neo4j admin import Error in import Requested index -1, but length is 1000000 - neo4j

I have a set of CSV's that I have been able to use with LOAD CSV to create a database. This set is the small version (1 gb) of a much larger data set (120 gb) I intend to load to neo4j using admin import. I am trying to run the admin import on the smaller dataset first since I have already successfully created a graph with that data. I assume that if I can get the admin import to run for the small version it will hopefully run without problems for the large dataset. I've read through the admin import instructions and I've set up header files. The import loads the nodes just fine but ends up failing with he relationship files. Can anyone help me understand what is happening here so that I can figure out how to fix it? I've tried just removing the file and its associated nodes but this only results in the same error being thrown from the next file in the relationships list.
IMPORT FAILED in 9s 121ms.
Data statistics is not available.
Peak memory usage: 1.015GiB
Error in input data
Caused by:ERROR in input
data source: BufferedCharSeeker[source:/var/lib/neo4j/import/rel_cchg_dimcchg.csv, position:3861455, line:77614]
in field: :START_ID(cchg-ID):1
for header: [:START_ID(cchg-ID), :END_ID(dim_cchg-ID), :TYPE]
raw field value: 106715432018-09-
original error: Requested index -1, but length is 1000000
org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.input.InputException: ERROR in input
data source: BufferedCharSeeker[source:/var/lib/neo4j/import/rel_cchg_dimcchg.csv, position:3861455, line:77614]
in field: :START_ID(cchg-ID):1
for header: [:START_ID(cchg-ID), :END_ID(dim_cchg-ID), :TYPE]
raw field value: 106715432018-09-
original error: Requested index -1, but length is 1000000
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.base/
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.base/
at org.neo4j.internal.helpers.NamedThreadFactory$
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Requested index -1, but length is 1000000
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.cache.OffHeapRegularNumberArray.addressOf(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.cache.OffHeapLongArray.get(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.cache.DynamicLongArray.get(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.dataValue(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.findFromEIdRange(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.binarySearch(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.binarySearch(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.get(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.RelationshipImporter.nodeId(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.RelationshipImporter.startId(
at org.neo4j.internal.batchimport.input.InputEntityVisitor$Delegate.startId(
... 9 more

The error is actually quite explicit: have a look at line 77614 in rel_cchg_dimcchg.csv. It's usually caused by an incorrect endpoint id. For example, if the END_ID is supposed to be a number but it's something like 4171;4172;4173;4174;4175;4176 this will raise the InputException error.
One would assume that --skip-bad-relationships would ignore these issues but it doesn't. So, the only remedy is to ensure that all START_ID/END_ID's are correct (ie. the right data type and format).


Neo4j to Gephi import : Failed to invoke procedure Invalid UTF-8

I tried to import my data from Neo4j into Gephi but it doesn't work.
I have the following result in Neo4j :
Failed to invoke procedure apoc.gephi.add: Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Invalid UTF-8 start byte 0xfb at [Source: (apoc.export.util.CountingInputStream); line: 1, column: 136]
As previously mentioned, it looks like neo4j is not exporting using UTF-8, so that, I would check how neo4j is generating the output.
Another possibility is that, when neo4j writing the output, something went slightly wrong.
I got this very same problem in the past when concurrently managing content in a file.
A thread crashed and closed "not correctly enough" the file. I mean, when reviewing the file, everything looks pretty normal, but some characters have been introduced which are not UTF-8. A tool like Atom can help you.

SSIS Truncation in Flat file source

I am new to SSIS, I am importing a flat file data into SQL Server. It throws error while importing data in the flat file source task.
[Flat File Source [60]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "DCN_NAME" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
[Flat File Source [60]] Error: The "Flat File Source.Outputs[Flat File Source Output].Columns[DCN_NAME]" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "Flat File Source.Outputs[Flat File Source Output].Columns[DCN_NAME]" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on Flat File Source returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
How to solve this issue. I don't have problem in destination.Is it possible to change the source field length?
I changed the source length in source connection manager. It works fine now.
You have not provided enough information to answer your question. Here is what I can gleam from what you have provided.
Your SSIS package is read a flat file and it assumes DCN_Name is data DT_STR
(type char). Confirm the origin and the destination have the same data type. If they do not, use a [Data Conversion] function which is found on the left side on the screen under Data Flow.
Be mindful that while SQL uses varchar and nvarchar, SSIS uses DT_WSTR and DT_STR. It can get confusing. In the link below you will find a SSIS to SQL Data Type Conversion
enter link description here
The errors generated by SSIS are counter intuitive.
The solution was use a data conversion because the source and destination were different data types.

FileNet - Data to be copied exceeds space available error

some other team is calling our FileNet custom app for searching documents. I believe some of the users are facing intermittent failure because we are getting tickets(although none of the user has reported this issue) for the error below and I tried validating our service with different scenarios and they all worked but I don't know what's causing this error. any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.
at com.filenet.apiimpl.transport.ejb.EJBSession.throwException(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.transport.ejb.EJBSession.throwException(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.transport.ejb.EJBSession$EJBImpl._getObjects(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.transport.ejb.EJBSession$EJBImpl.getObjects(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.transport.ejb.EJBSession.getObjects(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.util.SessionHandle.getObjects(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.core.Session.callGetObjects(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.core.Session.executeGetObject(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.core.Session.getObject(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.core.DispatchEntries.FetchObject_28(
at com.filenet.apiimpl.core.ObjectStoreImpl.fetchObject(
at com.filenet.api.core.Factory$ClassDescription.fetchInstance(
at ecm.service.p8ceservices.implementation.integration.SearchP8ObjectAdapter.retrievePropertyDefinitions(
at ecm.service.p8ceservices.implementation.integration.SearchP8ObjectAdapter.integrate(
at ecm.service.p8ceservices.implementation.integration.ContentEngineAdapter.execute(
</exception><exception name="java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException" message="Data to be copied (length 2124) exceeds space available (480)" sequence="0" guid="sfr2mx3l:jewe2wkf:00000000:00000121"><source class="" archive="" vendor="" version="" /><stackTrace>
at at
at at
at at
at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._invoke( at com.filenet.apiimpl.transport.ejbstubs._Engine_Stub.getObjects(Unknown Source)
at com.filenet.apiimpl.transport.ejb.EJBSession$EJBImpl._getObjects(</stackTrace>
It could be the following issue:
ClientRequestImpl.reInvoke retry requests which failed due to errors.
The retry itself fails with IndexOutOfBoundsException because ORB is using fixed length SimpleByteBuffer.
See also this IBM Fix

Read a list from stream using Yap-Prolog

I want to run a (python3) process from my (yap) prolog script and read its output formatted as a list of integers, e.g. [1,2,3,4,5,6].
This is what I do:
['', MyParam],
read(Out, OutputList),
However, it fails at read/2 predicate with the error:
PL_unify_term: PL_int64 not supported
Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
I am sure that I can run the process correctly because with [stdout(std)] parameter given to process_create the program outputs [1,2,3,4,5,6] as expected.
Weird thing is that when I change the process to output some constant term (as constant_term) it still gives the same PL_int64 error. Appending a dot to the process' output ([1,2,3,4,5,6].) doesn't solve the error. Using read_term/3 gives the same error. read_string/3 is undefined in YAP-Prolog.
How can I solve this problem?
After asking at the yap-users mailing list I got the solution.
Re-compiled YAP Prolog 6.2.2 with libGMP option and now it works. It may also occur in 32-bit YAP.

csv file codification affects salesforce's Dataloader 25.0.2 behavior?

I've been trying to upsert and delete some data at objects in salesforce cloud using Data Loader 25.0.2. Data Loader executes without problems, but the insertions/deletions don't get done. The log file returns some lines with this errors:
2012-10-03 17:13:16,958 ERROR [deleteAccount]
client.PartnerClient processResult ( - Errors
were found on item0 2012-10-03 17:13:16,958 ERROR
[deleteAccount] client.PartnerClient processResult
( - Error code is:INVALID_ID_FIELD 2012-10-03
17:13:16,958 ERROR [deleteAccount] client.PartnerClient
processResult ( - Error message:invalid record
I've checked that the object ids match, so there are not obvious differences between the data at the cloud and the csv being used to the deletion command.
What could be happening?
I finally found that the codification of the .csv file I've uploaded differed from the codification used for internal representation in salesforce for the data of that object. For example: My .csv file was codified on ANSI instead of UTF-8. This detail got salesforce into confussion. So I had only to change the file's codification to UTF-8 and everything got solved.
