DevOps and environment variables with Docker images and containers - docker

I am a newby with dockers and want to understand how to deal with environment variables in images/containers and how to configure the CI/CD pipelines.
In the first instance I need the big picture before deepdiving in commands etc. I searched a lot on Internet, but in the most of the cases I found the detailed commands how to create, build, publish images.
I have a .net core web application. As all of you know there are appsettings.json files for each environment, like appsettings.development.json or appsettings.production.json.
During the build you can give the environment information so .net can build the application with the specified environment variables like connection strings.
I can define the same steps in de Dockerfile and give the environment as a parameter or define as variables. That part works fine.
My question is, should I have to create seperate images for all of my environments? If no, how can I create 1 image and can use that to create a container and can use it for all of my environments? What is the best practice?

I hope I am understanding the question correctly. If the environments are the same framework, then no. In each project, import the necessary files for Docker and then update the docker-compose.yml for the project - it will then create an image for that project. Using Docker Desktop (if you prefer over CLI) you can start and stop your containers.


CI testing with docker-compose on Jenkins with Kubernetes

I have tests that I run locally using a docker-compose environment.
I would like to implement these tests as part of our CI using Jenkins with Kubernetes on Google Cloud (following this setup).
I have been unsuccessful because docker-in-docker does not work.
It seems that right now there is no solution for this use-case. I have found other questions related to this issue; here, and here.
I am looking for solutions that will let me run docker-compose. I have found solutions for running docker, but not for running docker-compose.
I am hoping someone else has had this use-case and found a solution.
Edit: Let me clarify my use-case:
When I detect a valid trigger (ie: push to repo) I need to start a new job.
I need to setup an environment with multiple dockers/instances (docker-compose).
The instances on this environment need access to code from git (mount volumes/create new images with the data).
I need to run tests in this environment.
I need to then retrieve results from these instances (JUnit test results for Jenkins to parse).
The problems I am having are with 2, and 3.
For 2 there is a problem running this in parallel (more than one job) since the docker context is shared (docker-in-docker issues). If this is running on more than one node then i get clashes because of shared resources (ports for example). my workaround is to only limit it to one running instance and queue the rest (not ideal for CI)
For 3 there is a problem mounting volumes since the docker context is shared (docker-in-docker issues). I can not mount the code that I checkout in the job because it is not present on the host that is responsible for running the docker instances that I trigger. my workaround is to build a new image from my template and just copy the code into the new image and then use that for the test (this works, but means I need to use docker cp tricks to get data back out, which is also not ideal)
I think the better way is to use the pure Kubernetes resources to run tests directly by Kubernetes, not by docker-compose.
You can convert your docker-compose files into Kubernetes resources using kompose utility.
Probably, you will need some adaptation of the conversion result, or maybe you should manually convert your docker-compose objects into Kubernetes objects. Possibly, you can just use Jobs with multiple containers instead of a combination of deployments + services.
Anyway, I definitely recommend you to use Kubernetes abstractions instead of running tools like docker-compose inside Kubernetes.
Moreover, you still will be able to run tests locally using Minikube to spawn the small all-in-one cluster right on your PC.

Doubts about docker

I'm new with docker, and have some doubts.
In a dev environment (not server), is better to use just one container, with apache, php and mysql for exemple, and use just a docker and a Dockerfile, or is better to use one container for each service, and use docker-compose to do it?
I have made this here with docker-compose, but I don't know if it is the best way, seems to me unnecessary complexity, but I'm newb.
I have the following situation, I work with magento, and is a common need to have a clear instalation for isolate modules and test, so I want create my magento 2 docker environment, where have just a clear magento and must have some easy way of put my module files inside, for test, and ons shutdown, the environment backs to clear magento 2 instalation, without my files, what is the best way to get this environemnt?
Thanks in advance.
I'd certainly recommend using a docker stack (defined in a docker-compose), and not trying to spin up a whole application stack inside a single container. You should have one service per container generally.
I believe what you are looking for in the second part of your question is a deployment orchestration tool. Docker does not replace deployment orchestration, but you can run shell scripts that do application setup in the Dockerfiles that build the containers you use in your stack.
As for access to files inside your containers, I'd look into docker volumes.

How should I create Dockerfile to run multiple services through docker-compose?

I'm new to Docker. I wanted to create a Dockerfile to start services like RabbitMQ, ftp server and elastic search. But I'm not able to think from where should I start ?
I have asked a similar question here : How should I create a Dockerfile to run more than one services in one instance?
There I got to know, to create different containers : one for rabbitmq, one for ftp server and other for elasticsearch and run them using docker-compose file. There you'll find my created Dockerfile code.
It will be great if someone can help me out with this thing. Thanks!
They are correct. Each container & by extension, each image should be responsible for one concern & that is typically mapped to a single process. So if you need to run more than one thing (or more than one process, generally speaking, not strictly) then you most probably require to build separate images. One of the easiest & recommended ways of creating an image is writing a Dockerfile. This is expected to be an extremely simple process and most of it will be a copy paste of the same commands you would have used to install that component.
One you write the Dockerfile's for each service, you must build them using docker build command, which will result in the images.
When you run an image you get what is known as a container. Think of it roughly like an iso file is the image & the actual vm or running machine is the container.
Now you can use docker-compose to orchestrate how these various containers so they can communicate (or be isolated from) with each other. A docker-compose.yml file is a plain text file in the yaml format that describes the relationship between the different components within the app. Apps can be made up of several services - like webserver, appserver, searchengine, database server, cache engine etc etc. Each of these is a service and runs as a container, but it is also not necessary to run everything as a container. Some can remain running in the traditional way, on VM's or on bare metal servers.
I'll check your other post and add if there is anything needed. But I hope this helps you get started at least.

How do I setup a docker image to dynamically pull app code from a repository?

I'm using docker cloud at the moment. I'm trying to figure out a development to production workflow using docker with docker compose to pull application code for multiple applications of the same type, but simply changing the repository each pulls from. I understand the concept of mounting a volume, but all the examples show the source code in the same repo with the dockerfile and docker compose file. example. I want the app code from this example to come from a remote, dynamic repo. Would I set an environment variable in the docker image? If so how?
Any example or link to a workflow example is appreciated.
If done right, the code "baked" into Docker images should be immutable and the only thing that should change at runtime is configurable parameters like environment variables (e.g. to set the port the app will listen on).
Ideally, you should bake your code into the image. Otherwise you're losing a lot of the benefit of using Docker in the first place.
The problem is..
.. your use case does not match with the best practice. You want an image without any code embedded in it, but rather fetched at each update. If you browse the docker hub you'll find many image named as service:version. That's one of the benefit of Docker, offering different versions of the same service. If you want to always get the most up-to-date code your workflow may have some down sides.
One solution could be
Webhooks, especially if your code is versionned on GH. Or any tools of continuous integration.

Docker Compose Dev and Production Environments Best Workflow

I've built a simple Docker Compose project as a development environment. I have PHP-FPM, Nginx, MongoDB, and Code containers.
Now I want to automate the process and deploy to production.
The docker-compose.yml can be extended and can define multiple environments. See for more information.
However, there are Dockerfiles for my containers. And for the dev environment are needed more packages than in production.
The main question is should I use separate dockerfiles for dev and prod and manage them in docker-compose.yml and production.yml ?
Separate dockerfiles are easy approach but there is code duplication.
The other solution is to use environment variables and somehow handle them from bash script (maybe as entrypoint ?).
I am searching for other ideas.
According to the official docs:
... you’ll probably want to define a separate Compose file, say
production.yml, which specifies production-appropriate configuration.
Note: The extends keyword is useful for maintaining multiple Compose
files which re-use common services without having to manually copy and
In docker-compose version >= 1.5.0 you can use environment variables, may be this suits you?
If the packages needed for development aren't too heavy (i.e. the image size isn't significally bigger) you could just create Dockerfiles that include all the components and then decide whether to activate them based on the value of an environment variable in the entrypoint.
That way you would could have the main docker-compose.yml providing the production environment while development.yml would just add the correct environment variable value where needed.
In this situation it might be worth considering using an "onbuild" image to handle the commonalities among environments, then using separate images to handle the specifics. Some official images have onbuild versions, e.g., Node. Or you can create your own.
