trigger pipeline job from jenkins pipeline script - jenkins

I have two pipeline jobs which are job A and job B. I need to trigger job B while job A is running.. because job A will not finish due to some API calls. so I need to start the next pipeline job B.
how can we trigger another pipeline job from the Jenkins file?
All the parallel blocks of a,b,c need to run.
Below I have pasted the job A Jenkins script.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('need to run parallelly'){
steps {
dir('file path'){
bat """
npm install
dir('file path'){
bat """
npm start
build job: 'JOB_B'

You have an example here.
In your case, try:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('need to run parallelly'){
dir('file path'){
bat """
npm install
dir('file path'){
bat """
npm start
build job: 'JenkinsTest'


Force complete Jenkins job

I am running Jenkins pipeline script.
From this pipeline script we are running one script which keeps on producing output,so this process does not end.
So because of this my Jenkins job is not getting completed but as all the steps completed here i somehow want to mark this job complete after say 10 mins.
Is there any way to complete jenkins job from pipeline scipt after say 10 mins.
Below is my pipeline script and is that never ending script.
pipeline {
agent {label 'Executionmachine3089'}
stages {
stage('Run Script') {
steps {
bat "ssh rxx11pp#G0XXXX209 /home/rxx11pp/"
you can wait and check for some success output (or maybe a marker file in the workspace) .
sh "sleep 600s"
currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
}else{currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
You may want to use linux's timeout command:
pipeline {
agent { label 'Executionmachine3089' }
stages {
stage('Run Script') {
steps {
bat "ssh rxx11pp#G0XXXX209 timeout 90 /home/rxx11pp/"
This will start the script and signal it to exit after 90 seconds.
Note this is not related to Jenkins.

Jenkins using docker agent with environment declarative pipeline

I would like to install maven and npm via docker agent using Jenkins declarative pipeline. But When I would like to use below script Jenkins throws an error as below. It might be using agent none but how can I use node with docker agent via declarative pipeline jenkins.
ERROR: Attempted to execute a step that requires a node context while
‘agent none’ was specified. Be sure to specify your own ‘node { ... }’
blocks when using ‘agent none’.
I try to set agent any but this time I received an error "Still waiting to schedule task
Waiting for next available executor"
pipeline {
agent none
// environment{
proxy = https://
// stable_revision = sh(script: 'curl -H "Authorization: Basic $base64encoded"
// }
stages {
stage('Build') {
agent {
docker { image 'maven:3-alpine'}
steps {
sh 'mvn --version'
echo "$apigeeUsername"
echo "Stable Revision: ${env.stable_revision}"
stage('Test') {
agent { docker { image 'maven:3-alpine' image 'node:8.12.0' } }
environment {
HOME = '.'
steps {
sh 'npm install'
sh 'node --version'
//sh 'npm test/unit/*.js'
throw e
// stage('Policy-Code Analysis') {
// steps{
// sh "npm install -g apigeelint"
// sh "apigelint -s wiservice_api_v1/apiproxy/ -f codeframe.js"
// }
// }
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'DAYS') {
input 'Do you want to Approve?'
sh "mvn -f wiservice_api_v1/pom.xml install -Ptest -Dusername=${apigeeUsername} -Dpassword=${apigeePassword} -Dapigee.config.options=update"
//sh "mvn apigee-enterprise:install -Ptest -Dusername=${apigeeUsername} -Dpassword=${apigeePassword} "
Basically your error message tells you everything you need to know:
ERROR: Attempted to execute a step that requires a node context while
‘agent none’ was specified. Be sure to specify your own ‘node { ... }’
blocks when using ‘agent none’.
so what is the issue here? You use agent none for your pipeline which means you do not specify a specific agent for all stages. An agent executes a specific stage. If a stage has no agent it can't be executed and this is your issue here.
The following 2 stage have no agent which means no docker-container / server or whatever where it can be executed.
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'DAYS') {
input 'Do you want to Approve?'
sh "mvn -f wiservice_api_v1/pom.xml install -Ptest -Dusername=${apigeeUsername} -Dpassword=${apigeePassword} -Dapigee.config.options=update"
//sh "mvn apigee-enterprise:install -Ptest -Dusername=${apigeeUsername} -Dpassword=${apigeePassword} "
so you have to add agent { ... } to both stage seperately or use a global agent like following and remove the agent from your stages:
pipeline {
agent {
docker { image 'maven:3-alpine'}
} ...
For further information see guide to set up master and agent machines or distributed jenkins builds or the official documentation.
I think you meant to add agent any instead of agent none, because each stage requires at least one agent (either declared at the top for the pipeline or per stage).
Also, I see some more issues.
Your Test stage specifies two images for the same stage.
agent { docker { image 'maven:3-alpine' image 'node:8.12.0' } } although, your stage is executing only npm commands. I believe only one of the image will be downloaded.
To clarify bit more on mkemmerz answer, your Promotion stage is designed correctly. If you plan to have an input step in the pipeline, do not add an agent for the pipeline because input steps block the executor context. See this link

how to skip the stage if my build stage fails in jenkins pipeline?

I am using three stages here , In this if my second stage Build fails it should skip the third stage copy. may i know how to use conditions here in pipeline job?
node('') {
stage ('clone'){
Build job : 'Job1'
stage ('Build'){
parallel(firstTask: {
stage ('Job2'){
build job: 'Job2', propagate: true
}, secondTask: {
stage ('Job3'){
build job: 'Job3', propagate: true
stage ('copy'){
build job: 'copy'
First and foremost you will need to declare stage under stages and not under node. As per default behaviour of pipeline, if a build fails in a stage, it will automatically skip next stages.
There are lot of options for using conditions in pipeline. One of the option I often use is when {}.
Here is an example-
Jenkinsfile (Declarative Pipeline)
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example Build') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
stage('Example Deploy') {
when {
branch 'production'
steps {
echo 'Deploying'
For more details and options, refer this documentation -

Failing Jenkins build when Checkmarx job fails

I have configured a Checkmarx job in Jenkins and I wanted to integrate the Job with the actual build job of a repository.
In my Jenkinsfile I've configured this as a stage and the job gets executed.
The question is how to I listen to failures on the Checkmarx job and accordingly change the status of my build job? Here's a snippet from my JenkinsFile
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
echo 'Building'
stage('Checkmarx') {
when {
branch 'master'
steps {
echo 'Kicking off checkmarx job..'
build job: 'checkmarx', wait: false
If you would just make it wait for the downstream job it would fail with it
steps {
echo 'Kicking off checkmarx job..'
build job: 'checkmarx', wait: true

How to run Jenkins scripted pipeline job on free slave?

I want to run Jenkins scripted pipeline job at the specified slave at the moment when no other job is running on it.
After my job will be started, no other jobs should be performed on this slave, they will have to wait for my job ending running
All the tutorials that I found allowed me to run job on the node when it is free but did not protect me from launching other jobs on this node
Could you tell me how can I do this?
Because Pipeline has two Syntax, there are two ways to achieve that. For scripted pipeline please check the second one.
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Build') {
agent { label 'slave-node​' }
steps {
echo 'Building..'
sh '''
post {
success {
echo 'This will run only if successful'
node('your-node') {
try {
stage 'Build'
node('build-run-on-this-node') {
sh ""
} catch(Exception e) {
throw e
