nixos installation issue,'command not found: nix' - nix

I deleted /nix and started a fresh install of nix, however after installing nix install nix (MACBook Pro M1 arm64 BigSur) with sh <(curl -L I run $ nix but I get the output zsh: command not found: nix , same for nix-shellalso the /nix volume is not created, I also tried the instruction at still same issue

Open /etc/zshrc and look for the following lines (probably at the end of the file):
# Nix
if [ -e '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/' ]; then
. '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/'
# End Nix
Copy these lines and delete them from this file.
Open ~/.zshrc and add the above copied lines to the end of this file
Reboot terminal and nix should work now.


How to instsall nix-linter

I've tried to install nix-linter with 3 way. None works
nix package manager
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix-linter
Package is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate.
It propose me several option to add broken package ( export NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1 ). But I don't understand exactly what will be the repercutions. I prefer not to follow this option
with cachix
I follow this tutorial
and add this line
echo "trusted-users = root myusername" | sudo tee -a /etc/nix/nix.conf && sudo pkill nix-daemon
normally after cachix use nix-linter there is a cache that nix-build use
But it doesn't work. I get an error saying that there is no default.nix in my repository
cachix use nix-linter
git clone
cd nix-linter
$(nix-build -A nix-linter)/bin/nix-linter --help
error: attribute 'nix-linter' in selection path 'nix-linter' not found
-bash: /bin/nix-linter: No such file or directory
somebody from cacheix said that this package is no longer maintain and I should try statix.
statix works

Xcode 12.4 React native build failed in IOS Showing All Messages Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

i am new in react native i want to run react native app in IOS after react-native init, app not run in IOS show some error
Showing All Messages
bash: Native/social_login/socialLogin/node_modules/react-native/scripts/../Libraries: No such file or directory
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
and build failed please help me
"react": "17.0.1",
"react-native": "0.64.0"
command line tools : Xcode 12.4 (12D4e)
This happened also to me upgrading from 0.63 to 0.64. After trying all solutions I followed a solution moving the folder to a directory where the path contain no spaces and it works and build the app successfully.
Solution to React Native 0.64 build fail
In order for this to work properly follow these steps:
If you previously installed a global react-native-cli package, please
remove it as it may cause unexpected issues (i.e. npm uninstall -g
Move the project folder in a path with no spaces (i.e. ~/sub folder
name/ReactNativeApp won't work till you have spaces in the path, so
move in a path like ~/folder/ReactNativeApp)
Then cd into the project folder and upgrade react native to the
latest version with npx react-native upgrade and resolve conflicts if
After upgrading remove the node_modules folder and the yarn.lock from
the root and the podfile.lock and Pods folder from ios subfolder
Then cd back to the root and run yarn install && npx pod-install
Now run again your app in Xcode or your IDE and it works
Crazy and absurd that a space in the path-name could cause this issue
This is nothing just an issue with the scheme name for me, in my case my scheme name contains whitespace e.g. "ABC staging", which is not allowed, it got fixed after deleting and creating a new scheme with the name "ABC-staging".
in the case of react-native 0.67^, you may need to apply these changes as well
change line no 7
set -e. ==> set +e
then use patch-package using the following command :
npx patch-package react-native
this will create a patch file inside the patch folder in root, then you can add in the post-install script in package.json:
"postinstall": "npx patch-package"
This command will run each time a new package is getting added to the project and auto-fix react-native find-node. sh.
Try to run pod install in ios folder
cd ios && pod install
Then when it's done go back to your main folder and run
yarn run ios
If that doesn't work, check out the solutions here
Xcode 10.2.1 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
There seems to be an issue with coreutils on macOS.
What fixed it for me is:
brew install coreutils
brew install findutils
brew install gnu-sed
Finally change the node_modules/react-native/scripts/ to:
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# This script collects the JavaScript spec definitions for core
# native modules and components, then uses react-native-codegen
# to generate native code.
# Optionally, set these envvars to override defaults:
# - SRCS_DIR: Path to JavaScript sources
# - CODEGEN_MODULES_LIBRARY_NAME: Defaults to FBReactNativeSpec
# - CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_OUTPUT_DIR: Defaults to ReactCommon/react/renderer/components/$CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_LIBRARY_NAME
# Usage:
# ./scripts/
# shellcheck disable=SC2038
set -e
THIS_DIR=$(cd -P "$(gdirname "$(greadlink "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" || echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" && pwd)
TEMP_DIR=$(gmktemp -d /tmp/react-native-codegen-XXXXXXXX)
RN_DIR=$(cd "$THIS_DIR/.." && pwd)
# find node path
source "$RN_DIR/scripts/"
NODE_BINARY="${NODE_BINARY:-$(command -v node || true)}"
cleanup () {
set +e
grm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
set -e
describe () {
printf "\\n\\n>>>>> %s\\n\\n\\n" "$1"
main() {
SRCS_DIR=${SRCS_DIR:-$(cd "$RN_DIR/Libraries" && pwd)}
# TODO: $CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_PATH should be programmatically specified, and may change with use_frameworks! support.
if [ -z "$NODE_BINARY" ]; then
echo "Error: Could not find node. Make sure it is in bash PATH or set the NODE_BINARY environment variable." 1>&2
exit 1
CODEGEN_PATH=$("$NODE_BINARY" -e "console.log(require('path').dirname(require.resolve('react-native-codegen/package.json')))")
# Special case for running CodeGen from source: build it
if [ ! -d "$CODEGEN_PATH/lib" ]; then
describe "Building react-native-codegen package"
bash "$CODEGEN_PATH/scripts/oss/"
describe "Generating schema from flow types"
"$NODE_BINARY" "$CODEGEN_PATH/lib/cli/combine/combine-js-to-schema-cli.js" "$SCHEMA_FILE" "$SRCS_DIR"
describe "Generating native code from schema (iOS)"
pushd "$RN_DIR" >/dev/null || exit 1
popd >/dev/null || exit 1
describe "Copying output to final directory"
gfind "$TEMP_OUTPUT_DIR" -type f | gxargs gsed -i.bak "s/$CODEGEN_MODULES_LIBRARY_NAME/$CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_LIBRARY_NAME/g" || exit 1
gfind "$TEMP_OUTPUT_DIR" -type f -not -iname "$CODEGEN_MODULES_LIBRARY_NAME*" -exec cp '{}' "$CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_OUTPUT_DIR/" ';' || exit 1
echo >&2 'Done.'
trap cleanup EXIT
main "$#"
notice that some commands are starting with g like greadlink etc.
if your get invalid identifier error in then under Build Phases -> Bundle React Native code and images it should be: (notice the double quotes):
set -e
export NODE_BINARY="node ../node_modules/react-native/scripts/"
use patch-package react-native to patch it (if project is being developed on different machines then they must install the brew packages above)
For me it was just having a space in folder name which was in the path of project folder from root.
I had to delete the contents of my ~/.bash_profile file.
I don't even use bash, but some other script populated the file and that broke my build. Deleting the contents fixed the build, immediately. Might not work for you, but thought I'd share.
I'm running Xcode 13.4.1
Installed cocoapods using brew install cocoapods (
M2 apple chip
React Native 0.70
Actually after spending a whole lot of time trying different solutions none of them worked except for Giuseppe's answer. I had white spaces in my path
"/React Native/exampleProject"
1. Renamed folders/files to remove any white space in the path (creating a fresh project within the fixed path worked with no problems at all)
I didn't even had to execute pod install anymore in the ios folder
In my case, i had to export the right path to node
in your terminal type which node, copy the path and export it in ios/xcode.env
export NODE_BINARY="copied node path"
Ok, worth trying this.
(This usually happens if you had multiple imports or any imports missing)
As soon as we get this error message:
Always scroll up & read the issue if written in that log file. Any issues like syntax error or issue related to your js code.
If yes, you can fix that first & re build it.
In my case I had multiple imports of one of the RN components.
Adding $(ARCHS_STANDARD) to Valid Architectures in Build Settings solved it for me

Godot Nix Expression Fails

I've added the following nix expression to my project (verbatem from nixpkgs) and tried to build it, but I get the following error message:
these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/l6l5j1gas74pnzc2pb8w9fv2namxpgki-godot-3.0.6.drv'...
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/mlbp5ibpyq2rd710fl43pwr6a03ysz57-source
source root is source
patching sources
applying patch /nix/store/yk47p909lklbcai94izb5dfqjqqnnxmc-pkg_config_additions.patch
patching file platform/x11/
applying patch /nix/store/sdr3xp65cibpd06vq4fg5czv2s3m6a3c-dont_clobber_environment.patch
patching file SConstruct
no configure script, doing nothing
no Makefile, doing nothing
cp: missing destination file operand after '/nix/store/mxvinscpfbv3k5j7dvpa83pd4w1p1f4f-godot-3.0.6/bin/godot'
Try 'cp --help' for more information.
builder for '/nix/store/l6l5j1gas74pnzc2pb8w9fv2namxpgki-godot-3.0.6.drv' failed with exit code 1
What could be causing this? Note that when I simply add godot to my nix config (in NixOS using nixos-18.09 channel), it installs and runs just fine. Aren't these the same expressions? If so, why does it work globally and not locally?
NOTE: Here is the part of the nix expression that invokes the cp shell command (related to the error above):
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/bin"
cp bin/godot.* $out/bin/godot
mkdir "$dev"
cp -r modules/gdnative/include $dev
mkdir -p "$man/share/man/man6"
cp misc/dist/linux/godot.6 "$man/share/man/man6/"
mkdir -p "$out"/share/{applications,icons/hicolor/scalable/apps}
cp misc/dist/linux/godot.desktop "$out/share/applications/"
cp icon.svg "$out/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/godot.svg"
cp icon.png "$out/share/icons/godot.png"
substituteInPlace "$out/share/applications/godot.desktop" \
--replace "Exec=godot" "Exec=$out/bin/godot"

Nim(rod) not installing to path properly?

I'm following the isntructions for installing Nim(rod) onto linux. I then followed this site which showed to do this:
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$your_install_dir/bin' >> ~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile
$ nim
Typing nim in the terminal doesn't do anything.
I have a Nim folder in my home directory with all the files but can't use it.
I did echo export PATH=$PATH:$/home/bob/Nim/bin' >> ~/.profile
And the nim command still does nothing. Am I not doing it right?
The command pwd told me /home/bob/Nim when I was in the Nim folder.
I tried running nim with sh in Nim/bin and did ./nim -path:/home/bob/Nim/bin
and it said:
config/nim.cfg(45, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/bob/.babel/pkgs/' [Path]
config/nim.cfg(46, 2) Hint: added path: '/home/bob/.nimble/pkgs/' [Path]
Hint: used config file '/home/bob/Nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$/home/bob/Nim/bin' >> ~/.profile
You appended the location $/home/bob/Nim/bin which doesn't exist. You must remove the $.

Can't compile CUDA samples: ld: library not found for -lgomp clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 [duplicate]

I'm trying to get openmp to run in my program on Mavericks, however when I try to compile using the flag -fopenmp I get the following error:
ld: library not found for -lgomp
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The command I am running is:
gcc myProgram.cpp -fopenmp -o myProgram
Also, when I run gcc I get Clang warnings which I find to be very strange. And looking into /usr/bin/gcc it does not appear to link to Clang.
Any suggestions on how to fix my Clang errors and get openmp to compile?
The gcc command in the latest Xcode suite is no longer the GCC frontend to LLVM (based on the very old GCC 4.2.1) but rather a symlink to clang. Clang does not (yet) support OpenMP. You have to install separately another version of GCC, e.g. by following this tutorial or by using any of the available software package management systems like MacPorts and Homebrew.
I just recently attacked this problem and have scripted the process of getting everything working based on the official instructions.
The script will download everything into ~/code for easy maintenance and will append the correct environment variables to your ~/.profile file. For advanced users, pick a nice location you want the lib, bin and include installed and move them manually. The script depends on knowing the latest OpenMP runtime from Intel, which can be altered at the top of the script.
The script should work out of the box with vanilla Mavericks, except for one small problem. In the OpenML runtime make script, it does not reliably accept clang when specified and continues with the default GCC. As such, if you don't have GCC installed (which is not normal on out of the box Mavericks), it will fail to build. To fix this, you must comment out two lines (as noted in the script) based on the libomp_20131209_oss.tgz build of OpenMP. Newer builds of OpenML might break this script, so use at your own peril on newer versions.
Simply save this script into a file, run 'chmod +x', and run './' from terminal. It will take a while to build LLVM and Clang, so be patient.
EDIT: This script will most likely fail on Yosemite and I am having issues using the built clang2 after the update to the dev builds of OSX 10.10.
DEST_FOLDER = ~/code
mkdir ${DEST_FOLDER}
git clone
git clone llvm/projects/compiler-rt
git clone -b clang-omp llvm/tools/clang
cd llvm
mkdir build
cd build
cd Debug+Asserts/bin
mv clang clang2
rm -rf clang++
ln -s clang2 clang2++
echo "LLVM+Clang+OpenMP Include Path : " ${CLANG_INCLUDE}
echo "LLVM+Clang+OpenMP Bin Path : " ${CLANG_BIN}
echo "LLVM+Clang+OpenMP Lib Path : " ${CLANG_LIB}
curl ${INTEL_OPENMP_LATEST_BUILD_LINK} -o libomp_oss_temp.tgz
gunzip -c libomp_oss_temp.tgz | tar xopf -
rm -rf libomp_oss_temp.tgz
cd libomp_oss
echo "You need to do one or two things:"
echo "1.) [Required] Comment out line 433 from libomp_oss/src/"
echo "2.) [Optional] If you do not have GCC installed (not normal on vanilla Mavericks), you must comment out lines 450-451 in libomp_oss/tools/ Have you done this or want to compile anyway?"
select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
case $yn in
Yes ) make compiler=clang; break;;
No ) exit;;
echo "OpenMP Runtime Include Path : " ${OPENMP_INCLUDE}
echo "OpenMP Runtime Lib Path : " ${OPENMP_LIB}
(echo 'export PATH='${CLANG_BIN}':$PATH';
echo 'export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH='${CLANG_LIB}':'${OPENMP_LIB}':$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}') >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
echo "LLVM+Clang+OpenMP is now accessible through [ clang2 ] via terminal and does not conflict with Apple's clang"
If you are running homebrew you can fix this problem by calling:
brew install clang-omp
The compiler will be available under clang-omp++ name
Just worked through this problem. Here's the answer plus how to get it worked with Xcode.
Grab the latest version of openMP runtime library from
unzip and compile it by
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && sudo make install
install it by
sudo cp ./libiomp5.dylib /usr/lib/
sudo cp ./omp.h /Applications/
Grab openmp/clang from Git following the instructions on
compile openmp/clang
cd llvm && mkdir build && cd build && ../configure --enable-optimized && make -j
sudo make install
normally it would install clang/clang++ into /usr/local/bin, we need replace the Apple clang with our version
cd /usr/bin
sudo mv clang clang-apple
sudo mv clang++ clang++-apple
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/clang ./clang
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/clang++ ./clang++
cd /Applications/
sudo mv clang clang-apple
sudo mv clang++ clang++-apple
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/clang ./clang
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/clang++ ./clang++
cd /Applications/
sudo mv -f * ../../
Create a project in Xcode, using the Hello World code on clang-openmp website for test. After created, add "-fopenmp" to Custom Compiler Flags -> Other C Flags in project settings; add /usr/lib/libiomp5.dylib to the build phases of project (project settings -> Build Phases -> Drag /usr/lib/libiomp5.dylib into Link Binary with Libraries)
It should work. Yosemite + Xcode 6 is tested.
Note: the custom clang is NOT as stable as Apple's. Switch back if you meet strange instruction error after compiled.
