Custom Payfort screen for IOS React Native - ios

I am using Payfort for React Native with this React Native Payfort SDK Library all things are working good but I want to customize the screen for IOS.
I've read the documentation from PayFort but I can't find View file for reference the image or anything.
I've PayFortView2.xib when I edit some color or text it's ok but when I try to add Image the doest not showing when I run the app I am not familiar with Xcode or Xib files.
please help me

you can edit natively with PayFortSDK.framework for iOS.
or you can go for Custom Merchant Method design your own Ui in react native. it runs perfectly


Is there a way to use BootSplash.storyboard as. splash screen in tvOs

I have been using launvhImage as general Splash screen for for tvOS app built using react native ,
recentlly i require to constrol when i want to hide the native spalsh screen of tvOS, I am using
react-native-bootsplash to show splash screen but I am getting "Library not found for -lRNBootSplash-tvOS". I have no idea how can implement this .
I tried using package "react-native-splash-screen" but that is also not working , I have same implementation in IOS app but that iss working perfectlly .

ios share extention stopped working after adding admob to React native project

I have managed iOS share Action extension which is stop working when I added ad-mob.
I have tried to trouble shoot that issue but didn't get any lead why this is happening.
I have highlighted what I made custom from native side.

Mapping of React Native components in iOS

We're trying to do automated testing of React Native application. For that, we want to figure out which React Native component maps to what iOS components. So far I can see that:
Image (React) maps to RCTImageView/UIImageView (iOS)
ScrollView (React) maps to RCTCustomScrollView/UIScrollView (iOS)
What about TouchableOpacity and View? How is that rendered on iOS? Where can I find a full list of these mappings?

Resize image iOS React Native

Does one of you as this problem: I use an image on my React Native app, I place it, I resize it, no problem on Android and iOS.
When I generate my IPA file, I put him on the store, easily. But when I download my app from the App Store, my image is not the same. It got a wrong size and an incorrect alignment
Can someone explain to me why? I've not this problem on my Android app. Thanks

Is it possible to integrate a Unity app into an iOS app?

I have a Unity app that I made some time ago and am having a school project about related subject (chess game) in Swift.
I'm aware that iOS is compatible with Unity in running a whole Unity app, but is it possible to integrate both apps: I click on a Swift button called "3d scenario", and it launches the Unity app within, then I click on "return" button in unity to dismiss it and return to previous iOS app (either previous view or main menu, doesn't matter).
I can't find any help on the subject, but if it is possible. Could you briefly explain how the launch and "exit" functions are done?
Also the same question for Unity within android if possible.
The possible way to do so is to export it in Unity to the platform of choice, IOS or Android, then embed the source in your app.
