How do I manually set cookie in rails app? - ruby-on-rails

I have a situation where I need to send session id in custom header because safari does not allow sending cookie from iframe.
But now, I'm having trouble setting the cookie from rack middleware.
status, headers, body =
session_id = headers['X-SESSION-ID'] || headers['HTTP_X_SESSION_ID'] || headers['x-session-id'] || ''
if !headers['Cookie'].present? && session_id.present?
headers['Cookie'] = {
'_session_id': {
value: session_id,
path: '/',
httpOnly: true
Or is there way to manually set session id without having to fetch it from cookie?
Update 1:
Modifying rack request files does work. But, I'm not sure how to proceed with this one. If nothing works then, I might manually update this file in all servers.
def cookies
hash = #env["rack.request.cookie_hash"] ||= {}
string = #env["HTTP_COOKIE"] || "_session_id=#{#env["HTTP_X_SESSION_ID"]}"
return hash if string == #env["rack.request.cookie_string"]
# According to RFC 2109:
# If multiple cookies satisfy the criteria above, they are ordered in
# the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes
# precede those with less specific. Ordering with respect to other
# attributes (e.g., Domain) is unspecified.
cookies = Utils.parse_query(string, ';,') { |s| Rack::Utils.unescape(s) rescue s }
cookies.each { |k,v| hash[k] = Array === v ? v.first : v }
#env["rack.request.cookie_string"] = string
Looks like modifying the cookie method as above do not work.

Finally I managed to solve it. So, I added rack_request.rb in initializers. And here's the code for it:
require 'rack'
require 'rack/request'
require 'rack/utils'
Rack::Request.class_eval do
def cookies
hash = #env["rack.request.cookie_hash"] ||= {}
string = #env["HTTP_COOKIE"] || "_session_id=#{#env['HTTP_X_SESSION_ID']}"
unless string =~ /\s*_session_id=/i
if #env['HTTP_X_SESSION_ID'].present?
string << "; _session_id=#{#env['HTTP_X_SESSION_ID']}"
# require 'colorize'
# 'from cookies'.green
# (
return hash if string == #env["rack.request.cookie_string"]
# According to RFC 2109:
# If multiple cookies satisfy the criteria above, they are ordered in
# the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes
# precede those with less specific. Ordering with respect to other
# attributes (e.g., Domain) is unspecified.
cookies = Rack::Utils.parse_query(string, ';,') { |s| Rack::Utils.unescape(s) rescue s }
cookies.each { |k, v| hash[k] = Array === v ? v.first : v }
#env["rack.request.cookie_string"] = string
And I'm sending 'X-SESSION-ID' in my ajaxHeaders for session id.


How know date when expire and create date for cache file in rails?

I'm using Ruby3+ and Rails 6+ and cache file : config.cache_store = :file_store, 'public/cache'
I try :
key = 'test'
Rails.cache.write(key, 'test!!')
cache files works fine :
=> "test!!"
but if I try the solution found on other post on SO like this :
Rails.cache.send(:read_entry, key, {}).expires_at
I have the following error :
/home/USER/.rbenv/versions/3.0.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/activesupport- `read_entry': wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) (ArgumentError)
If I try remove the last arg {}, there is no error, but return nil ...
So how can I find expiration and creation date of my cache?
This is a workaround you could use if you want to know when a cached item was created.
You could write the creation date along with your data
key = "some key"
Rails.cache.write(key, { expires_at: Time.current +, value: "test!!!" })`
Then retrieve it with
item =
# => test!!!
# => 20211023********
You could easily turn this into some utility helper methods to make your life easier.
# In some helper or utility class
def write_to_cache(key, value, expiry_time =
Rails.cache.write(key, { expires_at: Time.current + expiry_time, value: value })
def cache_key_value(key)
item ="key")
def cache_key_expires_at(key)
item ="key")
# somewhere else
key = "test"
write_to_cache(key, "test value")
# => "test value"
# => 20211023********

Trouble with low level caching in rails

I have some issues with caching in rails. I don't find how should i setting it.
Here's the code :
submit_key = nil
pairs_email =
pairs_type = Rails.cache.fetch("cache_typeform", :expires_in => do
(0..9).each do
if submit_key.present?
url = "{typeform_id}/responses?page_size=1000&until=#{submit_key}"
response = RestClient.get url, {:Authorization => 'Bearer XXXXXXXXXXX'}
parsed = JSON.parse(response.body)
response = RestClient.get "{typeform_id}/responses?page_size=1000", {:Authorization => 'Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}
parsed = JSON.parse(response.body)
parsed['items'].each do |item|
pairs_email[item['hidden']['email']] = item['token'] if item['hidden']['email'].present?
submit_key = parsed['items'][-1]['submitted_at'].chop
Then it should return a pairs containing an email and an ID and this pairs is used after to get more informations. However, nothing is returning.
Does someone can tell me what I've done wrong in my code? Am I missing something somewhere?
I want to use my cache for getting informations from the typeform API :
results =
if pairs_email[email].present?
url = "{typeform_id}?key=#{ENV['TYPEFORM_API_KEY']}&token=#{pairs_email[email]}"
response = RestClient.get(url)
parsed = JSON.parse(response.body)
results["email"] = parsed["responses"][0]["hidden"]["email"] # Email
results["first_name"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textfield_25078009"] # prénom
results["last_name"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textfield_25078014"] # nom
results["phone_number"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textfield_25444504"] #N°
results["job"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textfield_24904749"] # métier
results["status_legal"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24904751_choice"] # statut légal ?
results["birthdate"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["date_24904754"] # Date de naissance
results["zipcode"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["number_24904755"] # Code postal
results["has_partner"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["yesno_53894471"] # has_partner
results["children"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_53894494_choice"] # Nombre d'enfants
results["optical_option"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24904752_choice_32209601"] # optical_option
results["dental_option"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24904752_choice_32209602"] # dental_option
results["sick_15d"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24904752_choice_32209603"] # Sick_15d
results["target_year"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24905736_choice"] # target_year
results["monthly_income"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["number_24904756"] # monthly_income
results["independent"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["yesno_53895024"] # independent_1_year
#results["subject_to_discuss"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textarea_24904759"] # Avez-vous des sujets dont vous voulez discuter
Here's something you must try before getting caching right. Attaching a screenshot from my machine.
Also if you are in development environment you would need to enable caching to see the effect. You could add config.action_controller.perform_caching = true and config.cache_store = :memory_store, { size: 64.megabytes } to your development.rb config file to enable caching.
This is just an idea of how caching happens and check if it really works, this should help you get going with your task.
Rails.cache.fetch stores the value evaluated from the block passed into this method (if there is one, of course). In your example, you're returning (0..9) range from the block, instead of actually evaluated [email id] pairs.

How to test a specific line in a rails model using rspec

I have a model with an initializer in it, which basically creates a user from a user hash.
After it gets the user information, it checks whether the "privileges" key in the hash is an array. If it's not, it turns it into an array.
Now the obvious way of doing this would be crafting an entire user_hash so that it would skip those "create user" lines and then check if it turns the input into an array if necessary. However, I was wondering if there is a more DRY way of doing this?
Here is the user model I'm talking about:
def initialize(opts={})
#first_name = opts[:user_hash][:first]
#last_name = opts[:user_hash][:last]
#user_name = opts[:user_hash][:user_name]
#email = opts[:user_hash][:email]
#user_id = opts[:user_hash][:id]
#privileges = {}
if opts[:privs].present?
if !opts[:privs].kind_of?(Array)
opts[:privs] = [opts[:privs]]
You can pass a double which returns the needed value when the proper key is requested, and itself (or something else) otherwise:
it 'turns privs into an array' do
opts = double(:opts)
allow(opts)to receive(:[]).and_return(opts)
allow(opts)to receive(:[]).with(:privs).and_return('not array')
expect( eq(['not array'])
Btw, your code could be simplified using the splat operator:
privs = [*opts[:privs]]
sample behavior:
privs = nil
# => []
privs = ['my', 'array']
# => ["my", "array"]
privs = 'my array'
# => ["my array"]
You can even use the idempotent Kernel#Array
def initialize(opts = {})
#first_name = opts[:user_hash][:first]
#last_name = opts[:user_hash][:last]
#user_name = opts[:user_hash][:user_name]
#email = opts[:user_hash][:email]
#user_id = opts[:user_hash][:id]
#privileges = {}
I hope that helps
Rather than testing the implementation (value is turned into an array), I would test the desired behavior (takes single privilege or multiple privileges):
describe User do
describe '#initialize' do
it "takes single privilege" do
user = {}, privs: 'foo')
expect(user.privileges).to eq(['foo'])
it "takes multiple privileges" do
user = {}, privs: ['foo', 'bar'])
expect(user.privileges).to eq(['foo', 'bar'])

Is there a better Ruby or Rails idiom for checking for the presence of values in a nested hash?

If the value:
exists, then I need to get it. But 'second_key' may not be present at all in my_hash, and I don't want that line to throw an exception if it is not.
Right now I am wrapping the whole thing in an ugly conditional like so:
if myhash['first_key'].present? and myhash['first_key']['second_key'].present?
I'm sure there must be something simpler.
You can always use try:
hsh.try(:[], 'first_key').try(:[], 'second_key')
FYI: if you're doing a lot of these checks, you might want to refactor your code to avoid these situations.
When in doubt, write a wrapper:
h = {
first_key: {
second_key: 'test'
class Hash
def fetch_path(*parts)
parts.reduce(self) do |memo, key|
memo[key] if memo
h.fetch_path(:first_key, :second_key) # => "test"
h.fetch_path(:first_key, :third_key) # => nil
h.fetch_path(:first_key, :third_key, :fourth_key) # => nil
h.fetch_path(:foo, :third_key) # => nil
Try this neat and clean solution. Hash default values:
h = {} ) # sets a hash as default value
Now do what you like:
h[:some_key] # => {}
h[:non_existent_key][:yet_another_non_existent_key] # => nil
Say you have an existing hash, which is already populated:
h = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
So you just set its default to return a new hash:
h.default = {}
And there you go again:
h[:d] # => {}
h[:d][:e] # => nil
I'd point you to the excellent Hashie::Mash
An example:
mash =
# Note: You used to be able to do : `` and that would return `nil`
# However it seems that behavior has changed and now you need to use a `!` :
mash.hello!.world # => nil # Note use of `!`
mash.hello!.world = 'Nice' # Multi-level assignment! # => "Nice"
# or
mash.hello!.world # => "Nice"
You could set up some default values before processing the hash. Something like:
myhash[:first_key] ||= {}
if myhash[:first_key][:second_key]
# do work
Why not define a method for this?
class Hash
def has_second_key?(k1,k2)
self[k1] ? self[k1][k2] : nil
new_hash = {}
new_hash["a"] = "b"
new_hash["c"] = {"d"=>"e","f"=>"g"}
new_hash[:p] = {q:"r"}
# =>nil
# =>"g"
# =>"r"
To modify your code, it would be:
if myhash.has_second_key?('first-key','second-key')
This method will return nil, which is Falsey in Ruby, or will return the value of the second key which is Truthy in Ruby.
Obviously you do not have to modify the Hash class if you don't want to. You could have the method except the hash as an argument too. has_second_key?(hash,k1,k2). Then call it as:

Ruby, forming API request without implicitly stating each parameter

I'm trying to make a request to a web service (fwix), and in my rails app I've created the following initializer, which works... sorta, I have two problems however:
For some reason the values of the parameters need to have +'s as the spaces, is this a standard thing that I can accomplish with ruby? Additionally is this a standard way to form a url? I thought that spaces were %20.
In my code how can I take any of the options sent in and just use them instead of having to state each one like query_items << "api_key=#{options[:api_key]}" if options[:api_key]
The following is my code, the trouble area I'm having are the lines starting with query_items for each parameter in the last method, any ideas would be awesome!
require 'httparty'
module Fwix
class API
include HTTParty
class JSONParser < HTTParty::Parser
def json
parser JSONParser
base_uri ""
def self.query(options = {})
query_url = query_url(options)
puts "querying: #{base_uri}#{query_url}"
response = get( query_url )
raise "Connection to Fwix API failed" if response.nil?
def self.query_url(input_options = {})
#defaults ||= {
:api_key => "my_api_key",
options = #defaults.merge(input_options)
query_url = "/content.json?"
query_items = []
query_items << "api_key=#{options[:api_key]}" if options[:api_key]
query_items << "province=#{options[:province]}" if options[:province]
query_items << "city=#{options[:city]}" if options[:city]
query_items << "address=#{options[:address]}" if options[:address]
query_url += query_items.join('&')
For 1)
You API provider is expecting '+' because the API is expecting in a CGI formatted string instead of URL formatted string.
require 'cgi'
my_query = "hel lo"
this should give you
as you expect
for Question 2) I would do something like
query_items = options.keys.collect { |key| "#{key.to_s}=#{options[key]}" }
def self.query_url(input_options = {})
options = {
:api_key => "my_api_key",
query_url = "/content.json?"
query_items = []
options.each { |k, v| query_items << "#{k}=#{v.gsub(/\s/, '+')}" }
query_url += query_items.join('&')
I'm a developer at Fwix and wanted to help you with your url escaping issue. However, escaping with %20 works for me:
wget ''
I was hoping you could provide me with the specific request you're making that you're unable to escape with %20.
