Are the files in the cli for Docker celery worker the same, if not what's a good way to create a common file for the threads to write to? - docker

I have a legacy Docker application I'm working with that uses multiple Celery workers. There is a long running process I need to track. I'm able to write data to a file that is visible from the CLI interface of the worker thread:
I'm writing to the file like this:
def log(msg):
now =
dt_string = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
fu.append_string_to_file(dt_string + ": " + msg + "\n", defs.LRP_LOG_FILE)
def append_string_to_file(string, file_path):
with open(file_path, "a") as text_file:
LRP_LOG_DIR = "/opt/project/backend"
LRP_LOG_FILE = LRP_LOG_DIR + "/lrp-log.txt"
The question is: If I add multiple Celery workers will they each write to their own file (not the desired behaviory) or will they all write to a common /opt/project/backend/lrp-log.txt file (the desired behavior)?
If they don't write to a common file, what do I need to do to get multiple Celery workers to write to the same file?
Also, it would be nice if this file was available on the host file system (I'm running on a Windows machine).

I ended up writing a couple of .sh scripts for Cygwin (I'm on windows). I would like to get the tail to work in the same script but this is good enough for now.
Script to start Docker and write to log file
echo "Stopping all Containers..."
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
echo "Deleting Containers..."
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
echo "Pruning orphaned volumes"
docker volume prune -f
mkdir ./logs
echo "Deleting old full log file..."
touch ./logs/full-log.txt
rm ./logs/full-log.txt
touch ./logs/full-log.txt
echo "Deleting old lrp log file..."
touch ./logs/lrp-log.txt
rm ./logs/lrp-log.txt
# TAIL THE LOG FILE (display the running process in a cygwin window)
cygstart tail -f ./logs/full-log.txt
cygstart tail -f ./logs/lrp-log.txt
echo "Starting anonlink entity service (aes)..."
echo "Process is running and writing log to ./full-log.txt"
echo "Long Running Process Log (LRP) is being written to lrp-log.txt"
echo "! ! ! DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW ! ! !"
echo "(<ctrl-c> to quit the process)"
docker-compose -p anonlink -f ../tools/docker-compose.yml up --remove-orphans > ./logs/full-log.txt
echo "Done."
Script to create truncated log file to track long running processes
tail -f ./logs/full-log.txt | grep --line-buffered "LOG_FILE:" > ./logs/lrp-log.txt


Why neo4j docker container restart causes the container to hang and quit

I created a custom docker image in order to launch a wrapper script to load initial data. The first time I launch the container I kinda works, sometimes fails but I guess there is something cached or I don't wait enough for neo4j to be up.
The problem comes when I stop the container and i restart it. It downloads the plugins then it seems to hang and it fails to bring the process to foreground.
./ line 57: fg: job has terminated
In /logs/debug.log there is no log when i restart the container. So it is hard to understand what's going on. Some permission issue?
Here my wrapper file
# THANK YOU! Special shout-out to #marcellodesales on GitHub
# for such a great example script
# Log the info with the same format as NEO4J outputs
log_info() {
# printf '%s %s\n' "$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%3N%z") INFO Wrapper: $1" # Display UTC time
printf '%s %s\n' "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%3N%z") INFO Wrapper: $1" # Display local time (PST/PDT)
# Adapted from
# Alpine is not supported anymore, so this is newer
# Refactoring:
# turn on bash's job control
set -m
# Start the primary process and put it in the background
/ neo4j &
# Wait for Neo4j
log_info "Checking to see if Neo4j has started at http://${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}..."
wget --quiet --tries=20 --waitretry=10 -O /dev/null http://${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}
log_info "Neo4j has started 🤓"
log_info "Importing data with auth ${NEO4J_AUTH}"
# Import data
log_info "Loading and importing Cypher file(s)..."
for cypherFile in /var/lib/neo4j/import/*.data.cypher; do
[ -f "$cypherFile" ] || break
log_info "Running cypher ${cypherFile}"
cat ${cypherFile} | bin/cypher-shell -u ${NEO4J_USER} -p ${NEO4J_PASSWORD} --fail-fast --format plain
log_info "Renaming import file ${cypherFile}"
mv ${cypherFile} ${cypherFile}.applied
log_info "Finished loading data"
log_info "Running startup cypher script..."
for cypherFile in /var/lib/neo4j/import/*.startup.cypher; do
[ -f "$cypherFile" ] || break
log_info "Running cypher ${cypherFile}"
cat ${cypherFile} | bin/cypher-shell -u ${NEO4J_USER} -p ${NEO4J_PASSWORD} --fail-fast --format plain
log_info "Finished running startup script"
# now we bring the primary process back into the foreground
# and leave it there
fg %1
And here my dockerfile
FROM neo4j
ENV NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["apoc", "graph-data-science"]'
ENV NEO4J_HOME='/var/lib/neo4j'
ENV DB_HOST='localhost'
ENV NEO4J_dbms_logs_debug_level='DEBUG'
ENV NEO4J_dbms_logs_user_stdout__enabled='true'
EXPOSE 7474 7473 7687
COPY initial-data/ /var/lib/neo4j/import/
COPY ./docker-scripts/
Any idea how to solve this issue or at least to understand what's wrong?
It seems to happen with the latest version, when I switched to neo4j:4.2 then it started to work correctly.
I tried to run the clean images and both work, but using the wrapper script it seems to me that 4.4.10 has some issues in shutting down, maybe leaving some inconsistent state

Docker volume: rename or copy operation

As per documentation Docker volumes are advertised this way:
Volumes are the preferred mechanism for persisting data generated by and used by Docker containers. While bind mounts are dependent on the directory structure and OS of the host machine, volumes are completely managed by Docker.
But if they are so good, why there are no operations to manage them like: copy, rename?
the command:
docker volume --help
gives only these options:
Usage: docker volume COMMAND
Manage volumes
create Create a volume
inspect Display detailed information on one or more volumes
ls List volumes
prune Remove all unused local volumes
rm Remove one or more volumes
Documentation also states no other commands, nor any workarounds for having the copy or rename functionality.
I would like to rename currently existing volume and create another (blank) in place of the originally named volume and populate it with the new data for test.
After doing my test I may want (or not) to remove the newly created volume and rename the other one to its previous (original) name to restore the volume setup as it was before.
I would like to not create a backup of the original volume that I want to rename. Renaming is good enough for me and much faster than creating the backup and restoring form it.
Editing the docker-compose file and changing the name of the volume there is something I would like to avoid as well.
Is there any workaround that can work for renaming of a volume?
Can low level manual management from the shell targeting the Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker and volumes sub-dir be a solution or that approach may lead to some docker demon data inconsistency?
Not really the answer but I'll post this copy example because I couldn't find any before and searching for it took me to this question.
Docker suggest --volumes-from for backup purposes here.
For offline migration (stopped container) I don't see the point in using --volumes-from. So I just used a middle container with both volumes mounted and a copy command.
To finish off the migration a new container can use the new volume
Here's a quick test
Prepare a volume prova
docker run --name myname -d -v prova:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx:latest
docker exec myname touch /usr/share/nginx/html/added_file
docker stop myname
Verify the volume has nginx data + our file added_file
sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/prova/_data
50x.html added_file index.html
Migrate the data to volume prova2
docker run --rm \
-v prova:/original \
-v prova2:/migration \
ubuntu:latest \
bash -c "cp -R /original/* /migration/"
Verify the new volume has the same data
sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/prova2/_data
50x.html added_file index.html
Run a new container with the migrated volume:
docker run --name copyname -d -v prova2:/user/share/nginx/html nginx:latest
Verify the new container sees the migrated data at the original volume moint point:
docker exec copyname ls -al /user/share/nginx/html
For next searchers, I made a script that can do a copy of volume by #Lennonry example. Here it is
Script itself for history:
if (( $# < 2 )); then
echo ""
echo "No arguments provided"
echo "Use command example:"
echo ""
exit 1
echo "== From '$OLD_VOLUME_NAME' to '$NEW_VOLUME_NAME' =="
function isVolumeExists {
local isOldExists=$(docker volume inspect "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep '"Name":')
local isOldExists=${isOldExists#*'"Name": "'}
local isOldExists=${isOldExists%'",'}
local isOldExists=${isOldExists##*( )}
if [[ "$isOldExists" == "$1" ]]; then
return 1
return 0
# check if old volume exists
isVolumeExists ${OLD_VOLUME_NAME}
if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Volume $OLD_VOLUME_NAME doesn't exist"
exit 2
# check if new volume exists
isVolumeExists ${NEW_VOLUME_NAME}
if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "creating '$NEW_VOLUME_NAME' ..."
docker volume create ${NEW_VOLUME_NAME} 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
isVolumeExists ${NEW_VOLUME_NAME}
if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Cannot create new volume"
exit 3
echo "OK"
# most important part, data migration
docker run --rm --volume ${OLD_VOLUME_NAME}:/source --volume ${NEW_VOLUME_NAME}:/destination ubuntu:latest bash -c "echo 'copying volume ...'; cp -R /source/* /destination/"
if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Done successfuly 🎉"
echo "Some error occured 😭"

Docker exec command to create a file

I am trying to run this command and getting an error:
docker exec 19eca917c3e2 cat "Hi there" > /usr/share/ngnix/html/system.txt
/usr/share/ngnix/html/system.txt: No such file or directory
A very simple command to create a file and write in it, I tried echo and that one too didn't work.
The cat command only works on files, so cat "Hi there" is incorrect.
Try echo "Hi there" to output this to standard out.
You are then piping the output to /usr/share/ngnix/html/system.txt. Make sure the directory /usr/share/ngnix/html/ exists. If not create it using
mkdir -p /usr/share/ngnix/html
I presume you are trying to create the file in the container.
You have several problems going on, one of which #Yatharth Ranjan has addressed - you want echo not cat for that use.
The other is, your call is being parsed by the local shell, which is breaking it up into docker ... "hello world" and a > ... system.txt on your host system.
To get the pipe into file to be executed in the container, you need to explicity invoke bash in the container, and then pass it the command:
docker exec 12345 /bin/sh -c "echo \"hello world\" > /usr/somefile.txt"
So, here you would call /bin/sh in the container, pass it -c to tell it a shell command follows, and then the command to parse and execute is your echo "hello world" > the_file.txt.
Of course, a far easier way to copy files into a container is to have them on your host system and then copy them in using docker cp: (where 0123abc is your container name or id)
docker cp ./some-file.txt 01234abc:/path/to/file/in/container.txt

Makefile docker wait for database to be ready

I'm attempting to create a makefile that will launch my db container, wait for it to complete before launching the rest of my app.
I have 2 compose files.
My make file is as follows:
#echo "Preparing database"
docker-compose -f docker-compose.db.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.db.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose.db.yml up -d
#echo ""
#echo "Waiting for database \"ready for connections\""
#while [ -z "$(shell docker logs $(PROJECT_NAME)_mariadb 2>&1 | grep -o "ready for connections")" ]; \
do \
sleep 5; \
#echo "Database Ready for connections!"
#echo ""
#echo "Launching App Containers"
docker-compose build
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
What happens is that it immediately goes to "Database Ready for connections!" even before the database is ready. If I run the same command in terminal it response with empty for about the first 20 seconds and then finally returns "ready for connections".
Thank you in advance
The GNU make $(shell ...) function gets run once when the Makefile is processed. So when your rule has
#while [ -z "$(shell docker logs $(PROJECT_NAME)_mariadb 2>&1 | grep -o "ready for connections")" ]
Make first runs the docker logs command on its own, then substitutes the result in the shell command it runs
while [ -z "ready for connections" ]
which is trivially false, and the loop exits immediately.
Instead you probably want to escape the $ in the shell substitution command
#while [ -z "$$(docker-compose logs mariadb ...) "]
It's fairly typical to configure containers to be able to wait for the database startup themselves, and to run the application and database from the same docker-compose.yml file. Docker Compose wait for container X before starting Y describes this setup.

Openwrt Script - Autostartup Shadowsocks

I would like to create a script for openwrt that every day changes some variables inside the Shadowsocks service. This is the script but i don't know where to put it or how to manage to call it every day or every reboot of router.
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
for i in `uci show shadowsocks | grep alias | sed -r 's/.*\[(.*)\].*/\1/'`
server=$(uci get shadowsocks.#servers[${i}].alias)
result=$(nslookup $server)
new_ip=$(echo "${result}" | tail -n +3 | awk -F" " '/^Address 1/{ print $3}')
if [ -n "$new_ip" ]; then
logger -t shadowsocks "nslookup $server -> $new_ip"
old_ip=$(uci get shadowsocks.#servers[${i}].server)
if [ "$old_ip" != "$new_ip" ]; then
logger -t shadowsocks "detect $server ip address change ($old_ip -> $new_ip)"
uci set shadowsocks.#servers[${i}].server=${new_ip}
logger -t shadowsocks "nslookup $server fail"
if [ $restart -eq 1 ]; then
logger -t shadowsocks "restart for server ip address change"
uci commit shadowsocks
/etc/init.d/shadowsocks restart
You can use cron utility. Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer OS. It allows to run jobs/programs/scripts at specified times.
OpenWrt comes with a cron system by default, provided by busybox.
Cron is not enabled by default, so your jobs won't be run. To activate cron in Openwrt:
/etc/init.d/cron start
/etc/init.d/cron enable
Now considering your question, if you want to run mentioned script every day:
Edit cron file using crontab -e command. And write below line.
0 0 * * * sh /path/to/your/
This command will run your script at 00:00 (every day mid night). You can easily modify the above command to schedule your job at any other time. Good reference to generate cron job entry:
To see if crontab is working properly:
tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep CRON
Now coming to your second question "Run script at every reboot of router":
You can put your script in /etc/rc.local. This file will be executed as as a shell script on every boot up by /etc/rc.d/S95done in Openwrt. So just edit /etc/rc.local with sh /path/to/your/ Make sure your script is executable and doing your task properly.
