Connecting Heroku to an existing Rails project - ruby-on-rails

Im brand new to rails, and i have created a simple application. I now want to connect heroku to my app, but i am unsure if this is possible to do. Am i able to connect an existing application to heroku, or must i start from scratch using this guide?

Deploy your app to Heroku following the guide. Then you can point your Heroku app to your domain name.


Connect Rails with React Native

For a university project I had to build a website in Ruby on Rails and deployed it via Azure. The website is live and running smoothly.
After two weeks the website has been deployed, my professor asked me to create a React Native app using the Rails Backed.
So far, I have created the front-end using React Native BUT I have no clue how to connect it to the Rails backend (I guess I need an API but not sure how to do it).
I googled it around, but there is not a specific tutorial that helps me in connecting a Rails live website with React Native.
I am new to this world and need some guidance in the right direction.
Create a new rails application that functions as the api. You'll have to run the rails new command with an additional --api flag.
rails new rails-api-with-react --api
Move into the directory
Start your server
rails server
Use a tool like [Postman][1] to check that the server is running.
After you confirm that the server is up and running, make a get request in your React application to the Rails server

Connecting Rails to AWS MySQL database

I've recently created a rails app. I pushed the initial files onto github.
My problem is that I want to connect my rails app to AWS in order to use a MySQL database. I keep seeing tutorials on EC2 and Beanstalk, but I am not sure which one I should use. I have all the drivers needed for ruby through the gem installations.
I'm looking to figure out the main differences between Beanstalk and created a MySQL instance as well as what to put in my database.yml file in my rails app to connect to a database. Thank you in advance!
Just to give an idea, after you provision/create your instance on AWS (EC2 or wherever), you will then push your app's code to that remote server somewhere. You can do it manually via scripts, or you can use Capistrano for this. Once your app is deployed to the server, you need to connect to the server via SSH and manually edit the config/database.yml file to point to the staging/production MySQL database. (I'm generalizing, but I think you just need a step in the right direction.)

Rails app with Node server on Heroku

I have a rails 5 app deployed on heroku. However, the chat features of the app is built using Node.js. While the rails app deploys fine on Heroku, the node server does not get started. How do I get the node part deployed? Does heroku allow both on a single dyno?
You can have multiple buildpacks. Here is the document that explains exactly your case

Deploying a Rails app to Heroku using SmartFile

I have deployed a Rails app to Heroku but most of my images and text are stored using Postgres and are only accessible locally, so my app is incomplete. I've done a PG dump of my database and I have an account with Smartfile, but I'm not sure how to use Smartfile with Heroku. I just want my app to access my files right now. Have any of you used Smartfile in conjunction with Heroku? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
I decided not to use Smartfile and just used Heroku pg:push instead, as I don't think the app will be big enough to need more than the local database.

How to migrate heroku rails app to the same app on new host?

I need to switch my rails app from Heroku to my new host on Linode.
I need to address the following concerns and would appreciate some advice
1) How to migrate the data from Heroku to my new Linode host?
2) How to redirect the Heroku domain from to ?
I need to achieve the above as simultaneously as possible so that new data is not lost
Assuming you're running PostGres on your Linode host then you will simply need to backup your on Heroku and then restore it into Heroku (pgbackups). There are other options - You could use heroku db:pull to pull it down from Heroku into your local database and then transfer than to Linode. Another option would to be use the Heroku gem on your linode server to pull the data directly from the heroku app into the linode database.
You can only redirect on Heroku using code, so you would have to push up an app that does a redirect (rack_rewrite) to your new host.
You'll want to put your application on Heroku into maintenance mode on Heroku. Perform the data transfer via which ever mechanism you choose. Then deploy the 'redirect' code to the Heroku app and then turn maintenance mode off on Heroku. Visitors to the address will then be redirected to the application running on the new URL wherever that may be.
