Is it possible to integrate a Unity app into an iOS app? - ios

I have a Unity app that I made some time ago and am having a school project about related subject (chess game) in Swift.
I'm aware that iOS is compatible with Unity in running a whole Unity app, but is it possible to integrate both apps: I click on a Swift button called "3d scenario", and it launches the Unity app within, then I click on "return" button in unity to dismiss it and return to previous iOS app (either previous view or main menu, doesn't matter).
I can't find any help on the subject, but if it is possible. Could you briefly explain how the launch and "exit" functions are done?
Also the same question for Unity within android if possible.

The possible way to do so is to export it in Unity to the platform of choice, IOS or Android, then embed the source in your app.


Flutter Module Embedded in native IOS displaying white screen when comes to Foreground from Background after long period of time

We are currently facing an issue with Flutter module embedding, specifically in iOS. We are embedding a flutter module into an existing native iOS application application using plugin frameworks in Xcode and Flutter framework with CocoaPods. We are using FlutterAppDelegate by creating a FlutterAppDelegate subclass of AppDelegate and initializing the FlutterEngine. Then we initialize a FlutterViewController using this engine and push it into the navigation controller. Everything is working fine with no issues observed.
The problem
When app stays in the background for a long period of time and then is brought back to the foreground, the flutter view is not visible and only a white screen is displayed. This white screen displays instantly and never restores. The only way to resolve it would be to manually kill the app by dismissing it from the App Switcher.
Good to mention; we tested this many times with test builds and only face the issue sparingly. Also, we haven’t been able to reproduce it in the simulator
What we are tried
We tried to refresh the Flutter view from inside the Flutter code by using a Flutter channel once app comes to the foreground, but this did not prove to be a solution.
We tried to remove the FlutterViewController, remove the Flutter engine and then reinitialize both, just like it is done in a regular app launch, but this did not work either.
We are reaching out to see if anyone can provide us with some lights on how to tackle this issue.
The iOS native app is developed in Objective-C and runs in iOS 13+ devices, we are using Xcode 14.2, Flutter 3.3.10 and Dart 2.18.6

How to detect dynamic library loads xamarin ios?

I have xamairn iOS an app which contains jail break detection code.
I also want to detect if any dynamic library loads to app.
I have found below code from this link : this
but don't know how to do it in xamarin ios

How to approach iOS Activity app "Awards" Control

I am trying to find approaches on building an iOS Control that looks much similar to "Activity" app "Awards 3D Control" on iOS.
Is there anything available around which is similar to this? Or How Should I approach this control? I need to develop it on both iOS app and for apple watch.
The snapshot of the same is attached below. You can flip it 360".
I am planning to do it with Native XCode Programming (Objective-C and/or Swift). Please suggest on the same lines.

How can i trigger my iphone application to launch from my mac app

I want to launch my app on the device (if App available) using the USB\Wifi\Bluetooth connection from my mac app.
How can I achieve this functionality
That is NOT possible. You can't do it using any public API. Though i am not aware of any private API that facilitate this types of functionality.
This is iPad control Mac's touch bar demo:
TouchBarDemoApp Allows you to use your macOS Touch Bar from an iPad (through USB connection) or on-screen by pressing the Fn-key.
Mac control iPhone:
iTunes Mac app can get the iPhone's screenshot and edit iPhone's apps.
Xcode can launch iPhone's apps when you debug ShareExtension.
So I think there are some methods to achieve your function. But I don't how to achieve. Maybe its private.
As already posted, you cannot directly launch an app.
But you can make your App show up on the lock screen as well as the task switcher so it can be opened with one click. This feature is called Handoff.
Here is the usage description for the end user and this is the programming guide on how to implement it.

How to automate tests for iOS app shortcuts?

I have built 4 application shortcuts for the iOS app I'm developing these days. The shortcut menu is triggered by the 3D touch gesture made on the app icon. My question is whether there is a way to automate tests for this? (may be using UIAutomation)
