cyBrowser for cytoscape can't loading any graph plots - cytoscape

I have any problem with cytoscape, actually cyBrowser. It doesn't work correct.
There are 3 different shapes:
I actually work at my windows 10 PC and cyBrowser during create any graph plots (specifically heat map) isn't loading (I can see 100% processing, but but nothing happens);
In addition I use MacOS PC on work and and everything is fine there;
Actually I use MacAir and I have problem with cytoscape work when I use cy browser - it's just crushing
If you can help me, I will be extremely grateful

OK, there are a couple of quick work-arounds. First, when you create your plots, you should see an html file in your home directory. This is created by cyPlot when you request the plot to be created as a debugging aid. You should just be able to open that in any browser and you'll have your plot. Second, you should be able to disable the use of cyBrowser and use a native browser instead, although certain things won't work (e.g. selection in the browser won't be reflected in Cytoscape). To do this, go to Edit->Preferences->Properties and look for "useCyBrowser" and set that to false.
-- scooter


Developing Firefox Address Bar WebExtension

I want to develop similar extension to LocationBar2 that was available on Firefox, before WebExtensions (WE) came along.
Basically on hover, to simply underline parts of url, nothing more nothing less.
The problem is that this kind of API is not available in Firefox or is privileged.
Then, I stumbled upon Firefox Experiments at
Also, found that (I think) this file has the following properties and methods needed to modify:
Can anyone point out is this even possible? Not to waste a few days banging my head around it.

Pure Data windows:not supported, couldn't create

I am new to Pure Data and have no idea why the following are displayed after I clicked help:
I am using Windows 7 and pd-extended 0.43.4.
This error (xy ...could not crate) means that this abstraction or external failed to instantiate. It could be that you don't have it installed, or it is not in Pd's search path so it can't find it. In the patch you are opening those objects seem to be used. In your case that might be the help file.
This is an answer on the pd forum by user whale-av already,
[midiin] and [sysexin] are not supported in windows. Some people have written patches to get around the lack of sysex, and instead of midiin you can use [ctrlin] [notein] etc.
[powtorms~] [mstopow~] do not exist as far as I know even in vanilla for windows, and in the windows extended 0.43.4 release they do not. I remember seeing that they were in a Linux vanilla build, and in a very old Pd build for XP.... so you might be able to find them......... someone might have built them as an external that you could add to your pd/extra folder and then use them like any other object. If you have opened someone elses patch then it is possible that they used those objects in that patch, but you do not have them so they will not "create" and will just show the name in a red dotted box instead of a solid black outline.
[scalar] does not exist, but [scalar-help] does and that explains how to use scalars....... which use other objects but not [scalar]
So, basically, not all objects exist in all versions of Pd, and certainly not under all operating systems.

Can I find out current typing co-ordinates in a notepad relative to desktop window

Is it possible for me to find out the typing co-ordinates (relative to desktop co-ordinates) in a notepad window from a Delphi application? For example, if we look at the below picture, I am typing on a notepad window. Can I find out the screen co-ordinates, where I am typing on notepad.
It would be helpful if someone can suggest a generic solution. Answer no1 speaks about notepad. How about a console window? Is it possible to figure out the co-ordinates, if i am typing on a console window?
I guess, if UAC would not disable it, you can implement the following sequence:
you have to learn the windows structure of the notepad. Using tools like WinSpy++, WinSight or ProcFS for Total Commander or whatever. And then you have to get the handle (HWND) of the actual editbox window. The topic of enumerating or finding other applications windows was discussed many times already on StackOverflow and on Google.
Then you have to ask the main edit window for it coordinates. See Get{Client/Window}Rect functions, see and Perhaps even better would be to SendMessage the EM_GETRECT custom message:
Then you have to know the position of caret: like TMemo.SelEnd and TEdit.SelStart - again best way would be to just read how they are implemented in VCL. Probably that would be rooted in SendMessage(EM_GETSEL,...) - - there is a ready example to do this
Then you would have to ask Widows for relative coordinates of that position - relative to the Client Rect you get in above steps. See EM_POSFROMCHAR message and Delphi sample at
However some claims that this does not always work reliably: so as last resort you can use hard-core string parsing, as described in version 1 of this answer.

Automatic Typing Textarea/input/form in JavaScript

I've been searching for a way to make a textarea type inside of itself. Unfortunately, even with some google searching, I still don't have a clue? Do you guys know where to start with this?
http://lmgtfy |dot| com is an example, but I'm not sure if they use some other technique...
The lmgtfy people are simply using javascript to change the value of the input. Here is a simple jsfiddle showing the same thing:
LMGTFY uses javascript. If you visit the site using chrome or some other browser with a debugger, you should be able to pause javascript execution and check out how they do it, then roll or copy your own version.
In Chrome, the pause button is under the Scripts area. Their bundle.js files appears to host the JS you are looking for, it is around 1000 lines of code, but you should be able to see the few functions you need to borrow their implementation.
Hope this helps.

Pixel perfect (firebug addon) alternative

I've been using pixel perfect for quite a long time, and grown to love it (despite it's annoyances). Now, when pp is no longer compatibile with fx 6, I'm looking for a tool to replace it.
I found x-precise and am one step from buying it, but I don't quite like the necessity to include something in source page.
I know that I can do it myself, maybe not as good as xprecise or pp, but I just don't have time right now.
I'm curious to know what do you use? Or do you stick to old fx, just to use pixel-prefect?
I have been working for 3 years as a developer and created my own script for pixel perfect mode.
In Chrome, try PerfectPixel
I haven't managed to add a layer in PixelPerfect under any of last Firefox ..27.x.x builds - checkbox is locked. I tried PP versions older than 1.8 it didn't help. I tried to find a decent alternative and failed. Eventually I simply wrote a bookmarklet that provides a similar service
Pixel Perfect 2 for Firefox native developer tools is available:
Using the "Compatibility Reporter" seems to work for me so far. The only issue I recognized is a needed reload of the page, to see recently added overlays in the pixel-perfect list.
Just change line 15 in install.rfd file to
Also there are little issue with left position. To fix it change file panelAction.js at line 108 to
this.setPrefValue("pixelPerfect.lastXPos", this.findPixelPerfectXPos(overlayDivId) + 1);
at line 355 to
xPos += 1;this.updatePanelDisplayOfXAndY(xPos, yPos);
After adding new overlay just refresh page or reopen firebug
