Can I set the value of a variable by using the address within DXL doors? - ibm-doors

So what I want to do is pass a variable into an eval_ by address and then set the variable in there like so:
string str = "a"
Addr64_ addr = addr_ str
eval_("string ref = addr_ " addr "; ref = \"b\"")
print str // I want it to print b here
I realize I could evalTop_ here to make the top variable available to the eval so it can set it, but this is not the behavior that I am looking for.

So after a lot of debugging and combining different answers from the following sources:
Memory hacks 1
Memory hacks 2
I found a solution! the following code should work for basically any variable:
bool a = false
eval_("bool &a = addr_ " (addr_ (&a)) "; a = true")
print a // should print true


lua: Can I use string to use variable?

I want string to use variable.
variable1 = "Hello"
a = "variable" .. 1
but it printed variable1 (of cource),
Can I print "Hello"(variable1) using variable a?
Yes, this is exactly what tables are for - you can just rewrite your code as
local variables = {}
variables.variable1 = "Hello"
local a = "variable" .. 1
print(variables[a]) -- prints Hello
In fact, global variables (as in your example you seem to be using) are already stored in a table called _G (the global table), so in your example this would work:
variable1 = "Hello"
a = "variable" .. 1

How do I use more then one pattern for gmatch

Hello I am trying to get some data from a text file and put it into a table.
Im not sure how to add more then one pattern while also doing what I want, I know this pattern by its self %a+ finds letters and %b{} finds brackets, but I am not sure how to combine them together so that I find the letters as a key and the brackets as a value and have them be put into a table that I could use.
text file :
left = {{0,63},{16,63},{32,63},{48,63}}
right = {{0,21},{16,21},{32,21},{48,21}}
up = {{0,42},{16,42},{32,42},{48,42}}
down = {{0,0},{16,0},{32,0},{48,0}}
local function get_animations(file_path)
local animation_table = {}
local file =,"r")
local contents = file:read("*a")
for k, v in string.gmatch(contents, ("(%a+)=(%b{})")) do -- A gets words and %b{} finds brackets
animation_table[k] = v
print("key : " .. k.. " Value : ".. v)
This is valid Lua code, why not simply execute it?
left = {{0,63},{16,63},{32,63},{48,63}}
right = {{0,21},{16,21},{32,21},{48,21}}
up = {{0,42},{16,42},{32,42},{48,42}}
down = {{0,0},{16,0},{32,0},{48,0}}
If you don't want the data in globals, use the string library to turn it into
return {
left = {{0,63},{16,63},{32,63},{48,63}},
right = {{0,21},{16,21},{32,21},{48,21}},
up = {{0,42},{16,42},{32,42},{48,42}},
down = {{0,0},{16,0},{32,0},{48,0}},
befor you execute it.
If you insist on parsing that file you can use a something like this for each line:
local line = "left = {{0,63},{16,63},{32,63},{48,63}}"
for num1, num2 in a:gmatch("(%d+),(%d+)") do
print(num1, num2)
This should be enough to get you started. Of course you wouldn't print those values but put them into a table.

How to access user typed text inside a text box to make it as a variable? (Roblox)

So, I want to make a converter GUI, converting Bitcoin to Dollar. I use a textbox to get the user input and a text button to submit. But, when I type number for example 8 to the textbox while test the game and print what is inside the textbox, it printed nothing. Even though I have type 8 to the text box. Thanks for all the answers! Here is the code I use.
-- text variable below
local input = script.Parent
local val = input.Text
-- button variable below
local submit = input:FindFirstChild("btcSubmit")
-- player variable below
local gams = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local ld = gams:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
local bitcoin = ld:WaitForChild("Bitcoin").Value
local dollar = ld:WaitForChild("Dollar").Value
-- function
function btcEx()
val = tonumber(val)
if val > bitcoin then
val = tostring(val)
val = "Sorry, your Bitcoin isn't enough"
val = "Input the number of bitcoin you want to exchange here!"
dollar = val * 8000
val = tostring()
When you set a variable to a value rather than a reference, it remains that value until you change it.
object.Value = 5
local myValue = object.Value
object.Value = 10
print(myValue) -- Prints 5.
This happens because they are not linked and thus changes do not carry over, like these variables below:
local a = 5
local b = a
a = 10
print(b) -- Prints 5, because b was never changed (but a was).
What you want to do is define your button and your value-objects as references, and simply access .Text or .Value when you need to read the value.
local myButton = button
button.Text = "Howdy!"
print(myButton.Text) -- Prints "Howdy!"
myButton.Text = "Hey there" -- this is the same as button.Text
print(myButton.Text) -- Prints "Hey there"

Iterate Chinese string in Lua / Torch

I have a lua string in Chinese, such as
str = '这是一个中文字符串' -- in English: 'this is a Chinese string'
Now I would like to iterate the string above, to get the following result:
str[1] = '这'
str[2] = '是'
str[3] = '一'
str[4] = '个'
str[5] = '中'
str[6] = '文'
str[7] = '字'
str[8] = '符'
str[9] = '串'
and also output 9 for the length of the string.
Any ideas?
Something like this should work if you are using utf8 module from Lua 5.3 or luautf8, which works with LuaJIT:
local str = '这是一个中文字符串'
local tbl = {}
for p, c in do
table.insert(tbl, utf8.char(c))
print(#tbl) -- prints 9
I haven't used non-english characters in lua before and my emulator just puts them in as '?' but something along the lines of this might work:
convert = function ( str )
local temp = {}
for c in str:gmatch('.') do
table.insert(temp, c)
return temp
This is a simple function that utilizes string.gmatch() to separate the string into individual characters and save them into a table. It would be used like this:
t = convert('abcd')
Which would make 't' a table containing a, b, c and d.
t[1] = a
t[2] = b
I am not sure if this will work for the Chinese characters but it is worth a shot.

Simple LZW Compression doesnt work

I wrote simple class to compress data. Here it is:
LZWCompressor = {}
local self = {}
self.mDictionary = {}
self.mDictionaryLen = 0
-- ...
self.Encode = function(sInput)
local s = ""
local ch = ""
local len = string.len(sInput)
local result = {}
local dic = self.mDictionary
local temp = 0
for i = 1, len do
ch = string.sub(sInput, i, i)
temp =
if dic[temp] then
s = temp
result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
self.mDictionaryLen = self.mDictionaryLen + 1
dic[temp] = self.mDictionaryLen
s = ch
result[#result + 1] = dic[s]
return result
-- ...
return self
And i run it by:
local compressor =
local encodedData = compressor:Encode("I like LZW, but it doesnt want to compress this text.")
print("Input length:",string.len(originalString))
print("Output length:",#encodedData)
local decodedString = compressor:Decode(encodedData)
print(originalString == decodedString)
But when i finally run it by lua, it shows that interpreter expected string, not Table. That was strange thing, because I pass argument of type string. To test Lua's logs, i wrote at beggining of function:
I got output "Table" and lua's error. So how to fix it? Why lua displays that string (That i have passed) is a table? I use Lua 5.3.
Issue is in definition of method Encode(), and most likely Decode() has same problem.
You create Encode() method using dot syntax: self.Encode = function(sInput),
but then you're calling it with colon syntax: compressor:Encode(data)
When you call Encode() with colon syntax, its first implicit argument will be compressor itself (table from your error), not the data.
To fix it, declare Encode() method with colon syntax: function self:Encode(sInput), or add 'self' as first argument explicitly self.Encode = function(self, sInput)
The code you provided should not run at all.
You define function but call
Inside Encode you call self:InitDictionary(true) which has not been defined.
Maybe you did not paste all relevant code here.
The reason for the error you get though is that you call compressor:Encode(sInput) which is equivalent to compressor.Encode(self, sInput). (syntactic sugar) As function parameters are not passed by name but by their position sInput inside Encode is now compressor, not your string.
Your first argument (which happens to be self, a table) is then passed to string.len which expects a string.
So you acutally call string.len(compressor) which of course results in an error.
Please make sure you know how to call and define functions and how to use self properly!
