Creating Jenkins Process Job DSL. Interface doesn't show DSL Script box - jenkins

I have installed Jenkins from After creating my user and adding the DSL plugin, when I try to create a DSL script the interface does not show the code box.
I have tried to run the docker image attaching a volume so I can use file system files... but I also didn't manage to make that work either... I'm running out of ideas on how to proceed. All the references that I used show the DSL script box after the installation without a problem.

I had something similar happen to me. This text area seems a bit buggy, for me it was always collapsed. There is a handle in the middle which allows you to change the box size. If you can't see it then this might be a different problem (maybe some browser plugin?).
Also might try clicking between Use the provided DSL script and Look on Filesystem, I vaguely remember this handle showed up after I did that. Sometimes just saving the job (with the JOB DSL step added to the job) helps.

A similar issue happened to me, it is happening in the newer versions.
I installed an old version of Jenkins - that old version didn't have this problem


How to display configuration differences between two jenkins Jenkins builds?

I want to display non-code differences between current build and the latest known successful build on Jenkins.
By non-code differences I mean things like:
Environment variables (includes Jenkins parameters) (set), maybe with some filter
Version of system tool packages (rpm -qa | sort)
Versions of python packages installed (pip freeze)
While I know how to save and archive these files as part of the build, the only part that is not clear is how to generate the diff/change-report regarding differences found between current build and the last successful build.
Please note that I am looking for a pipeline compatible solution and ideally I would prefer to make this report easily accessible on Jenkins UI, like we currently have with SCM changelogs.
Or to rephrase this, how do I create build manifest and diff it against last known successful one? If anyone knows a standard manifest format that can easily be used to combine all these information it would be great.
you always ask the most baller questions, nice work. :)
we always try to push as many things into code as possible because of the same sort of lack of traceability you're describing with non-code configuration. we start with using Jenkinsfiles, so we capture a lot of the build configuration there (in a way that still shows changes in source control). for system tool packages, we get that into the app by using docker and by inheriting from a specific tag of the docker base image. so even if we want to change system packages or even the python version, for example, that would manifest as an update of the FROM line in the app's Dockerfile. Even environment variables can be micromanaged by docker, to address your other example. There's more detail about how we try to sidestep your question at
there will always be things that are hard to capture as code, and builds will therefore still fail and be hard to debug occasionally, so i hope someone pipes up with a clean solution to your question.

Cant open Blue Ocean visual pipeline editor

Recently I installed Blue Ocean plugin, but I can't find out how to edit or create pipeline using plugin's UI.
When I create new pipeline in Blue Ocean and connect with GitLab repo, I don't have option to create/edit pipeline (Jenkinsfile file). No matter if repo contains it or not. When Ocean connects to git server creation is over.
I cannot open visual pipeline editor via URL ([local-address]/blue/organizations/jenkins/pipeline-editor/[project-name]). I get error alert with message:
Error loading Pipeline
There was an error loading the pipeline from the Jenkinsfile in this repository. Correct the error by editing the Jenkinsfile using the declarative syntax then commit it back to the repository.
Server Error
Meanwhile script works perfectly in Blue Ocean's branches tab. It shows steps, artifacts, outputs, etc.
I've tried also with example, trivial scripts from tutorial pages. None of them can convince visual editor that they are OK. Of course all this scripts are declarative.
Did you have similar problems? Maybe I have to use some special type of Jenkinsflie? Fact that I can't find other way to get to editor other than direct URL seems to be strange.
Blue Ocean's pipeline editor does not seem to work properly, cause it still in development.
Although, I have found walk-around. To be able to edit script in fancy visual editor you have to open editor's sandbox-mode page:
Then you have to use magic shortcut Ctrl+S (cause buttons are old-fashioned). Ta-da you now have access to code of displayed things.
Feel free to paste your code and copy back after making changes using this app.
You can install the replay pipeline feature available in jenkins.
This will allow you to edit your Jenkinsfile and re-run it without committing the changes to your original file (can be done for n number of times). So once you are satisfied with your Jenkinsfile, then you can commit those changes in your original file.
Refer to below link to know more about usage of replay pipeline feature :

Exporting and Importing Jenkins Pipeline script approvals

I have a significant set of Groovy pipeline scripts for our Jenkins build process. I am in the process of moving those scripts onto another instances, and would like to replicate the set of approved scripts that were not originally white listed.
Is it possible to export the list of approved signatures and import them into another instance?
The only other solution I have is to constantly run and rerun the scripts and approving each signature as it breaks the build. Since the scripts are quite complex, and not every run is guaranteed to hit each line, this is not going to be a quick process.
The other option would be to create a master 'white list' script which runs all the currently non-approved scripts again and again until all instances had been approved.
Neither of these options is great, so I'm hoping for a simple import/export to avoid having to do this work altogether, but I certainly can't see an option available to be in the UI.
I do not believe there is import/export functionality by default but maybe there's a plugin that'll do it.
If you have access to the directory Jenkins' is installed or runs in you should be able to find the scriptApproval.xml file.
If you explore that you'll find approvedScriptHashes and approvedSignatures etc. You can lift this file entirely and paste it in the new instance or copy across the specifics you need (either way you'll need a restart).
Looks like there's an open request for this sort of functionality here

How do I set up a Jenkins Pipeline global library using perforce as the SCM?

I've spent many hours on this without any success at all. According to this I should be able to use any available SCM but I don't know how to map the paths, where, if anywhere, to insert the ${library.RegLib.version} or what workspace name to use.
I have a library set up as per the abovementioned docs:
which contains:
package org.registration;
def doTest() {
echo "test running..."
I've tried many different things but nothing works. I've also tried restarting Jenkins, as mentioned here. No change.
My build reports:
Loading library MyLib##1
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.tasks.AbstractTask.setEnvironment(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.PerforceScm.checkout(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.scm.SCMStep.checkout(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.SCMSourceRetriever.doRetrieve(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.SCMRetriever.retrieve(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryAdder.retrieve(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryAdder.add(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.LibraryDecorator$
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToPrimaryClassNodes(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.processPhaseOperations(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.doParseClass(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass(
at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.parseClass(
at groovy.lang.GroovyShell.parse(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsGroovyShell.reparse(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowExecution.parseScript(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowExecution.start(
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
WorkflowScript: Loading libraries failed
"Default version" is set to 1 because there's only been one commit. I've also tried #1. I don't know whether to map specific files or the top-level directory. If I remove the default version the build fails and complains that I haven't set a version. It's supposed to be optional but clearly isn't.
I've also tried using the vars directory
which contains:
def call(msg) {
echo msg
but I presume that also requires the library to be loaded. The docs are unclear about that.
Will this work with perforce?
How do I map the paths to make it work?
How do I make the code in vars accessible? Is that loaded as part of the overall library?
Is there an error somewhere in my code?
Many thanks.
Install Pipeline Shared Libraries Plugin.
The configuration is in Manage Jenkins -> Global Pipeline Libraries
The retrieval method should be legacy mode. add repository
Tick the Load implicitly to load the scripts in every build
Put the groovy files in vars/yourGroovy.groovy and call it from Jenkinsfile:
Seems to be an open issue with the p4 plugin, related to the p4 plugin being unable to deal with perforce checkouts at locations different from the workspace root:
Edit: You may be able to get this to work using older plugin versions, according to the reporter of the first issue:
The crash is not present in version 2.4 of workflow-cps-global-lib, it
started to happen in version 2.5 only.
This is really late, but I was wondering if you found a solution.
In Amityo's answer you commented that your Perforce source path is //<prod>/trunk/src/apps/jenkinslib#${library.RegLib.version}/..., where ${library.RegLib.version} = 1 if no other version is explicitly specified in pipeline.
I think Jenkins will literally look for a folder named jenkinslib#1, which it won't find since your folder is just named jenkinslib.
I don't know how you would set up your structure to support different versions, but maybe having just //<prod>/trunk/src/apps/jenkinslib/... as your source path in the map might work, even though the config page tells you to add library.RegLib.version.
I would've commented all this on Amityo's post instead but I don't have enough reputation to do so.
In reply to #HS10, I did and I've been meaning to update this for the benefit of others for ages but everything else in life seems to become higher priority. Since you've asked, here's what I did.
In Jenkins/Configuration, under Global Pipeline Libraries I set the following:
Specifically, provide a Name and set Default version tohead. Set the Retrieval method to Legacy SCM. Perforce doesn't have Modeern SCM support, yet. Under Source Code Management select Perforce Software. Note that this is the p4 plugin, not the old Perforce one which is listed as Perforce. I suspect that it's important to use the version written by Perforce themselves. Select a Credential that you have configured and provide a matching workspace name and mapping. I may have had that wrong earlier, I don't know. Other settings should be at your discretion. The library directory structure is as per the docs. I did think for a while that the workspace name had to be _global_lib but recent experiments appear to have disproved that.
In your pipeline, import the library like this:
#Library('plib') _
// do something
You should now have a working library.
I think I had this wrong earlier, as well. Note that the underscore is important. See the Global Lirary docs for more details. Getting this working caused me a lot of pain so I hope this saves someone from having a similar experience.

Unreadable Data (CannotResolveClassException) in Jenkins

I'm using Jenkins 1.646. I keep getting Unreadable Data entries in the Manage Old Data section.
These entries appear for pretty much every build that occurs on my Freestyle projects. The builds complete just fine. Does anyone have any idea what I need to do to correct this? I did install the Pipeline plugin recently, and it installed a dozen or so other plugins with it, so my guess is that something is incompatible with my version of jenkins and / or another plugin I have installed.
I think I figured it out. I found out that VariableInjectionAction is a domain specific class inner class we are using in one of our build steps. We are dynamically loading its parent class to the classpath using the GroovyClassLoader for each build. It would seem that jenkins is trying to keep track of all the classes that are used to run our groovy scripts for a particular build, and since this is a dynamically-loaded inner class, jenkins is unable to find the class for archived builds, thus giving the error above.
I assume the error would go away if we loaded our groovy scripts differently, e.g. pre-compiling them placing them on the root jenkins classpath. For now, since the builds are running fine, we'll probably just live with having to cleanup the unreadable data periodically.
Also, this obviously didn't have anything to do with conflicts with recently installed plugins as I first thought.
