How to Get Flickity Previous/Next Buttons to Work in Carousel - flickity

I'm using the "Setlist" theme on Big Cartel and I'm not sure how to enable the flickity arrows but I see it in the code at the bottom talking about a button
The reason I want the arrow/buttons is because on mobile the swipe motion is pretty buggy. You can check it out on my site It's either I fix the carousel or I disable vertical scrolling which I don't think is possible to do, only affecting the landing page.


How can I make a UIWebView to always really bounce?

I'd like to create a UIWebView which behaves exactly like Apple's Safari when it comes to scrolling.
I want to have a UINavigationBar that appears gradually as as you scroll downwards on top of the page and hides gradually as you scroll upwards.
The most important thing is that I want it to always bounce just like the way Safari's UIWebView bounces.
In order to understand what I'm saying create a new project, add a UIWebView and load You will notice that when you scroll down the dribbble's navigation bar stays in the same position.
But, what I want it to behave is just like Safari, here's what I want it to scroll like:
The reason is because behind the UIWebView (where the gray are is in the picture) I want to display an image. That image will be shown when you scroll down.
I tried setting webView.scrollView.alwaysBouncesVertical = YES; but it didn't work.
Any ideas?
Just an idea, making the region of the bar hidden past the top, then set it to always slide back if a certain length (lengthOfBarVisible < lengthOfBar) {move -.5 on the x axis}
Im a rookie so I'm probably way off.
Good luck though!
I discovered that in fact the UIWebView works exactly the way I want it to but the new WKWebView which I'm using is behaving in an odd way. There's nothing I can do I just hope that Apple fixes it.

Jquery mobile left swipe menu with independent scrolling

I have this example:
Is it possible, to prevent the scrolling of the left menu, when it is open and the whole site is scrolling? I mean, when I open the left menu and scroll the content, then the left menu is scrolling as well. How to make them with independent scrolling?
You can set the panel fixed with CSS. With this, the left panel is not scrolling when the content is scrolling.
The code is the same that the JSFiddle, just add in the style, position:fixed
<div data-role="panel" id="defaultpanel" data-display="push" data-theme="b" style="overflow:auto; position: fixed;" data-animate="false">
Reference: Positioning Panels
More info...
JqueryMobile roadmap says independent scolling should arrive in version 1.7
Another possible hack workaround maybe adding the divs via an iframe may offer a clumsy solution.

disable scroll / fixed panel jquerymobile

I am using jquerymobile framework and i would like to stop scrolling conent while panel (menu) is open.
on this page:
it says how to position it to fixed, however you can still scroll down.
many thanks

Unable to close mergDataGridScroller in iOS

This is what I'm trying to do: I've got two mergDataGridScrollers on top of each other. If I turn one of them invisible and scroll the other, I'm scrolling the invisible scroller because 1) it's not scrolling the intended scroller and 2) I can see the scrollbar of the invisible scroller scrolling.
So, I tried dispatching a "closeControl" to the invisible scroller, but that did not get sent because I think the command is private. Any suggestions on how to work with two overlapping iOS scrollers?
I haven't used mergDataGridScrollers but have used scrollers in iOS with groups - and in an app where I wanted an iOS scroller to slide on and off the screen I had to delete it, slide off the group behind the scroller and slide the group on again and recreate the scroller when I wanted it back. Showing and hiding the scroller didn't cut it for me (as you describe on a device if you do a swipe where the scroller was you'll see the scrollbar) - you'll presumably have to delete and create the scrollers anyway on leaving/entering cards on iOS.
The problem is there's a couple of bugs in mergDataGridScroller... I'll try and get a new version up ASAP

avoiding flicks in header/footer toolbars

The default behavior in jquerymobile when I have header, content and footer (where header/footer are fixed) is that when I scroll the content the header/footer show/hide. I mean when you start scrolling the header/footer hides and when u stop scrolling the header/footer are shown again. On devices its looks very bad/none-user friendly. I want to avoid this show/hide effects of header/footer. Is there any thing thats available in jquerymobile or some of its plugin to avoid it? If nothing then I want to apply iScroll on the content. Can someone guide me how to make data-role="content" using full-screen height?
If this is what you are referring to, then you can just remove the data-position: fixed from the headers and footers. I tried it on the iPhone, and it is still buggy (seems to flicker whenever a touch event it generated, even if it is not necessary).
