlp.entity.moves.get_beam_parses(beam):
for start, end, label in ents:
entity_scores[(start, end, label)] += score
print ('Entities and scores (detected with beam search)')
for key in entity_scores:
start, end, label = key
score = entity_scores[key]
if ( score > threshold):
print ('Label: {}, Text: {}, Score: {}'.format(label, doc[start:end], score))
The "unreasonable" annotation you are seeing is directly linked with the nature of the model that is used to perform the annotation and the process of obtaining it.
In short, the model is an approximation of a very complex function (in mathematical terms) from some characteristics of sequences of words (e.g. presence of particular letters, upper-casing, usage of particular terms, etc.) to a closed set of tags (e.g. PERSON). It is an approximation that is close to best across a large body of text (e.g. a few GBs of ASCII text) but certainly it is not a mapping of particular phrases to tags. Therefore, even though the data which is used for training is accurate, the result of applying the model might be not ideal in some circumstances.
In your case it is likely that the model is clinging on upper-casing of a word, and maybe there was a large number of words used in training that share the prefix that were marked with tag PERSON) - e.g. Toddy, toddler, etc. and a very small number of words with such a prefix that were not PERSONs.
This phenomenon that we observe was not chosen explicitly by person preparing the model, it is only a by-product of the combination of the process of preparing it (training), and the data used.
I was going through this post in the pytorch forum, and I also wanted to do this. The original post removes and adds layers but I think my situation is not that different. I also want to add layers or more filters or word embeddings. My main motivation is that the AI agent does not know the whole vocabulary/dictionary in advance because its large. I prefer strongly (for the moment) to not do character by character RNNs.
So what will happen for me is when the agent starts a forward pass it might find new words it has never seen and will need to add them to the embedding table (or perhaps add new filters before it starts the forward pass).
So what I want to make sure is:
embeddings are added correctly (at the right time, when a new computation graph is made) so that they are updatable by the optimizer
no issues with stored info of past parameters e.g. if its using some sort of momentum
How does one do this? Any sample code that works?
Just to add an answer to the title of your question: "How does one dynamically add new parameters to optimizers in Pytorch?"
You can append params at any time to the optimizer:
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
model = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2)
# Initialize optimizer
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9)
extra_params = torch.randn(2, 2)
optimizer.param_groups.append({'params': extra_params })
#then you can print your `extra_params`
print("extra params", extra_params)
print("optimizer params", optimizer.param_groups)
That is a tricky question, as I would argue that the answer is "depends", in particular on how you want to deal with the optimizer.
Let's start with your specific problem - an embedding. In particular, you are asking on how to add embeddings to allow for a larger vocabulary dynamically. My first advice is, that if you have a good sense of an upper boundary of your vocabulary size, make the embedding large enough to cope with it from the beginning, as this is more efficient, and as you will need the memory eventually anyway. But this is not what you asked. So - to dynamically change your embedding, you'll need to overwrite your old one with a new one, and inform your optimizer of the change. You can simply do that whenever you run into an exception with your old embedding, in a try ... except block. This should roughly follow this idea:
# from within whichever module owns the embedding
# remember the already trained weights
old_embedding_weights = self.embedding.weight.data
# create a new embedding of the new size
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(new_vocab_size, embedding_dim)
# initialize the values for the new embedding. this does random, but you might want to use something like GloVe
new_weights = torch.randn(new_vocab_size, embedding_dim)
# as your old values may have been updated, you want to retrieve these updates values
new_weights[:old_vocab_size] = old_embedding_weights
However, you should not do this for every single new word you receive, as this copying takes time (and a whole lot of memory, as the embedding exists twice for a short time - if you're nearly out memory, just make your embedding large enough from the start). So instead increase the size dynamically by a couple of hundred slots at a time.
Additionally, this first step already raises some questions:
How does my respective nn.Module know about the new embedding parameter?
The __setattr__ method of nn.Module takes care of that (see here)
Second, why don't I simply change my parameter? That's already pointing towards some of the problems of changing the optimizer: pytorch internally keeps references by object ID. This means that if you change your object, all these references will point towards a potentially incompatible object, as its properties have changed. So we should simply create a new parameter instead.
What about other nn.Parameters or nn.Modules that are not embeddings? These you treat the same. You basically just instantiate them, and attach them to their parent module. The __setattr__ method will take care of the rest. So you can do so completely dyncamically ...
Except, of course, the optimizer. The optimizer is the only other thing that "knows" about your parameters except for your main model-module. So you need to let the optimizer know of any change.
And this is tricky, if you want to be sophisticated about it, and very easy if you don't care about keeping the optimizer state. However, even if you want to be sophisticated about it, there is a very good reason why you probably should not do this anyways. More about that below.
Anyways, if you don't care, a simple
# simply overwrite your old optimizer
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
will do. If you care, however, you want to transfer your old state, you can do so the same way that you can store, and later load parameters and optimizer states from disk: using the .state_dict() and .load_state_dict() methods. This, however, does only work with a twist:
# extract the state dict from your old optimizer
old_state_dict = optimizer.state_dict()
# create a new optimizer
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters())
new_state_dict = optimizer.state_dict()
# the old state dict will have references to the old parameters, in state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params'] and in state_dict['state']
# you now need to find the parameter mismatches between the old and new statedicts
# if your optimizer has multiple param groups, you need to loop over them, too (I use xyz as a placeholder here. mostly, you'll only have 1 anyways, so just replace xyz with 0
new_pars = [p for p in new_state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params'] if not p in old_state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params']]
old_pars = [p for p in old_state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params'] if not p in new_state_dict['param_groups'][xyz]['params']]
# then you remove all the outdated ones from the state dict
for pid in old_pars:
# and add a new state for each new parameter to the state:
for pid in new_pars:
old_state_dict['state'][pid] = { ... } # your new state def here, depending on your optimizer
However, here's the reason why you should probably never update your optimizer like this, but should instead re-initialize from scratch, and just accept the loss of state information: When you change your computation graph, you change forward and backward computation for all parameters along your computation path (if you do not have a branching architecture, this path will be your entire graph). This more specifically means, that the input to your functions (=layer/nn.Module) will be different if you change some function (=layer/nn.Module) applied earlier, and the gradients will change if you change some function (=layer/nn.Module) applied later. That in turn invalidates the entire state of your optimizer. So if you keep your optimizer's state around, it will be a state computed for a different computation graph, and will probably end up in catastrophic behavior on part of your optimizer, if you try to apply it to a new computation graph. (I've been there ...)
So - to sum it up: I'd really recommend to try to keep it simple, and to only change a parameter as conservatively as possible, and not to touch the optimizer.
If you want to customize initial params:
from itertools import chain
l1 = nn.Linear(3,3)
l2 = nn.Linear(2,3)
optimizer = optim.SGD(chain(l1.parameters(), l2.parameters()), lr=0.01, momentum=0.9)
The key is that the first param of constructor receives iterator.
We want to identify the address fields from a document. For Identifying the address fields we converted the document to OCR files using Tesseract. From the tesseract output we want to check a string contains the address field or not . Which is the right strategy to resolve this problem ?
Its not possible to solve this problem using the regex because address fields are different for various documents and countries
Tried NLTK for classifying the words but not works perfectly for address field.
Required output
I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia - Contains address files <234 23 Philadelphia>
I am looking for a place to stay - Not contains address
Provide your suggestions to solve this problem .
As in many ML problems, there are mutiple posible solutions, and the important part(and the one commonly has greater impact) is not which algorithm or model you use, but feature engineering ,data preprocessing and standarization ,and things like that. The first solution comes to my mind(and its just an idea, i would test it and see how it performs) its:
Get your training set examples and list the "N" most commonly used words in all examples(thats your vocabulary), this list will contain every one of the "N" most used words , every word would be represented by a number(the list index)
Transform your training examples: read every training example and change its representation replacing every word by the number of the word in the vocabolary.
Finally, for every training example create a feature vector of the same size as the vocabulary, and for every word in the vocabulary your feature vector will be 0(the corresponding word doesnt exists in your example) or 1(it exists) , or the count of how many times the word appears(again ,this is feature engineering)
Train multiple classifiers ,varing algorithms,parameters, training set sizes, etc, and do cross validation to choose your best model.
And from there keep the standard ML workflow...
If you are interested in just checking YES or NO and not extraction of complete address, One simple solution can be NER.
You can try to check if Text contains Location or not.
For Example :
import nltk
def check_location(text):
for chunk in nltk.ne_chunk(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(text))):
if hasattr(chunk, "label"):
if chunk.label() == "GPE" or chunk.label() == "GSP":
return "True"
return "False"
text="I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia."
print(text+" - "+check_location(text))
text="I am looking for a place to stay."
print(text+" - "+check_location(text))
# I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia. - True
# I am looking for a place to stay. - False
If you want to extract complete address as well, you will need to train your own model.
You can check: NER with NLTK , CRF++.
You're right. Using regex to find an address in a string is messy.
There are APIs that will attempt to extract addresses for you. These APIs are not always guaranteed to extract addresses from strings, but they will do their best. One example of an street address extract API is from SmartyStreets. Documentation here and demo here.
Something to consider is that even your example (I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia) doesn't contain a full address. It's missing a state or ZIP code field. This makes is very difficult to programmatically determine if there is an address. Once there is a state or ZIP code added to that sample string (I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia PA) it becomes much easier to programmatically determine if there is an address contained in the string.
Disclaimer: I work for SmartyStreets
A better method to do this task could be as followed below:
Train your own custom NER model (extending pre-trained SpaCy's model or building your own CRF++ / CRF-biLSTM model, if you have annotated data) or using a pre-trained models like SpaCy's large model or geopandas, etc.
Define a weighted score mechanism based on your problem statement.
For example - Let's assume every address have 3 important components - an address, a telephone number and an email id.
Text that would have all three of them would get a score of 33.33% + 33.33% + 33.33% = 100 %
For identifying if it's an address field or not you may take into account - the per% of SpaCy's location tags (GPE, FAC, LOC, etc) out of total tokens in text which gives a good estimate of how many location tags are present in text. Then run a regex for postal codes, and match the found city names with the 3-4 words just before the found postal code, if there's an overlap, you have correctly identified a postal code and hence an address field - (got your 33.33% score!).
For telephone numbers - certain checks and regex could do it but an important criteria would be that it performs these phone checks only if an address field is located in above text.
For emails/web address again you could perform nomial regex checks and finally add all these 3 scores to a cumulative value.
An ideal address would get 100 score while missing fields wile yield 66% etc. The rest of the text would get a score of 0.
Hope it helped! :)
Why do you say regular expressions won't work?
Basically, define all the different forms of address you might encounter in the form of regular expressions. Then, just match the expressions.
I'm trying to create a model with a training dataset and want to label the records in a test data set.
All tutorials or help I find online has information on only using cross validation with one data set, i.e., training dataset. I couldn't find how to use test data. I tried to apply the result model on to the test set. But the test set seems to give different no. of attributes than training set after pre-processing. This is a text classification problem.
At the end I get some output like this
18.03.2013 01:47:00 Results of ResultWriter 'Write as Text (2)' [1]:
18.03.2013 01:47:00 SimpleExampleSet:
5275 examples,
366 regular attributes,
special attributes = {
confidence_1 = #367: confidence(1) (real/single_value)
confidence_5 = #368: confidence(5) (real/single_value)
confidence_2 = #369: confidence(2) (real/single_value)
confidence_4 = #370: confidence(4) (real/single_value)
prediction = #366: prediction(label) (nominal/single_value)/values=[1, 5, 2, 4]
But what I wanted is all my examples to be labelled.
It seems that my test data and training data have different no. of attributes, I see many of following in the logs.
Mar 18, 2013 1:46:41 AM WARNING: Kernel Model: The given example set does not contain a regular attribute with name 'wireless'. This might cause problems for some models depending on this particular attribute.
But how do we solve such problem in text classification as we cannot know no. of and name of attributes before hand.
Can some one please throw some pointers.
You probably use a Process Documents operator to preprocess both training and test set. Here it is important that both these operators are setup identically. To "synchronize" the wordlist, i.e. consider the same set of words in both of them, you have to connect the wordlist (wor) output of the Process Documents operator used for training to the corresponding input port of the Process Documents operator used for preprocessing the test set.
I'd like to write a spam filter program with SVM and I choose libsvm as the tool.
I got 1000 good mails and 1000 spam mails, then I classify them into :
700 good_train mails 700 spam_train mails
300 good_test mails 300 spam_test mails
Then I wrote a program to count the time of each words occur in each file, got result like:
today 3
hello 7
help 5
I learned that libsvm needs format like:
1 1:3 2:1 3:0
2 1:3 2:3 3:1
1 1:7 3:9
as its input. I know that 1, 2, 1 is the label, but what does 1:3 mean?
How could I transfer what I've got to this format?
Likely, the format is
classLabel attribute1:count1 ... attributeN:countN
N is the total number of different words in your text corpus. You will have to check the documentation for the tool you are using(or its sources), to see if you can use a sparser format by not including the attributes having count 0.
How could I transfer what I've got to this format?
Here's how I would do this. I would use the script you've got to compute the count of words for each mail in the training set. Then, use another script and transfer that data into the LIBSVM format that you've shown earlier. (This can be done in a variety of ways, but it should be reasonable to write with an easy input/output language like Python) I would batch all "good-mail" data into one file, and label that class as "1". Then, I would do the same process with the "spam-mail" data and label that class "-1". As nologin said, LIBSVM requires the class label to precede the features, but the features themselves can be any number as long as they are in ascending order, e.g. 2:5 3:6 5:9 is allowed, but not 3:23 1:3 7:343.
If you're concerned that your data is not in the correct format, use their script
before training and it should report any possible errors.
Once you have two separate files with data in the correct format, you can call
cat file_good file_spam > file_training
and generate a training file that contains data on both good and spam mail. Then, do the same process with the testing set. One psychological advantage with forming the data this way is that you know the top 700 (or 300) mail in the training (or testing) set is good mail, and the remaining are spam mail. This makes it easier to create other scripts you may want to act on the data, such as a precision/recall code.
If you have other questions, the FAQ at http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/faq.html should be able to answer a few, as well as the various README files that come with installation. (I personally found the READMEs in the "Tools" and "Python" directories to be a great boon.) Sadly, the FAQ does not touch much on what nologin said, about data being in a sparse format.
On a final note, I doubt that you need to keep counts of every possible word that could appear in mail. I would recommend counting only the most common words you would suspect to appear in spam mail. Other potential features include total word count, average word length, average sentence length, and other possible data that you feel may be helpful.