How to use Azure Key Vault in SQL Server stored procedures - azure-keyvault

I would like to retrieve the password I saved in AKV and use it on my stored procedure. Is this possible?

You can use system-assigned managed identity for your Azure SQL server to access secrets in your Azure Key Vault
Enable System-Assigned managed identity for your Azure SQL server
Add access policy in your Azure Key vault for the Azure SQL server managed identity with GET permissions on secrets
Now, you can use System-Assigned identity on your Azure SQL server to retrieve Azure Key Vault secrets
To use managed identities to connect to your Azure SQL Database, you need to enable Azure Active Directory (AD) authentication and create the managed users in the database
Reference: How to Use Managed Identities with Azure SQL Database | Pluralsight


Dapr Secretstore with Azure Keyvault in Azure Kubernetes not working

I am trying to use secret store component with Azure Keyvault in my Azure Kubernetes Cluster. I setup exactly following the "" but I am not able to retrieve the secrets. When I change the secretstore to local file or kubernetes secrets everything works fine. With Azure key vault I am getting the following error:
"errorCode": "ERR_SECRET_GET",
"message": "failed getting secret with key {keyName} from secret store {storename}: azure.BearerAuthorizer#WithAuthorization: Failed to refresh the Token for request to https://{vault url}/secrets/{secret key}/?api-version=2016-10-01: StatusCode=404 -- Original Error: adal: Refresh request failed. Status Code = '404'. Response body: getting assigned identities for pod {podname} in CREATED state failed after 16 attempts, retry duration [5]s. Error: <nil>\n"
I verified that the Client secret I am using is correct. Can anyone please point me to right direction ?
The error indicates that the service principal does not have access to get the secrets from the key vault
You can use System Assigned Managed Identity for the AKS pod and add the access policy to read the key vault secrets
Also, you can use Service Principal with access policy to read the key vault secrets or Key Vault Crypto Officer role so that you can fetch the key vault secrets
Reference: Azure Key Vault secret store | Dapr Docs

What is the on-premise equivalent of an Azure key vault?

As I am a programmer with solely experience with production environments in the cloud that run with a cloud-based secret manager, I was wondering: How are secrets managed in an on-premise instance? I bet they are not just written in the application settings or the OS environment variables?
• There is no equivalent of azure key vault in on premises environment though you can use ADCS (Active directory certificate services) for certificate shared secret management in on premises infrastructure for authorizing and authenticating resources, service principal names and other identity attributes.
• Though for the handling of the cryptographic keys used by the cloud apps and services hosted on premises, we can setup app key vaults for business central on-premises server as well. Please refer the below official documentation for your reference: -
This document articulates the steps and processes to undertake for integrating the functionality of Azure key vault in your on-premises environment.
• Though, if you want to directly use the Azure key vault’s functionality in your on-premises infrastructure environment, you can provide internet access to your on-premises resources and use client certificate authentication and IP restrictions with key vault through a VPN tunnel for additional security.
Please refer the below links for more information: -
secret management in on premise application

AKS with managed identity. Need Service Principal to automate deployment using bitbucket pipeline

I have an AKS (Kubernetes cluster) created with a managed identity in Azure portal.
I want to automate deployment in the cluster using bitbucket pipelines. For this, it seems I need a service principal.
- pipe: microsoft/azure-aks-deploy:1.0.2
Is there a way to get this from the managed identity? Do I need to delete the cluster and re-create it with service principal? Are there any other alternatives?
Unfortunately, the managed identity can only be used inside the Azure Resources. And it seems the bitbucket pipeline should have the service principal with enough permissions first to access the Azure, then it can manage the Azure resources. And for AKS, you can't change the managed identity that you enable it at the creation into service principal.
So finally, you need to delete the existing AKS cluster and recreate a new cluster with a service principal. Then you can use the same service principal to access Azure and manage the AKS cluster.
I wanted to post this for anyone looking.
The OP asked here about retrieving the service principal details for a managed identity. While it is possible to retrieve the azure resource ID and also the "username" of the service principal, as #charles-xu mentioned using a managed identity for anything outside of Azure is not possible, and this is because there is no method to access the password (also known as client secret)
That being said, you can find the command necessary to retrieve your Managed Identity's SP name in case you need it, for example in order to insert it into another azure resource being created by Terraform. The command is documented here:

Obtain OAuth token using Service Connection

I'm using Azure DevOps to deploy a web app and perform database migrations for an SQL Database. I have a Service Connection setup, and am able to deploy Azure resources using the Azure CLI, e.g.
- task: AzureCLI#2
displayName: 'Deploy Azure resources'
azureSubscription: 'My Service Connection'
scriptType: 'bash'
scriptLocation: inlineScript
inlineScript: ./
Now, I want to perform database migrations, and I want to use the Service Connection to authenticate (the App Registration has been granted access to the SQL Database). My understanding is that I can login to the SQL Database using an OAuth token - my problem is how to get that token using the Service Connection.
Note that I can't add a client secret to the Service Principal in Azure, and so can't make a REST call to /oauth2/token with a client_secret (I work in the enterprise space, and things are locked down).
Given the pipeline has access to the Azure DevOps Service Connection, my feeling is there must be some way to use it to get an OAuth token that's valid for the resource - but how?
You may try the solution in the following case: Azure Pipeline connect to SQL DB using service principal
Adding an Azure CLI task which retrieved the bearer token. Then passed
this to Azure Powershell task which used the token.
$token= & az account get-access-token --resource= --query accessToken
Write-Host("##vso[task.setvariable variable=sqlToken]$token")

Delete an Azure Keyvault backed Scope in Databricks

dbutils.secrets does not seem to have a method for deletion of any existing Azure Keyvault-backed Secret Scope in Databricks.
Here is the documentation for creation and management of secret scopes in Databricks-
The documentation does list a method to delete a Databricks-backed secret scope but none for a Keyvault-backed one.
Note: There is no dbutils.secret command to delete the secret-scopes, you need to use the Databricks CLI to delete the scopes.
You can use the same command which is available in document to delete a Databricks backend managed scopes and Azure KeyVault Backend managed scopes.
databricks secrets delete-scope --scope <scope-name>
Here is the example for deleting scopes for Databricks Backend and Azure KeyVault Backend scopes.
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.
