Heroku - how to reconnect Mailgun to my app - ruby-on-rails

Im working on a project with Ruby on Rails language, deployed to Heroku everything is working fine
I had Mailgun addon installed in my Heroku app
at one point I tried to change it to another mailing Addon
so I unlinked the Mailgun addon and connected another Addon
after a little research, I wanted to connect back the Mailgun addon.
when I tried to connect Mailgun again, it said that my app has an account and I cant reconnect it
I cant access my account by the email written in the Heroku's error notification.
what should I do at this point?
In that link below, there is an image of the error I get in my terminal.
Heroku Error for command: " heroku addons:create mailgun:starter"
Another link for an image of the error I get when trying to add Mailgun addon through my heroku app dashboard.
Heroku Error from Heroku dashboard
If you think I should use another mailer addon, I would love to hear about it.
Thank you in advance


Error when trying to add SendGrid add-on for Heroku Rails app

Trying to add SendGrid functionality to my heroku rails app by running heroku addons:create sendgrid:starter from my app's directory, but getting an error message each time:
Error Provisioning User - Whitelabel domain could not be located when creating customer
I'm also getting the exact same error when trying to add SendGrid Starter add-on directly through the Heroku web interface for my app.
My heroku account does have a credit card on file, so that shouldn't be the issue. This heroku app is on the free heroku tier, but I believe all the add-ons are supposed to be supported even for free heroku apps.
Has anyone run into this before? If so, any pointers on how to fix it?
It just worked. I believe it may have been the result of temporary service outage on the part of SendGrid (even though their system status pages indicated all services were up and running).
Sorry for the false alarm.

Faye.js not working on Heroku with https

I am developing rails 4 application with private_pub for chatting apps. Its work perfect in local. But when move code from local to Heroku chatting not working due to below error:
https://XXXXXX-XXXXXXX-8XXX6.herokuapp.com/faye.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Actually in local working with http:// and on Heroku with https:// so may be issue but not found. Any one have a idea on it.
Have you created a separated faye app on heroku? If not it's described here: http://www.thegreatcodeadventure.com/hello-or-building-a-chatting-app-with-rails/. Btw I changed from faye to pusher in which case I don't have to deploy a second app on heroku.

Connecting Heroku to an existing Rails project

Im brand new to rails, and i have created a simple application. I now want to connect heroku to my app, but i am unsure if this is possible to do. Am i able to connect an existing application to heroku, or must i start from scratch using this guide?
Deploy your app to Heroku following the guide. Then you can point your Heroku app to your domain name.

Went Through a Deployment Railscast Trying to Access Log Easy in Difficulty

I spent hours on this railscast, http://railscasts.com/episodes/335-deploying-to-a-vps and this tutorial, https://coderwall.com/p/yz8cha(which is based on the railscast)
I successfully deployed my rails application to a vps. However things are not working properly I am trying to access my appliation log, in heroku is simply heroku log but where can I find this in my digital ocean vps? also heroku has specific instruction in storing pictures up in s3 do I need to configure the vps to talk to amazon s3?
Tail your production log at log/development.log
There are many tutorials via the Googles to answer your second question. Please attempt these before asking on SO.

Brand new Heroku CLI installation authentication failed

This question might be considered duplicate of this: Unable to use heroku gem cli after password changes, but it is not.
In my case I have the latest Mac OS X 10.8.3 and I've installed brand new Heroku tool belt. First thing I've tried is to authenticate by issuing this:
heroku login
I was asked for my Heroku credentials, which I've entered (many-many times), but I got "Authentication Failed" message.
I've tried signing in with my credentials to Heroku website multiple times from different browsers - it all works, but I can't authenticate with Heroku CLI.
I don't have ~/.netrc file, I don't have any fancy firewall software on my Mac. What am I possibly doing wrong?
Update 03/18/2013 9 PM Mountain:
This is the Heroku issue and they are looking into it:
Sounds like it might be an SSH key issue.
Here is a good guide to resolving it.
Heroku engineers have fixed it and I was able to authenticate. Thank you, Heroku!
