Google Flatbuffer iOS - ios

Currently, I got a task to explore google flatbuffers on iOS and OSX. I explored the documentation provided by Google.
Also found some libraries on Github on swift language like FlatBuffersSwift and others that implement the flatbuffers.
So, I have mainly two concerns on that
Will Apple approve my app if I used this in my iOS application?
Is it possible to create schema on runtime from JSON ? or we must manually create schemas (.fbs) and use flatc library for creating model binaries (like .swift) files.
Any help please
Thanks in advance

1) There's nothing in the Apple approval process that has to do with your choice of serialization library.
2) To get the benefits of this library, you want to create a schema and generate code for it ahead of compilation time. If your use case is so dynamic that you want to be able to do everything at runtime, you're probably better off with a good JSON library.


Are commented codes removed from compiled binary for iOS Swift?

New to Swift, couldn't find an answer to this with a reliable source.
I have some commented code, but would like to know if they are removed when compiled/run in Debug/Release, and if this is enforced or can be turned on/off.
If they are indeed removed, what about those instances where I really need them to be inside, e.g. some framework or something?
Thanks in advance!
If you create inline docs in a swift package, they're available to the consumer. If you provide a Docc asset, that will also be available to the consumer.
If you create a binary, that depends on how it's created and distributed.
Unless there is a security concern not to share the source code, I would do a vanilla SwiftPackage with documentation comments.

How to correctly build a swift framework for iOS

My goal is to build a swift iOS framework which uses two other frameworks (included as separate projects) and which shouldn't reveal the source code after built.
Is there some text/guide/documentation which would explain and navigate me through the process of building such a framework properly and correctly?
I built framework with aggregate target adding and linking frameworks on which my custom framework is dependent using run script as indicated here. I was able to add built of my custom framework to my custom app, together with other two dependencies (again as a separate projects), and run it on the device. However, I am not convinced by the correctness of my custom framework built.
Moreover, I was not able to upload the archive to the Appstore due to the various errors of "Unsupported architectures...", "CFBundleIdentifier Collision...", "Invalid Bundle...", "Invalid Binary" and so on. After sorting these errors out according to the various stackoverflow answers and installing the app from the TestFlight, the app crashed after launch and wasn't working at all.
I was checking various blog posts, stackoverflow questions/answers and Apple Framework Programming Guide but nothing gave me comprehensive understanding on building custom framework under conditions described above.
Everything I did was just following step-by-step tutorials without explanation of the purpose of the steps. I am sure I am missing the basics. Could you please help me and give me some guides?
I can understand you frustration. I, a while ago too searched probably for many documents on how to write a framework correctly but like you I also didn't find anything really that satisfying. From my own experiences I can give a couple of advices.
NO External Libraries
In my opinion DO NOT use external libraries in your own framework. I don't really know what your frameworks purpose is but most of the stuff you want to do can be done without using external libraries. Depending on other libraries is not a good idea especially if its a framework you are working on. Anytime these libraries get updated or even worse if they don't you will have to wait for them to be updated or find another library.So rather than this happening later on I think its better if you do it from the start. So loose the external libraries.
Universal Framework Binary
Second one is pretty easy. Generating a universal framework. I suggest you don't use a script. Most of the scripts I found were either outdated or they didn't work at all. Later on I found out that actually it was pretty easy to generate one on your own. You can do this by building your project once for a real device and one for the simulator.Then you can generate a universal binary by using the command lipo -create "Your simulator executable path" "your iOS device executable path" -output "your framework name". What this does is that it combines your two executable files and generates a universal one. Then you can just go and copy your simulator documents from the modules file and paste them in you iphoneos modules file. I am going to share a link were you can go through the walkthrough yourself.
Use Objective-C(If you can)
This one is bit of a tricky one unless you know objective-c. What I would recommend is that you implement your framework using Objective-C and writing a swift wrapper around it. I would not have said this if you were creating an iOS app but in case of a framework I still think you should go for objective-c. This is because Objective-c has been around for over 30 years and most of the very old apps are in objective-c. If you want your framework to easily be used by older apps coded in objective-c I recommend you go with it. I have read tons of posts on how people have problems trying to use frameworks written in swift in their objective-c apps. Swift will be the first and probably only choice in the near future but not just yet. On the plus side if you still haven't you will have learnt Objective-C which will give definitely give you a better understanding on how things work. It will be challenging but I promise you it will be worth your while .I have a good read on this which you can checkout yourself.
Naming Conventions
This is a pretty straight forward one. I suggest you stick to apples naming conventions. This is because you will be sharing your code this time and people will look for familiarity when trying to integrate your framework. This will make your code easier to understand. You can check out these two links for more info. (obj-c) (swift)
Access Control
This in my opinion is an important one. When working on you framework think before you implement a class or a function. Consider if you would like someone else to be able to use that part of your code. You may want to limit the user while they use your framework and correct access control is the way to do it. You can easily guide the users so the users do exactly what you want them to do with your framework.
Document Your Code
This is a must if you want your framework be a professional one. You should be documenting every function and variable the user will use. Documenting and explaining what your code does makes a lot of peoples lives easy. You don't one anyone trying to understand what your code does for half an hour while you could have easily written a small explanation for what the parameters do and one that function or variable should be used for.
Test Your Code
Last but not least do write tests for your code. This does take some time but it assures you that your code works the way it should.
Look at other good frameworks
You should definitely checkout other open source libraries and look at what they have done. Usually there is no point in reinventing the wheel unless you are doing something absolutely different but even then there are very familiar ways to do things. I can suggest you check out the mantle sdk( Another one is the very popular Alamofire sdk( and also the Realm sdk( These are good examples of frameworks. Take a look at them. Look how they have done things. It will give you an insight on how your framework should look like.
I know all of these points may also be valid if you were writing an app but what makes these a must is the fact that you will be sharing your code with others. You may manage by not doing some of these while implementing an app but for a framework things do change a little bit. It is always a pleasure to work with easy to use frameworks which make coding a pleasure. These types of small things will make your framework preferable. Happy coding.

Basic Mechanics of iOS Frameworks and Xcode (and Swift)

I think I just must be stupid.
I'm having a lot trouble understanding very basic things concerning frameworks in Xcode/iOs/Swift. While I've certainly gotten some things to work, I've gotten more and more confused about what I'm actually doing. And the documentation on the web just confuses me more.
When I see discussions about how to import particular frameworks (e.g. is the library I'm playing with, but I've seen this pattern repeated in other libraries) they seem to always tell me include the Xcode project file as a child project of my project, in addition to linking things as an embedded binary. This confuses me. Is it not possible to link an already compiled framework to my project without including all the source code of the project?
That is, can't I just take a library.framework file, and add it to my embedded libraries list and be done with it?
In the frameworks I've played with (again is my primary example, but this is true in many others I've played with) I can't seem to use the framework without Carthage or CocoaPods. For me at this stage, that is just confusing... I accept that they are useful tools to automate a difficult process, but I'd really like to understand what that process actually is before I let a tool automate it for me. As I search the web I just seem to always be led back to these tools as being the correct way to do things.
So here are my questions.
If I find a framework library on the web... do I need its source code or can I somehow just link to a compiled version of the framework?
In my reading, it seems that libraries made with Swift are somehow second-class citizens because Swift is a newer thing. Is that still the case? (The articles I read about this seems to date from 2014-2015).
Is there are good place to understand how Apple expects me to add a framework to a project, without using CocoaPods or Carthage?
No need to add source code. Just add the framework to Target ->
General -> Linked Framework and Libraries -> Tap on + and select
your framework.
In my opinion, many new libraries are being written is Swift. So you won't be left behind for using swift.
Apple has documentation about adding frameworks to XCode. But I would suggest to use Cocoapods , as its easy to manage libraries.
Cheers :)

How do I build a Cocoapod framework for swift, while keeping implementation details hidden?

I am trying to build an iOS swift framework to display encrypted photos. Photos are sent by my server (something like a hashed binary file) after calling a specific API with specific details. I will then decrypt the photo, and display it to the user.
Correct and point me in the right direction if I am wrong, but swift only allows frameworks - meaning no static library. And this will expose my implementation details (such as the method to decrypt my photo).
What I would like to achieve is to create a cocoapod distributable framework for paid developers to implement (once they subscribe to me). It is supposed to expose simple public APIs, and hide implementation details.
I have tried various ways to achieve that but to no avail. I would really like to keep the implementation to swift codes only, with minimal Obj-C codes.
Build a swift framework, and build an objective-c static library as a wrapper
But I cannot seem to get it to work. Any idea if this is possible?
Build a swift framework in a swift framework
Stupid idea, i'm able to see the framework's implementation details within the other framework...
Build a swift framework, and build an objective-c framework as a wrapper
I cannot seem to get this to work either...
I have been working on this project for about 2 weeks now, and have been all over Googling for it. Just in case anybody would like to try, you may try to do the following and check if it works.
Cocoapods Friendly Framework
Implementation Details Hidden
Uses Alamofire (or any public framework that connects to internet)
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Whirlyglobe private API complain during app submission

I have a simple app which uses whirlyglobe framework (2.2). Otherwise, it is pretty basic program with Apple frameworks.
When I tried to validate the app (and during the distribution, Xcode complains that my app is using private API; specifically it calls "rootElement", and "attributeForFont:". I suspect these functions are part of WhilyGlobe component distribution.
What is the easiest way to remove those files from the framework? Do I need to have the source and compile the framework myself? Or is there a simpler way?
Solved. Here is what I did:
1) Searched in github repository of WhirlyGlobe and found the file that uses the functions which caused issue.
2) I did not need the functionality provided by the file that had the functions.
3) Removed the references (class instantiation) to the file from my project.
That's actually part of the KissXML framework and the implementation is in there. I suspect Apple's test is in error.
In any case, if you're not using the WMS functionality, you can probably drop it out just fine.
