Log4j2 - Configure RolloverStrategy to delete old log folder - log4j2

When the log files are archived, the log files are placed in a folder named after the year and month. Now i deleted the old log inside the log folder, now how can i delete this empty folder。


TFS Backup Restore BackupSettings file missing issue

I am using TFS server 2018 Update 1. I have used it long time and it works well. Now I tried to restore the backup through TFS its shows that BackupSettings.xml file is missing. But In my backup folder BackupSets.xml file.
Old days BackupSettings.xml is created inside the backup folder. Now its replace with this BackupSets.xml file.
BackupSets.xml file is not recognized from the TFS server. I tried to rename the file but not working. If you have an idea for this issue please help me.
BackupSettings.xml file is not replaced with BackupSets.xml file, they are two different files, and they are supposed to exist together in the backup folder.
You can go to Administration Console -- Logs to check the backup logs to see whether there is any error. And go to Scheduled Backups to take another full backup.

Copying file obj\Debug\build.force to obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\obj\Debug\build.force failed. Could not find file 'obj\Debug\build.force'

I am getting this error while am publishing the project to local system
Copying file obj\Debug\build.force to
obj\Release\Package\PackageTmp\obj\Debug\build.force failed. Could not
find file 'obj\Debug\build.force'
I am not able to find the proper solution.
Tried Restarting VS
Deleted Bin Folder and rebuild the project again
you just delete that whole folder(obj\Debug) from the solution(don't delete it from the directory) and try to publish it will definitely work.

Jekyll assets get deleted

I'm using jekyll to build a simple static website. My _config file is basically the default. I have an issue with including images in my website.
I have an images directory inside my _site/assets directory (which I simply copy pasted into). Upon running the website with bundle (locally), the images folder gets deleted from the directory. If I copy it back there then the images are properly shown on the site, but upon refresh they are deleted again.
As I understand it, I need to build the folder using bundle so it doesn't delete it, but the exact way this is done is unclear to me. Can someone please explain what is happening and how I could fix it?
I have an images directory inside my _site/assets directory (which I simply copy pasted into). Upon running the website with bundle (locally), the images folder gets deleted from the directory.
The _site folder is deleted and rebuilt after every change or jekyll build execution. You should put your files in the /images/ directory in the main project folder.
As I understand it, I need to build the folder using bundle so it doesn't delete it, but the exact way this is done is unclear to me. Can someone please explain what is happening and how I could fix it?
In Terminal, navigate to the root directory of the specific jekyll folder (e.g. /theme-name/) and use the command jekyll buildto rebuild the _site folder reflecting any changes you've made.
_site folder gets regenerated in each build, it is where jekyll outputs the final site.
You should place the images folder at the root directory, so it will be copied by Jekyll to _site/images.

accidentally removed log folder in rails .gitignore, log folder not being generated on pull request

I'm new to git and rails. I checked out a rails project and had a bunch of log files come in with it. I wanted to remove the log files and add an entry into .gitignore to ignore contents of the log directory. I think I screwed up because when my colleague tried to checkout from master, his log directory didn't even get generated. I think instead of ignoring contents of the log file, I ignored the entire log directory. What's the best way to change this .gitignore file to only ignore log files NOT the log directory itself? Also I don't think I need all these things in the .gitignore. What's a nice clean and simple .gitignore for a rails project?
Thank you in advance.
Git ignores empty folders, in fact it doesn't really know they exist (it knows about trees pointing toward file contents). Since there is no file content to point to, there is no tree and hence git will not create a folder.
Common way around this is to add empty file within the folder. Convention is to name this file .keep. Add such file to the empty folder, add it to the index, commit and push and folder will be created on checkout.

Re-sync folders via command line

I am currently working out how best to go about syncing files in my folders which will be included in my installer.
It works fine through the interface, but doesn't seem to work out well when doing it through the command line.
My folder structure is essentially:
Installer Config
My code 1
My code 2
My installer is to set up my two code folders when installed. Like I mentioned, I have this set up working for building the installer through the interface.
In my project, I have My code 1 and My code 2 folders set as sync folders in the Files and Folders section.
In the Installer Config folder, I am running a couple of scripts which essentially boil down to a batch file which does:
"AdvancedInstaller.com" /loadpathvars PathVariables.xml
"AdvancedInstaller.com" /execute myproject.aip commands.txt
and my commands.txt which does:
ResetSync APPDIR\mycode1
ResetSync APPDIR\mycode2
When the ResetSync calls are made, I get the error: Folder not synchronized: APPDIR\mycode1. but when I just hit refresh in the Files and Folders section in interface, it works fine.
To create this error I add a new file to the 'My code 1' folder. Run the scripts, and I get the 'Folder not synchronized' error.
Solved on Advanced Installer forums.
