kubeflow OutputPath/InputPath question when writing/reading multiple files - kubeflow

I've a data-fetch stage where I get multiple DFs and serialize those. I'm currently treating OutputPath as directory - create it if it doesn't exist etc. and then serialize all the DFs in that path with different names for each DF.
In a subsequent pipeline stage (say, predict) I need to retrieve all those through InputPath.
Now, from the documentation it seems InputPath/OutputPath as file. Does kubeflow as any limitation if I use it as directory?

The ComponentSpec's {inputPath: input_name} and {outputPath: output_name} placeholders and their Python analogs (input_name: InputPath()/output_name: OutputPath()) are designed to support both files/blobs and directories.
They are expected to provide the path for the input/output data. No matter whether the data is a blob/file or a directory.
The only limitation is that UX might not be able to preview such artifacts.
But the pipeline itself would work.

I have experimented with a trivial pipeline - no issue is observed if InputPath/OutputPath is used as directory.


is there any way I can avoid reading old files from old folder with Apache Beam's TextIo watchForNewFiles(Duration, condition)?

Use Case: During dataflow job start up we should provide initial file name to read data and later on it should watch for new files in that directory and it should consider all remaining old files as already read.
Approach 1:
PCollection<String> readfile = pipeline.apply(TextIO.read().from("gs://folder-Name/*").
If we are using like this its considering old files as new files for this dataflow job and reading all those files in that folder
Approach 2:
PCollection<String> readfile = pipeline.apply(TextIO.read().from("gs://folder-Name/file-name").
Its reading only this particular file and not able to read upcoming new files
can anyone please suggest the approach to achieve my use case?
The watchForNewFiles() function will always read all files matching the filepattern, both existing and new. In your second approach, the file pattern is only one file, so you just get that.
However, you can use the lower-level building block transforms in FileIO to accomplish what you need. The following code will just read files written after the pipeline starts:
PCollection<String> lines = p
.continuously(Duration.standardSeconds(30), afterTimeSinceNewOutput(Duration.standardHours(1)))
.apply(Filter.by(metadata -> metadata.lastModifiedMillis() > PIPELINE_START))
You can change the details of the Filter transform to whatever precise condition you need. To also include specific older files, you can read those with a standard TextIO.read().from(...) and then use Flatten to combine that PCollection with the continuous set. Like this:
PCollection allLines =
Maybe you need to clarify your Use Case, do you provide a file name to read ? or a file pattern ? What is the number of files expected ? Should you really use a Dataflow streaming pipeline ? Doesn't a Cloud Function answer your need ? What is your issue ? Files get read again when you restart your pipeline ?
You can, as suggested by danielm use FileIO to fetch and filter on file metadata in order to know which file was added after the pipeline began.
If you provide a file pattern, then all file will be read once by the pipeline. There's no way to keep a State between pipelines if you not code it yourself, so when you restart the pipeline you will read again all the file matching the pattern.
If you want to avoid that, you can manually move old files to another path between stopping the old pipeline and starting a new one.
You could also consider is consuming GCS notification on file creation with PubsubIO and use this event to know which file to treat in your pipeline.
A good practice though is to have multiple folders that reflects the status of the files:
This way you know the state of each file. You can put files to treat in the input folder, and inside your pipeline move the file to its corresponding state folder.

Are absolute paths safe to use in Bazel?

I am experimenting with Bazel to be added along with an old, make/shell based build system. I can easily make shell commands which returns an absolute path to some tool or library build by the old build system as early prerequisites. These commands I can use in a genrule(), which copies the needed files (like headers and libs) into Bazel proper to be exposed in form of a cc_library().
I found out that genrule() does not detect a dependency if the command uses a file with absolute path - it is not caught by the sandbox. In a way I am (ab)using that behavior.
It is it safe? Will some future update of Bazel refuse access to files based on absolute path in that way in a command in genrule?
Most of Bazel's sandboxes allow access to most paths outside of the source tree by default. Details depend on which sandbox implementation you're using. The docker sandbox, for example, allows access to all those paths inside of a docker image. It's kind of hard to make promises about future Bazel versions, but I think it's unlikely that a sandbox will prevent accessing /bin/bash (for example), which means other absolute paths will probably continue to work too.
--sandbox_block_path can be used to explicitly block a path if you want.
If you always have the files available on every machine you build on, your setup should work. Keep in mind that Bazel will not recognize when the contents of those files change, so you can easily get stale results in various caches. You can avoid that by ensuring the external paths change whenever their contents do.
new_local_repository might be a better fit to avoid those problems, if you know the paths ahead of time.
If you don't know the paths ahead of time, you can write a custom repository rule which runs arbitrary commands via repository_ctx.execute to retrieve the paths and them symlinks them in with repository_ctx.symlink.
Tensorflow's third_party/sycl/sycl_configure.bzl has an example of doing something similar (you would do something other than looking at environment variables like find_computecpp_root does, and you might symlink entire directories instead of all the files in them):
def _symlink_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir, dest_dir):
"""Symlinks all the files in a directory.
repository_ctx: The repository context.
src_dir: The source directory.
dest_dir: The destination directory to create the symlinks in.
files = repository_ctx.path(src_dir).readdir()
for src_file in files:
repository_ctx.symlink(src_file, dest_dir + "/" + src_file.basename)
def find_computecpp_root(repository_ctx):
"""Find ComputeCpp compiler."""
sycl_name = ""
if _COMPUTECPP_TOOLKIT_PATH in repository_ctx.os.environ:
sycl_name = repository_ctx.os.environ[_COMPUTECPP_TOOLKIT_PATH].strip()
if sycl_name.startswith("/"):
return sycl_name
fail("Cannot find SYCL compiler, please correct your path")
def _sycl_autoconf_imp(repository_ctx):
computecpp_root = find_computecpp_root(repository_ctx)
_symlink_dir(repository_ctx, computecpp_root + "/lib", "sycl/lib")
_symlink_dir(repository_ctx, computecpp_root + "/include", "sycl/include")
_symlink_dir(repository_ctx, computecpp_root + "/bin", "sycl/bin")

Determine if files are part of any package

Given I have a list of files, e.g foo/src/main.cpp, foo/src/bar.cpp, foo/README.md is it possible to determine which of those files are part of a bazel package?
In my example, the output would e.g. be foo/src/main.cpp, foo/src/bar.cpp since the README.md would not be part of the build.
One way to do this would be to call bazel query on each file and see if it results in an output, but that is quite inefficient and so I was wondering if there is an easier way.
Background: I am trying to determine if a changes in a set of files have an impact on a target, and I want to use bazel query somepath(//some/target, set($FILES)) for that, but this will fail if any of the files in $FILES is not part of a BUILD file.
How about flipping it around and querying for all the source files of the target with:
bazel query 'kind("source file", deps(//some:target))'
and then checking if the result has any of the files in the set

how to find and deploy the correct files with Bazel's pkg_tar() in Windows?

please take a look at the bin-win target in my repository here:
it seems to be properly packing the executable inside a file named bin-win.tar.gz, but I still have some questions:
1- in my machine, the file is being generated at this directory:
which makes finding the tar.gz file a cumbersome task.
The question is how can I make my bin-win target to move the file from there to a "better location"? (perhaps defined by an environment variable or a cmd line parameter/flag)
2- how can I include more files with my executable? My actual use case is I want to supply data files and some DLLs together with the executable. Should I use a filegroup() rule and refer its name in the "srcs" attribute as well?
2a- for the DLLs, is there a way to make a filegroup() rule to interpret environment variables? (e.g: the directories of the DLLs)
Look for the bazel-bin and bazel-genfiles directories in your workspace. These are actually junctions (directory symlinks) that Bazel updates after every build. If you bazel build //:demo, you can access its output as bazel-bin\demo.
(a) You can also set TMP and TEMP in your environment to point to e.g. c:\tmp. Bazel will pick those up instead of C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp, so the full path for the output directory (that bazel-bin points to) will be c:\tmp\aS4O8v3V\execroot\__main__\bazel-out\x64_windows-fastbuild\bin.
(b) Or you can pass the --output_user_root startup flag, e.g. bazel--output_user_root=c:\tmp build //:demo. That will have the same effect as (a).
There's currently no way to get rid of the _bazel_John\aS4O8v3V\execroot part of the path.
Yes, I think you need to put those files in pkg_tar.srcs. Whether you use a filegroup() rule is irrelevant; filegroup just lets you group files together, so you can refer to the group by name, which is useful when you need to refer to the same files in multiple rules.
2.a. I don't think so.

Perform action after Dataflow pipeline has processed all data

Is it possible to perform an action once a batch Dataflow job has finished processing all data? Specifically, I'd like to move the text file that the pipeline just processed to a different GCS bucket. I'm not sure where to place that in my pipeline to ensure it executes once after the data processing has completed.
I don't see why you need to do this post pipeline execution. You could use side outputs to write the file to multiple buckets, and save yourself the copy after the pipeline finishes.
If that's not going to work for you (for whatever reason), then you can simply run your pipeline in blocking execution mode i.e. use pipeline.run().waitUntilFinish(), and then just write the rest of your code (which does the copy) after that.
// do some stuff before the pipeline runs
Pipeline pipeline = ...
// do something after the pipeline finishes here
A little trick I got from reading the source code of apache beam's PassThroughThenCleanup.java.
Right after your reader, create a side input that 'combine' the entire collection (in the source code, it is the View.asIterable() PTransform) and connect its output to a DoFn. This DoFn will be called only after the reader has finished reading ALL elements.
P.S. The code literally name the operation, cleanupSignalView which I found really clever
Note that you can achieve the same effect using Combine.globally() (java) or beam.CombineGlobally() (python). For more info check out section here
I think two options can help you here:
1) Use TextIO to write to the bucket or folder you want, specifying the exact GCS path (for e.g. gs://sandbox/other-bucket)
2) Use Object Change Notifications in combination with Cloud Functions. You can find a good primer on doing this here and the SDK for GCS in JS here. What you will do in this option is basically setting up a trigger when something drops in a certain bucket, and move it to another one using your self-written Cloud Function.
