Are commented codes removed from compiled binary for iOS Swift? - ios

New to Swift, couldn't find an answer to this with a reliable source.
I have some commented code, but would like to know if they are removed when compiled/run in Debug/Release, and if this is enforced or can be turned on/off.
If they are indeed removed, what about those instances where I really need them to be inside, e.g. some framework or something?
Thanks in advance!

If you create inline docs in a swift package, they're available to the consumer. If you provide a Docc asset, that will also be available to the consumer.
If you create a binary, that depends on how it's created and distributed.
Unless there is a security concern not to share the source code, I would do a vanilla SwiftPackage with documentation comments.


Google Flatbuffer iOS

Currently, I got a task to explore google flatbuffers on iOS and OSX. I explored the documentation provided by Google.
Also found some libraries on Github on swift language like FlatBuffersSwift and others that implement the flatbuffers.
So, I have mainly two concerns on that
Will Apple approve my app if I used this in my iOS application?
Is it possible to create schema on runtime from JSON ? or we must manually create schemas (.fbs) and use flatc library for creating model binaries (like .swift) files.
Any help please
Thanks in advance
1) There's nothing in the Apple approval process that has to do with your choice of serialization library.
2) To get the benefits of this library, you want to create a schema and generate code for it ahead of compilation time. If your use case is so dynamic that you want to be able to do everything at runtime, you're probably better off with a good JSON library.

How can frameworks used by a static library be automatically imported on iOS?

My company makes a static library for iOS apps. One annoying step for developers is that they have to manually link against all the required frameworks that the library uses, and failing to do so leads to somewhat confusing compiler errors.
I would have previously thought this wasn't possible, but the company Chartboost claims to automatically link against non-default frameworks like AdSupport and StoreKit. Based on my testing in their sample app (available from the linked page), so far this appears to be the case (Even when disabling "Enable Modules" and "Link Frameworks Automatically" in the app that links against the static library).
Is there some way to enable this feature when creating a static library? I've tried enabling modules and the "Link Frameworks Automatically" LLVM options in Xcode, but so far haven't been able to get it working.
There's a piece of code called CBDynamicallyLoadedDependencies that calls dlopen() on the appropriate system library before making the function or method call.
My original answer wasn't correct. the dlopen() call is just in the x86 code. On the device, it's something different, but my ARM assembly isn't strong enough to figure it out. All I can say is that there's a piece of code that's acting as a trampoline to the desired functions and that references the system library files (like /System/Library/Frameworks/AdSupport.framework/AdSupport).
But the point is that it's not a simple project trick that makes it work normally. There's internal code involved.
They might use modules you mentioned and #import instead of #import, which should make the libraries link automatically.
For reference, check this question.
This might not be what you're looking for, but if you don't yet support Cocoapods, I would strongly advise taking a look:
(Edit: Cocoapods is essentially linked to Xcode. Other IDEs will need another solution.)
You can advertise Cocoapods to developers as the "easy" way to work with your library, and the manual method as...well, the manual method. ;)
I'm not aware of any industry resistance to Cocoapods, so I don't see a downside to supporting it, and it does solve the problem you're talking about (albeit in a roundabout sort of way).
Also I've found Chartboost VERY developer-friendly. You might even reach out to them and ask.

Use two versions of the same library

I'm working in a iOS project that includes a static library created by another company.
The library include an old version of AFNeworking and I don't have any source files.
Now i need to use a more recent (and less bugged) version of afneworking, but i cannot include the same class twice in the project (of course) because all the "duplicate symbols".
I understand that it's impossible replacing the version included in the library, but how can i include another version along the old one?
There is a (easy) way to refactor the entire framework before include in my project?
You'll have to repackage the static library to remove the embedded AFNetworking files.
Unpack the library with:
$ ar x libwhatever.a
And re-package it, including all files except the AFNetworking object files:
$ ar cr libwhatever.a file1.o ... fileN.o
You will then have to link your executable with the new AFNetworking static library and hope that there haven't been API changes which will break the code in libwhatever.a. If there are then I doubt there is much you can do.
I'm afraid this isn't easy to do. Very few environments allow you to link against two separate versions of the same framework at the same time, and Xcode / iOS is not one of them.
As I see it, you have three options:
1) Link against their library and use the same version of AFNetworking they use.
2) Link against their library, and manually load the newer version of AFNetworking and pull symbols from it. Be warned: this will get ugly fast and future maintainers will wonder what you were smoking.
3) Get them to update their library.
On a side note, I don't know the circumstances here, but in general they should be providing you with sources. It's a very backwards practice to provide only a static (static!) library and no way to know what it's doing inside. You'll have to sign a software license agreement and whatnot to protect their interests.
The best and most proper way of handling this would be to contact the the creator of the static library and get them to resolve the situation. They could resolve it either by updating the embedded version of AFNetworking, removing their dependence on AFNetworking, or adding a prefix for their embedded copy of AFNetworking. The last one is probably a good idea anyway when a third party library embeds a different library, because otherwise it would be impossible to use two libraries simultaneously that both include the same third party library.
You could also refactor the copy of AFNetworking that you include yourself to change the names of classes to have a prefix, although this should be unnecessary, as the static library vendor should have done this themselves already.
Lastly, you could find a different library that accomplishes the same thing as your current one but that doesn't embed AFNetworking.

Howto use Twitter-OAuth-iPhone with iOS5 and ARC

I am trying to use Ben Gottliebs Twitter-OAuth-iPhone within an iOS5 app that uses ARC.
I already flagged the files with -fno-objc-arc. But now I get a lot of errors. I don't know where to start. Without ARC the framework seems to work just fine. Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: it seems that is has something to do with SecKeychainItemRef
I can not find the answer here:
I hope is not considered bad etiquette to recommend my own project, but I believe it's relevant to this question, so...
I just published a new OAuth library to GitHub that's fully ARC compatible. It comes with a working demo that implements the whole Twitter OAuth flow and allows you to post a tweet. You can find it here: RSOAuthEngine.
You might want to consider using the official Twitter API that's available with iOS 5. Here's a post on how to use it:
You could just tell the compiler not to use ARC on the files included in that library.
ios5 ARC what is the compiler flag to exclude a file from ARC?

CPAN/gem-like repository for Objective-C and Cocoa?

Is there any centralized repository of useful Objective-C / Cocoa libraries as there is for Perl, Ruby, Python, etc.?
In building my first iPhone app, I'm finding myself implementing some very basic functions that would be just a quick "gem install" away in Ruby.
There's a project for that! It's called CocoaPods!
Unfortunately not :(
There are some very useful sites however. I find one of the best is as it contains lots of useful information about many of the more obscure classes usually including snippets of code to do some really cool things :)
Maybe we (the cocoa community) should look into building something like this!
Oh and I just remembered this site which is also very good for starting out with cocoa.
Daniel mentioned
More specifically, check out
"This page is for tracking re-usable Cocoa classes that can be mixed, matched, and dropped fairly easily into existing Cocoa projects to add useful functionality."
I'd be interested in what kind of "basic functions" you're having to implement. There's actually quite a lot already there in the provided libraries, and I wonder if you're just not finding functionality that's already there...
There's a new index of reusable code for Mac OS and iOS: Cocoa Objects
I might be confused or missing something here... But doesn't apple provide all the Foundation / Cocoa / AppKit / CoreAudio / Qtkit / etc libraries that should provide all of the very basic functions you are looking for?
Other than what xcode comes with or is on the apple dev site, there are no centralized repo's for Cocoa.
Google Code also has some objective C things up. It depends on what you are looking for...
Also see GitHub, many useful Objective-C projects, especially re iPhone. See activerecord & cocoaoniguruma, for instance.
Google has Google toolbox for mac which got me started unit testing my iPhone application which was the main thing I found missing.
