I have some issues with caching in rails. I don't find how should i setting it.
Here's the code :
submit_key = nil
pairs_email = Hash.new
pairs_type = Rails.cache.fetch("cache_typeform", :expires_in => 1.day) do
(0..9).each do
if submit_key.present?
url = "https://api.typeform.com/forms/#{typeform_id}/responses?page_size=1000&until=#{submit_key}"
response = RestClient.get url, {:Authorization => 'Bearer XXXXXXXXXXX'}
parsed = JSON.parse(response.body)
response = RestClient.get "https://api.typeform.com/forms/#{typeform_id}/responses?page_size=1000", {:Authorization => 'Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}
parsed = JSON.parse(response.body)
parsed['items'].each do |item|
pairs_email[item['hidden']['email']] = item['token'] if item['hidden']['email'].present?
submit_key = parsed['items'][-1]['submitted_at'].chop
Then it should return a pairs containing an email and an ID and this pairs is used after to get more informations. However, nothing is returning.
Does someone can tell me what I've done wrong in my code? Am I missing something somewhere?
I want to use my cache for getting informations from the typeform API :
results = Hash.new
if pairs_email[email].present?
url = "https://api.typeform.com/v1/form/#{typeform_id}?key=#{ENV['TYPEFORM_API_KEY']}&token=#{pairs_email[email]}"
response = RestClient.get(url)
parsed = JSON.parse(response.body)
results["email"] = parsed["responses"][0]["hidden"]["email"] # Email
results["first_name"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textfield_25078009"] # prénom
results["last_name"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textfield_25078014"] # nom
results["phone_number"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textfield_25444504"] #N°
results["job"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textfield_24904749"] # métier
results["status_legal"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24904751_choice"] # statut légal ?
results["birthdate"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["date_24904754"] # Date de naissance
results["zipcode"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["number_24904755"] # Code postal
results["has_partner"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["yesno_53894471"] # has_partner
results["children"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_53894494_choice"] # Nombre d'enfants
results["optical_option"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24904752_choice_32209601"] # optical_option
results["dental_option"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24904752_choice_32209602"] # dental_option
results["sick_15d"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24904752_choice_32209603"] # Sick_15d
results["target_year"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["list_24905736_choice"] # target_year
results["monthly_income"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["number_24904756"] # monthly_income
results["independent"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["yesno_53895024"] # independent_1_year
#results["subject_to_discuss"] = parsed["responses"][0]["answers"]["textarea_24904759"] # Avez-vous des sujets dont vous voulez discuter
Here's something you must try before getting caching right. Attaching a screenshot from my machine.
Also if you are in development environment you would need to enable caching to see the effect. You could add config.action_controller.perform_caching = true and config.cache_store = :memory_store, { size: 64.megabytes } to your development.rb config file to enable caching.
This is just an idea of how caching happens and check if it really works, this should help you get going with your task.
Rails.cache.fetch stores the value evaluated from the block passed into this method (if there is one, of course). In your example, you're returning (0..9) range from the block, instead of actually evaluated [email id] pairs.
I have a situation where I need to send session id in custom header because safari does not allow sending cookie from iframe.
But now, I'm having trouble setting the cookie from rack middleware.
status, headers, body = #app.call(env)
session_id = headers['X-SESSION-ID'] || headers['HTTP_X_SESSION_ID'] || headers['x-session-id'] || ''
if !headers['Cookie'].present? && session_id.present?
headers['Cookie'] = {
'_session_id': {
value: session_id,
path: '/',
httpOnly: true
Or is there way to manually set session id without having to fetch it from cookie?
Update 1:
Modifying rack request files does work. But, I'm not sure how to proceed with this one. If nothing works then, I might manually update this file in all servers.
def cookies
hash = #env["rack.request.cookie_hash"] ||= {}
string = #env["HTTP_COOKIE"] || "_session_id=#{#env["HTTP_X_SESSION_ID"]}"
return hash if string == #env["rack.request.cookie_string"]
# According to RFC 2109:
# If multiple cookies satisfy the criteria above, they are ordered in
# the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes
# precede those with less specific. Ordering with respect to other
# attributes (e.g., Domain) is unspecified.
cookies = Utils.parse_query(string, ';,') { |s| Rack::Utils.unescape(s) rescue s }
cookies.each { |k,v| hash[k] = Array === v ? v.first : v }
#env["rack.request.cookie_string"] = string
Looks like modifying the cookie method as above do not work.
Finally I managed to solve it. So, I added rack_request.rb in initializers. And here's the code for it:
require 'rack'
require 'rack/request'
require 'rack/utils'
Rack::Request.class_eval do
def cookies
hash = #env["rack.request.cookie_hash"] ||= {}
string = #env["HTTP_COOKIE"] || "_session_id=#{#env['HTTP_X_SESSION_ID']}"
unless string =~ /\s*_session_id=/i
if #env['HTTP_X_SESSION_ID'].present?
string << "; _session_id=#{#env['HTTP_X_SESSION_ID']}"
# require 'colorize'
# Rails.logger.info 'from cookies'.green
# Rails.logger.info (string.blue)
return hash if string == #env["rack.request.cookie_string"]
# According to RFC 2109:
# If multiple cookies satisfy the criteria above, they are ordered in
# the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes
# precede those with less specific. Ordering with respect to other
# attributes (e.g., Domain) is unspecified.
cookies = Rack::Utils.parse_query(string, ';,') { |s| Rack::Utils.unescape(s) rescue s }
cookies.each { |k, v| hash[k] = Array === v ? v.first : v }
#env["rack.request.cookie_string"] = string
And I'm sending 'X-SESSION-ID' in my ajaxHeaders for session id.
I have a funciton that calls Net::HTTP.new(google_url.host, google_url.port) and I am trying to figure out how to stub the result for testing. Basically I don't want to be hitting the google URL shortener every time I run my test.
def shorten_url(long_url)
google_url = URI.parse("https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url")
data = JSON.generate({"longUrl" => "#{long_url}"})
header = {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
http = Net::HTTP.new(google_url.host, google_url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
short_url = ""
res = http.request_post(google_url.path, data, header)
jsonResponse = JSON.parse(res.body)
short_url = jsonResponse["id"]
Basically I want to be able to set the result of that function.
I've tried things like: Net::HTTP.any_instance.stubs(:HTTP.new).returns("www.test.com") but cannot figure out how to get it to work.
class HTTP < Protocol
# Creates a new Net::HTTP object.
# If +proxy_addr+ is given, creates an Net::HTTP object with proxy support.
# This method does not open the TCP connection.
def HTTP.new(address, port = nil, p_addr = nil, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil)
h = Proxy(p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass).newobj(address, port)
h.instance_eval {
#newimpl = ::Net::HTTP.version_1_2?
Check out webmock - this sounds like it will do exactly what you're looking for.
I have a model that has a method that looks through the filesystem starting at a particular location for files that match a particular regex. This is executed in an after_save callback. I'm not sure how to test this using Rspec and FactoryGirl. I'm not sure how to use something like FakeFS with this because the method is in the model, not the test or the controller. I specify the location to start in my FactoryGirl factory, so I could change that to a fake directory created by the test in a set up clause? I could mock the directory? I think there are probably several different ways I could do this, but which makes the most sense?
def ensure_files_up_to_date
files = find_assembly_files
add_files = check_add_assembly_files(files)
errors = add_assembly_files(add_files)
if errors.size > 0 then
return errors
update_files = check_update_assembly_files(files)
errors = update_assembly_files(update_files)
if errors.size > 0 then
return errors
return []
def find_assembly_files
start_dir = self.location
files = Hash.new
if ! File.directory? start_dir then
errors.add(:location, "Directory #{start_dir} does not exist on the system.")
abort("Directory #{start_dir} does not exist on the system for #{self.inspect}")
Find.find(start_dir) do |path|
filename = File.basename(path).split("/").last
FILE_TYPES.each { |filepart, filehash|
type = filehash["type"]
vendor = filehash["vendor"]
if filename.match(filepart) then
files[type] = Hash.new
files[type]["path"] = path
files[type]["vendor"] = vendor
return files
def check_add_assembly_files(files=self.find_assembly_files)
add = Hash.new
files.each do |file_type, file_hash|
# returns an array
file_path = file_hash["path"]
file_vendor = file_hash["vendor"]
filename = File.basename(file_path)
af = AssemblyFile.where(:name => filename)
if af.size == 0 then
add[file_path] = Hash.new
add[file_path]["type"] = file_type
add[file_path]["vendor"] = file_vendor
if add.size == 0 then
logger.error("check_add_assembly_files did not find any files to add")
return []
return add
def check_update_assembly_files(files=self.find_assembly_files)
update = Hash.new
files.each do |file_type, file_hash|
file_path = file_hash["path"]
file_vendor = file_hash["vendor"]
# returns an array
filename = File.basename(file_path)
af = AssemblyFile.find_by_name(filename)
if !af.nil? then
if af.location != file_path or af.file_type != file_type then
update[af.id] = Hash.new
update[af.id]['path'] = file_path
update[af.id]['type'] = file_type
update[af.id]['vendor'] = file_vendor
return update
def add_assembly_files(files=self.check_add_assembly_files)
if files.size == 0 then
logger.error("add_assembly_files didn't get any results from check_add_assembly_files")
return []
asm_file_errors = Array.new
files.each do |file_path, file_hash|
file_type = file_hash["type"]
file_vendor = file_hash["vendor"]
logger.debug "file type is #{file_type} and path is #{file_path}"
logger.debug FileType.find_by_type_name(file_type)
file_type_id = FileType.find_by_type_name(file_type).id
header = file_header(file_path, file_vendor)
if file_vendor == "TBA" then
check = check_tba_header(header, file_type, file_path)
software = header[TBA_SOFTWARE_PROGRAM]
software_version = header[TBA_SOFTWARE_VERSION]
elsif file_vendor == "TBB" then
check = check_tbb_header(header, file_type, file_path)
if file_type == "TBB-ANNOTATION" then
software = header[TBB_SOURCE]
software = "Unified"
software_version = "UNKNOWN"
if check == 0 then
logger.error("skipping file #{file_path} because it contains incorrect values for this filetype")
asm_file_errors.push("#{file_path} cannot be added to assembly because it contains incorrect values for this filetype")
if file_vendor == "TBA" then
xml = header.to_xml(:root => "assembly-file")
elsif file_vendor == "TBB" then
xml = header.to_xml
xml = ''
filename = File.basename(file_path)
if filename.match(/~$/) then
logger.error("Skipping a file with a tilda when adding assembly files. filename #{filename}")
assembly_file = AssemblyFile.new(
:assembly_id => self.id,
:file_type_id => file_type_id,
:name => filename,
:location => file_path,
:file_date => creation_time(file_path),
:software => software,
:software_version => software_version,
:current => 1,
:metadata => xml
assembly_file.save! # exclamation point forces it to raise an error if the save fails
end # end files.each
return asm_file_errors
Quick answer: you can stub out model methods like any others. Either stub a specific instance of a model, and then stub find or whatever to return that, or stub out any_instance to if you don't want to worry about which model is involved. Something like:
it "does something" do
foo = Foo.create! some_attributes
The real answer is that your code is too complicated to test effectively. Your models should not even know that a filesystem exists. That behavior should be encapsulated in other classes, which you can test independently. Your model's after_save can then just call a single method on that class, and testing whether or not that single method gets called will be a lot easier.
Your methods are also very difficult to test, because they are trying to do too much. All that conditional logic and external dependencies means you'll have to do a whole lot of mocking to get to the various bits you might want to test.
This is a big topic and a good answer is well beyond the scope of this answer. Start with the Wikipedia article on SOLID and read from there for some of the reasoning behind separating concerns into individual classes and using tiny, composed methods. To give you a ballpark idea, a method with more than one branch or more than 10 lines of code is too big; a class that is more than about 100 lines of code is too big.
I am having a hell of a problem here.
I'm using ruby on rails:
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-12-10 patchlevel 356)
rails 2.3.14
I'm trying a simple open with open-uri on the following address:
http://jollymag.net/n/10390-летни-секс-пози-във-водата.html (link is NSFW)
However the resulting file when read produces a weird (broken) string.
This was tested on ruby 1.9.3 and rails 3.2.x too.
require 'open-uri'
url = 'http://jollymag.net/n/10390-летни-секс-пози-във-водата.html'
url = URI.encode(url)
file = open(url)
doc = file.collect.to_s # <- the document is broken
document = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(doc,nil,"utf8")
puts document # <- the document after nokogiri has one line of content
I tried Iconv stuff and others but nothing works. The above code is more or less a minimal isolated case for the exact problem.
I appreciate any help since I'm trying to figure this bug for a couple of days now.
So the problem was a tricky one for me.
It appears that some servers return only gzip-ed response.
So in order to read you of course have to read it accordingly.
I decided to post my whole crawl code so people might find a more complete solutions to such problems. This is part of a bigger class so it refers a lot of the times to self.
Hope it helps!
'Accept' => '*/*',
'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8, windows-1251;q=0.7, *;q=0.6',
'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip,deflate',
'Accept-Language' => 'bg-BG, bg;q=0.8, en;q=0.7, *;q=0.6',
'Connection' => 'keep-alive',
'From' => 'support#xenium.bg',
'Referer' => 'http://svejo.net/',
'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Shinso/1.0;'
def crawl(url_address)
self.errors = Array.new
url_address = URI.parse(url_address)
rescue URI::InvalidURIError
url_address = URI.decode(url_address)
url_address = URI.encode(url_address)
url_address = URI.parse(url_address)
stream = ""
timeout(10) { stream = url_address.open(SHINSO_HEADERS) }
if stream.size > 0
url_crawled = URI.parse(stream.base_uri.to_s)
self.errors << "Server said status 200 OK but document file is zero bytes."
rescue Exception => exception
self.errors << exception
# extract information before html parsing
self.url_posted = url_address.to_s
self.url_parsed = url_crawled.to_s
self.url_host = url_crawled.host
self.status = stream.status
self.content_type = stream.content_type
self.content_encoding = stream.content_encoding
self.charset = stream.charset
if stream.content_encoding.include?('gzip')
document = Zlib::GzipReader.new(stream).read
elsif stream.content_encoding.include?('deflate')
document = Zlib::Deflate.new().deflate(stream).read
#elsif stream.content_encoding.include?('x-gzip') or
#elsif stream.content_encoding.include?('compress')
document = stream.read
self.charset_guess = CharGuess.guess(document)
if not self.charset_guess.blank? or
not self.charset_guess == 'utf-8' or
not self.charset_guess == 'utf8'
document = Iconv.iconv("UTF-8", self.charset_guess , document).to_s
document = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(document,nil,"utf8")
for item in document.xpath('//*[translate(#src, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")]')
document = document.to_s.gsub(/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/,'')
#document = document.to_s.gsub(/\<![ \r\n\t]*(--([^\-]|[\r\n]|-[^\-])*--[ \r\n\t]*)\>/,'')
self.content = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(document,nil,"utf8")
I have recently been trying to upgrade my app form Rails 2.3.8 to newly-releases Rails 3.
After going through fixing some Rails 3 RubyAMF doesn't seem to work:
>>>>>>>> RubyAMF >>>>>>>>> #<RubyAMF::Actions::PrepareAction:0x1649924> took: 0.00017 secs
The action '#<ActionDispatch::Request:0x15c0cf0>' could not be found for DaysController
/Users/tammam56/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:114:in `process'
/Users/tammam56/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/abstract_controller/rendering.rb:40:in `process'
It doesn't seem to be able to find the proper controller. Might have to do with new changes in Rails 3 Router. Do you know how to go about finding the root cause of the problem and/or trying to fix it?
I'm pasting code from RubyAMF where this is happening (Exception happens at the line: #service.process(req, res)):
#invoke the service call
def invoke
# RequestStore.available_services[#amfbody.service_class_name] ||=
#service = #amfbody.service_class_name.constantize.new #handle on service
rescue Exception => e
puts e.message
puts e.backtrace
raise RUBYAMFException.new(RUBYAMFException.UNDEFINED_OBJECT_REFERENCE_ERROR, "There was an error loading the service class #{#amfbody.service_class_name}")
if #service.private_methods.include?(#amfbody.service_method_name.to_sym)
raise RUBYAMFExc
eption.new(RUBYAMFException.METHOD_ACCESS_ERROR, "The method {#{#amfbody.service_method_name}} in class {#{#amfbody.service_class_file_path}} is declared as private, it must be defined as public to access it.")
elsif !#service.public_methods.include?(#amfbody.service_method_name.to_sym)
raise RUBYAMFException.new(RUBYAMFException.METHOD_UNDEFINED_METHOD_ERROR, "The method {#{#amfbody.service_method_name}} in class {#{#amfbody.service_class_file_path}} is not declared.")
#clone the request and response and alter it for the target controller/method
req = RequestStore.rails_request.clone
res = RequestStore.rails_response.clone
#change the request controller/action targets and tell the service to process. THIS IS THE VOODOO. SWEET!
controller = #amfbody.service_class_name.gsub("Controller","").underscore
action = #amfbody.service_method_name
req.parameters['controller'] = req.request_parameters['controller'] = req.path_parameters['controller'] = controller
req.parameters['action'] = req.request_parameters['action'] = req.path_parameters['action'] = action
req.env['PATH_INFO'] = req.env['REQUEST_PATH'] = req.env['REQUEST_URI'] = "#{controller}/#{action}"
req.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] = 'application/x-amf,' + req.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'].to_s
#set conditional helper
#service.is_amf = true
#service.is_rubyamf = true
#process the request
rubyamf_params = #service.rubyamf_params = {}
if #amfbody.value && !#amfbody.value.empty?
#amfbody.value.each_with_index do |item,i|
rubyamf_params[i] = item
# put them by default into the parameter hash if they opt for it
rubyamf_params.each{|k,v| req.parameters[k] = v} if ParameterMappings.always_add_to_params
#One last update of the parameters hash, this will map custom mappings to the hash, and will override any conflicting from above
ParameterMappings.update_request_parameters(#amfbody.service_class_name, #amfbody.service_method_name, req.parameters, rubyamf_params, #amfbody.value)
rescue Exception => e
raise RUBYAMFException.new(RUBYAMFException.PARAMETER_MAPPING_ERROR, "There was an error with your parameter mappings: {#{e.message}}")
#service.process(req, res)
#unset conditional helper
#service.is_amf = false
#service.is_rubyamf = false
#service.rubyamf_params = rubyamf_params # add the rubyamf_args into the controller to be accessed
result = RequestStore.render_amf_results
#handle FaultObjects
if result.class.to_s == 'FaultObject' #catch returned FaultObjects - use this check so we don't have to include the fault object module
e = RUBYAMFException.new(result['code'], result['message'])
e.payload = result['payload']
raise e
#amfbody.results = result
if #amfbody.special_handling == 'RemotingMessage'
#wrapper = generate_acknowledge_object(#amfbody.get_meta('messageId'), #amfbody.get_meta('clientId'))
#wrapper["body"] = result
#amfbody.results = #wrapper
#amfbody.success! #set the success response uri flag (/onResult)
The best suggestion is to try rails3-amf. It currently is severely lacking in features in comparison to RubyAMF, but it does work and I'm adding new features as soon as they are requested or I have time.