i need to generate an STP traffic but when I capture it via wireshark it says that tlv (tag-length-value) of the vlan is missing and tlv record is truncated prematurely
this is my code:
sendp(Dot3(dst="01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd", src="08:17:35:51:29:2e")/LLC(dsap=0xaa, ssap=0xaa, ctrl=3)/SNAP(OUI=0x0c, code=0x010b)/STP(rootid=8406, portid=0x802e, pathcost=19, rootmac="2c:33:11:53:85:80",bridgeid=32982, bridgemac="08:17:35:51:29:00")/data)
I added Dot1Q(vlan=214) =>
the data in root identifier and bridge identifier changed, which is not desired and a new problem appeared as shown in the picture above
so what should I add/delete in my line of code to overcome the tlv vlan problem?
I think taht you need to replace the layer Dot3 by Ether
here are 3 exemples:
your original, scapy seems happy
what I think you did (I inferred from "I added Dot1Q(vlan=214) =>")
replace of Dot3 by Ether
for the 3 exemples:
from scapy.layers.inet import SNAP
from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, Dot3, Dot1Q, LLC, STP
data = "test"
exemple number 1:
packet = (
Dot3(dst="01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd", src="08:17:35:51:29:2e")
/ LLC(dsap=0xAA, ssap=0xAA, ctrl=3)
/ SNAP(OUI=0x0C, code=0x010B)
/ STP(
/ data
###[ 802.3 ]###
dst = 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd
src = 08:17:35:51:29:2e
len = 47
###[ LLC ]###
dsap = 0xaa
ssap = 0xaa
ctrl = 3
###[ SNAP ]###
OUI = 0xc
code = 0x10b
###[ Spanning Tree Protocol ]###
proto = 0
version = 0
bpdutype = 0
bpduflags = 0
rootid = 8406
rootmac = 2c:33:11:53:85:80
pathcost = 19
bridgeid = 32982
bridgemac = 08:17:35:51:29:00
portid = 32814
age = 1.0
maxage = 20.0
hellotime = 2.0
fwddelay = 15.0
###[ Raw ]###
load = 'test'
exemple number 2:
vlan_packet = (
Dot3(dst="01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd", src="08:17:35:51:29:2e")
/ Dot1Q(vlan=214)
/ LLC(dsap=0xAA, ssap=0xAA, ctrl=3)
/ SNAP(OUI=0x0C, code=0x010B)
/ STP(
/ data
###[ 802.3 ]###
dst = 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd
src = 08:17:35:51:29:2e
len = 51
###[ LLC ]###
dsap = 0x0
ssap = 0xd6
ctrl = 136
###[ Raw ]###
load = 'p\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x0c\x01\x0b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 \xd6,3\x11S\x85\x80\x00\x00\x00\x13\x80\xd6\x08\x175Q)\x00\x80.\x01\x00\x14\x00\x02\x00\x0f\x00test'
=> see how scapy is confused by this packet?
what I think you need to send:
exemple 3:
vlan_packet = (
Ether(dst="01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd", src="08:17:35:51:29:2e")
/ Dot1Q(vlan=214)
/ LLC(dsap=0xAA, ssap=0xAA, ctrl=3)
/ SNAP(OUI=0x0C, code=0x010B)
/ STP(
/ data
###[ Ethernet ]###
dst = 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cd
src = 08:17:35:51:29:2e
type = n_802_1Q
###[ 802.1Q ]###
prio = 0
id = 0
vlan = 214
type = 0x8870
###[ LLC ]###
dsap = 0xaa
ssap = 0xaa
ctrl = 3
###[ SNAP ]###
OUI = 0xc
code = 0x10b
###[ Spanning Tree Protocol ]###
proto = 0
version = 0
bpdutype = 0
bpduflags = 0
rootid = 8406
rootmac = 2c:33:11:53:85:80
pathcost = 19
bridgeid = 32982
bridgemac = 08:17:35:51:29:00
portid = 32814
age = 1.0
maxage = 20.0
hellotime = 2.0
fwddelay = 15.0
###[ Raw ]###
load = 'test'
scapy looks happier
To simplify a function with many terms, a program would be useful that searches for patterns in a file and arranges them in a ranking list. I can imagine that this is an elaborate process, but I'm sure there are people who have built something like this.
An example of a text:
This should give me such an output like this (min. 2 letters):
6x: "t1"
4x: "(t1"
3x: "n(t1"
3x: "sin"
3x: "sin("
2x: "sin(t1)"
Does this problem have a name (which I don't know)? Is there a known algorithm that could solve the problem for me?
I have written a small program with QT, which fulfills the task. The approach is to try everything. To solve my problem, it will probably take a few days, because the text files are very large.
If I have the following text as input ("text.txt"):
I have with the parameters: length 2-5, minimum occurrence: 3
following result:
t1 6
(t 4
(t1 4
si 3
in 3
n( 3
1) 3
)* 3
sin 3
in( 3
n(t 3
t1) 3
1)* 3
sin( 3
in(t 3
n(t1 3
(t1) 3
t1)* 3
sin(t 3
in(t1 3
(t1)* 3
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QString * wholefile = new QString;
uint64_t minchar = 2;
uint64_t maxchar = 5;
uint64_t min_occur = 3;
QFile file("text.txt");
if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qDebug()<<"error reading file";
QTextStream in(&file);
while(!in.atEnd()) {
QString line = in.readLine();
QStringList * allpatterns = new QStringList;
for(uint64_t i=minchar; i<=maxchar;i++){
for(uint64_t pos=0; pos<wholefile->length()-i;pos++){
QString pattern = wholefile->mid(pos,i);
uint64_t * strcnt = new uint64_t[allpatterns->length()];
uint64_t maximum_cnt = 0;
QStringList * interestingpatterns = new QStringList;
uint64_t nr_of_patterns = 0;
for(uint64_t i=0; i<allpatterns->length();i++){
QString str = allpatterns->at(i);
strcnt[nr_of_patterns] = wholefile->count(str);
maximum_cnt = strcnt[nr_of_patterns];
/* display result*/
QFile file2("out.txt");
if (!file2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text))
qDebug()<<"error writing file";
QTextStream out(&file2);
uint64_t current_max = maximum_cnt;
for(uint64_t i=0; i<interestingpatterns->length();i++){
QString str = interestingpatterns->at(i);
out <<str<<" "<< QString::number(strcnt[i])<<"\n";
return a.exec();
I am trying to run the test code for the OLED display simulation on the DSP board TMSC320C5515 eZdsp UsbStick, variant "USBSTK5515".
I have included the bsl folder and needed included libraries and header files through the spectrum website. Now the problem is that I am being unable to compile; I am getting the error:
**** Build of configuration Debug for project OLED ****
"G:\\TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6\\ccsv6\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all
'Building file: ../main.c'
'Invoking: C5500 Compiler'
"G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/bin/cl55" -v5515 --memory_model=large -g --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk5515_BSL_RevA/usbstk5515_v1/include" --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk1151_Demo_RevA/USBSTK5515_demo/source/USB_Stick_Sample/inc" --include_path="G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/include" --define=c5515 --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --ptrdiff_size=16 --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="main.pp" "../main.c"
'Finished building: ../main.c'
' '
'Building file: ../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515.c'
'Invoking: C5500 Compiler'
"G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/bin/cl55" -v5515 --memory_model=large -g --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk5515_BSL_RevA/usbstk5515_v1/include" --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk1151_Demo_RevA/USBSTK5515_demo/source/USB_Stick_Sample/inc" --include_path="G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/include" --define=c5515 --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --ptrdiff_size=16 --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515.pp" --obj_directory="usbstk5515bsl/bsl" "../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515.c"
'Finished building: ../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515.c'
' '
'Building file: ../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_gpio.c'
'Invoking: C5500 Compiler'
"G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/bin/cl55" -v5515 --memory_model=large -g --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk5515_BSL_RevA/usbstk5515_v1/include" --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk1151_Demo_RevA/USBSTK5515_demo/source/USB_Stick_Sample/inc" --include_path="G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/include" --define=c5515 --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --ptrdiff_size=16 --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_gpio.pp" --obj_directory="usbstk5515bsl/bsl" "../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_gpio.c"
'Finished building: ../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_gpio.c'
' '
'Building file: ../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_i2c.c'
'Invoking: C5500 Compiler'
"G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/bin/cl55" -v5515 --memory_model=large -g --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk5515_BSL_RevA/usbstk5515_v1/include" --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk1151_Demo_RevA/USBSTK5515_demo/source/USB_Stick_Sample/inc" --include_path="G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/include" --define=c5515 --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --ptrdiff_size=16 --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_i2c.pp" --obj_directory="usbstk5515bsl/bsl" "../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_i2c.c"
'Finished building: ../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_i2c.c'
' '
'Building file: ../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_led.c'
'Invoking: C5500 Compiler'
"G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/bin/cl55" -v5515 --memory_model=large -g --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk5515_BSL_RevA/usbstk5515_v1/include" --include_path="C:/Users/SOURINDU/Desktop/usbstk1151_Demo_RevA/USBSTK5515_demo/source/USB_Stick_Sample/inc" --include_path="G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/include" --define=c5515 --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --ptrdiff_size=16 --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_led.pp" --obj_directory="usbstk5515bsl/bsl" "../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_led.c"
'Finished building: ../usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_led.c'
' '
'Building target: OLED.out'
'Invoking: C5500 Linker'
"G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/bin/cl55" -v5515 --memory_model=large -g --define=c5515 --display_error_number --diag_warning=225 --ptrdiff_size=16 -z -m"OLED.map" --stack_size=0x200 --heap_size=0x400 -i"G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/lib" -i"G:/TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/include" --reread_libs --display_error_number --warn_sections --xml_link_info="OLED_linkInfo.xml" --rom_model --sys_stacksize=0x200 -o "OLED.out" "./main.obj" "./usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515.obj" "./usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_gpio.obj" "./usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_i2c.obj" "./usbstk5515bsl/bsl/usbstk5515_led.obj" "../lnkx.cmd" "../usbstk5515bsl/usbstk5515bsl.lib" -l"libc.a" -l"rts55x.lib"
undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
_main G:\TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6\ccsv6\tools\compiler\c5500_4.4.1\lib\rts55x.lib<args_main.obj>
error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "OLED.out" not built
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [OLED.out] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
**** Build Finished ****
And in the problem window :
Description Resource Path Location Type
#10010 errors encountered during linking; "OLED.out" not built OLED C/C++ Problem
#10234-D unresolved symbols remain OLED C/C++ Problem
unresolved symbol _main, first referenced in G:\TheDevelopmentKitCodeComposerv6\ccsv6\tools\compiler\c5500_4.4.1\lib\rts55x.lib<args_main.obj> OLED C/C++ Problem
My Code as downloaded from spectrum website is
* Copyright 2010 by Spectrum Digital Incorporated.
* All rights reserved. Property of Spectrum Digital Incorporated.
* OSD9616 OLED Test
#include "usbstk5515.h"
//#include "usbstk5515_led.h"
#include "usbstk5515_i2c.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "usbstk5515_gpio.h"
#define OSD9616_I2C_ADDR 0x3C // OSD9616 I2C address
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* *
* Int16 OSD9616_send( Uint16 comdat, Uint16 data ) *
* *
* Sends 2 bytes of data to the OSD9616 *
* *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Int16 OSD9616_send( Uint16 comdat, Uint16 data )
Uint8 cmd[2];
cmd[0] = comdat & 0x00FF; // Specifies whether data is Command or Data
cmd[1] = data; // Command / Data
return USBSTK5515_I2C_write( OSD9616_I2C_ADDR, cmd, 2 );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* *
* Int16 OSD9616_multiSend( Uint16 comdat, Uint16 data ) *
* *
* Sends multiple bytes of data to the OSD9616 *
* *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Int16 OSD9616_multiSend( Uint8* data, Uint16 len )
Uint16 x;
Uint8 cmd[10];
for(x=0;x<len;x++) // Command / Data
cmd[x] = data[x];
return USBSTK5515_I2C_write( OSD9616_I2C_ADDR, cmd, len );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* *
* Int16 printLetter(Uint16 l1,Uint16 l2,Uint16 l3,Uint16 l4) *
* *
* Send 4 bytes representing a Character *
* *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Int16 printLetter(Uint16 l1,Uint16 l2,Uint16 l3,Uint16 l4)
return 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* *
* Int16 oled_test() *
* *
* Testing function for the OSD9616 display *
* *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Int16 oled_test()
Int16 i, i2c_err;
Uint8 cmd[10]; // For multibyte commands
/* Initialize I2C */
USBSTK5515_I2C_init( );
/* Initialize LCD power */
USBSTK5515_GPIO_setDirection( 12, 1 ); // Output
USBSTK5515_GPIO_setOutput( 12, 1 ); // Enable 13V
/* Initialize OSD9616 display */
i2c_err = OSD9616_send(0x00,0x00); // Set low column address
i2c_err = OSD9616_send(0x00,0x10); // Set high column address
if(i2c_err) // Don't setup display if not connected
return 1;
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x40); // Set start line address
cmd[0] = 0x00 & 0x00FF; // Set contrast control register
cmd[1] = 0x81;
cmd[2] = 0x7f;
USBSTK5515_I2C_write( OSD9616_I2C_ADDR, cmd, 3 );
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xa1); // Set segment re-map 95 to 0
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xa6); // Set normal display
cmd[0] = 0x00 & 0x00FF; // Set multiplex ratio(1 to 16)
cmd[1] = 0xa8;
cmd[2] = 0x0f;
USBSTK5515_I2C_write( OSD9616_I2C_ADDR, cmd, 3 );
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xd3); // Set display offset
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x00); // Not offset
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xd5); // Set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xf0); // Set divide ratio
cmd[0] = 0x00 & 0x00FF; // Set pre-charge period
cmd[1] = 0xd9;
cmd[2] = 0x22;
USBSTK5515_I2C_write( OSD9616_I2C_ADDR, cmd, 3 );
cmd[0] = 0x00 & 0x00FF; // Set com pins hardware configuration
cmd[1] = 0xda;
cmd[2] = 0x02;
USBSTK5515_I2C_write( OSD9616_I2C_ADDR, cmd, 3 );
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xdb); // Set vcomh
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x49); // 0.83*vref
cmd[0] = 0x00 & 0x00FF; //--set DC-DC enable
cmd[1] = 0x8d;
cmd[2] = 0x14;
USBSTK5515_I2C_write( OSD9616_I2C_ADDR, cmd, 3 );
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xaf); // Turn on oled panel
/* Fill page 0 */
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x00); // Set low column address
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x10); // Set high column address
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xb0+0); // Set page for page 0 to page 5
/* Write to page 0 */
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x00); // Set low column address
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x10); // Set high column address
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xb0+0); // Set page for page 0 to page 5
OSD9616_send(0x40,0x00); // Spaces
printLetter(0x32,0x49,0x49,0x26); // S
printLetter(0x01,0x7F,0x01,0x01); // T
printLetter(0x7F,0x30,0x0E,0x7F); // N
printLetter(0x41,0x49,0x49,0x7F); // E
printLetter(0x7F,0x06,0x06,0x7F); // M
printLetter(0x3F,0x40,0x40,0x3F); // U
printLetter(0x46,0x29,0x19,0x7F); // R
printLetter(0x01,0x7F,0x01,0x01); // T
printLetter(0x32,0x49,0x49,0x26); // S
printLetter(0x7F,0x30,0x0E,0x7F); // N
printLetter(0x00,0x7F,0x00,0x00); // I
OSD9616_send(0x40,0x00); // Spaces
printLetter(0x32,0x49,0x49,0x26); // S
printLetter(0x7C,0x09,0x0A,0x7C); // A
printLetter(0x63,0x1C,0x1C,0x63); // X
printLetter(0x41,0x49,0x49,0x7F); // E
printLetter(0x01,0x7F,0x01,0x01); // T
OSD9616_send(0x40,0x00); // Spaces
/* Fill page 1*/
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x00); // Set low column address
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x10); // Set high column address
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xb0+1); // Set page for page 0 to page 5
/* Write to page 1*/
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x00); // Set low column address
OSD9616_send(0x00,0x10); // Set high column address
OSD9616_send(0x00,0xb0+1); // Set page for page 0 to page 5
printLetter(0x41,0x22,0x14,0x7F); // K
printLetter(0x22,0x41,0x41,0x3E); // C
printLetter(0x00,0x7F,0x00,0x00); // I
printLetter(0x01,0x7F,0x01,0x01); // T
printLetter(0x32,0x49,0x49,0x26); // S
OSD9616_send(0x40,0x00); // Spaces
printLetter(0x36,0x49,0x49,0x7F); // B
printLetter(0x32,0x49,0x49,0x26); // S
printLetter(0x3F,0x40,0x40,0x3F); // U
OSD9616_send(0x40,0x00); // Spaces
printLetter(0x06,0x09,0x09,0x7F); // P
printLetter(0x32,0x49,0x49,0x26); // S
printLetter(0x3E,0x41,0x41,0x7F); // D
printLetter(0x43,0x4D,0x51,0x61); // Z
printLetter(0x10,0x58,0x58,0x30); // e
OSD9616_send(0x40,0x00); // Spaces
printLetter(0x31,0x49,0x49,0x2F); // 5
printLetter(0x00,0x7F,0x00,0x00); // 1
printLetter(0x31,0x49,0x49,0x2F); // 5
printLetter(0x31,0x49,0x49,0x2F); // 5
printLetter(0x22,0x41,0x41,0x3E); // C
OSD9616_send(0x40,0x00); // Spaces
/* Set vertical and horizontal scrolling */
cmd[0] = 0x00;
cmd[1] = 0x29; // Vertical and Right Horizontal Scroll
cmd[2] = 0x00; // Dummy byte
cmd[3] = 0x00; // Define start page address
cmd[4] = 0x03; // Set time interval between each scroll step
cmd[5] = 0x01; // Define end page address
cmd[6] = 0x01; // Vertical scrolling offset
OSD9616_multiSend( cmd, 7 );
/* Keep first 8 rows from vertical scrolling */
cmd[0] = 0x00;
cmd[1] = 0xa3; // Set Vertical Scroll Area
cmd[2] = 0x08; // Set No. of rows in top fixed area
cmd[3] = 0x08; // Set No. of rows in scroll area
OSD9616_multiSend( cmd, 4 );
return 0;
Probably a bit late now, but I think the problem is that you don't have a main function defined to call any of the functions, hence message "unresolved symbol _main".
Not familiar with that particular board, but the example that came with my ezdspc5535 had 2 c files, one of which had a main and examples of how to call the functions in oled_test.c
My code (below) is working if I use QoS 0. But for QoS 1 or QoS 2. MQTTClient_publishMessage(...) failed.
Am I missing any configuration? Or, is it because I am using free XIvely account?
I use Paho API.
------------------------------- start of cut -------------------------------------
* #file
* Paho MQ Client API to Xively mqtt broker
enter code here
#include "MQTTClient.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void usage()
printf("Usage: speicify QoS\n");
printf(" turn on bulb -> ka_pub Qos 1 1\n");
printf(" turn off bulb -> ka_pub Qos 1 0\n");
printf(" send 7 to led -> ka_pub Qos 2 7\n");
printf(" send 2 to led -> ka_pub Qos 2 2\n");
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int rc = 0;
if (argc < 3) {
exit (0);
char TOPIC[250] ; // given enough space first to avoid malloc
MQTTClient client;
MQTTClient_connectOptions conn_opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
MQTTClient_message pubmsg = MQTTClient_message_initializer;
MQTTClient_deliveryToken token;
int QoS = atoi(argv[1]);
if (argv[2][0] == '1') {
conn_opts.username = BULB_API_KEY ;
conn_opts.password = "" ; // will be ignored
} else
if (argv[2][0] == '2') {
strcpy(TOPIC, LED_TOPIC) ;
conn_opts.username = LED_API_KEY ;
conn_opts.password = "" ; // will be ignored
} else {
printf("Bad arg\n");
exit (0);
setenv("MQTT_C_CLIENT_TRACE", "ON", 1); // same as 'stdout'
//conn_opts.keepAliveInterval = 20; // init to 60
//conn_opts.cleansession = 1; // default 1, will clean previous msg in server
conn_opts.reliable = 0 ; //default 1, only 1 can in-flight, 0 - allow 10 msg
if ((rc = MQTTClient_connect(client, &conn_opts)) != MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed to connect, return code %d\n", rc);
// prepare publish msg
char tmsg[250] ; // check max 250 boundary later
if (argv[2][0] == '1')
sprintf(tmsg, "{\"id\":\"switch\",\"current_value\":\"%c\"}", argv[3][0]);
sprintf(tmsg, "{\"id\":\"num\",\"current_value\":\"%c\"}", argv[3][0]) ;
int tmsg_len = strlen(tmsg);
pubmsg.payload = &tmsg[0] ;
pubmsg.payloadlen = tmsg_len; //mlen
pubmsg.qos = QoS;
pubmsg.retained = 0;
MQTTClient_publishMessage(client, TOPIC, &pubmsg, &token);
//MQTTClient_publish(client, TOPIC, pubmsg.payloadlen, pubmsg.payload,
// pubmsg.qos, pubmsg.retained, &token);
rc = MQTTClient_waitForCompletion(client, token, 100000);
printf("Finish publish for TOPIC: %s, QoS: %d, msg of '%s'\n", TOPIC, pubmsg.qos, (char *) pubmsg.payload);
if (rc == 0)
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "verdict pass");
MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "verdict fail");
MQTTClient_disconnect(client, 10000);
return rc;
------------------------------- end of cut -------------------------------------
I don't believe Xively supports QoS>0.