Set P4CLIENT from script called by Jenkins - jenkins

I have a Jenkins pipeline configured with Perforce via the P4 Plugin. Everything works fine as far as syncing.
I farm out the pipeline stages to bash scripts. In one of these scripts, I need to interact with perforce, but I don't know how to get the client name that is currently in use. Jenkins/P4 Plugin does not set P4CLIENT, and I don't see any environment variables which contain the client name.
How can I set, find, or export the name of the perforce client so that p4 commands work?

The problem I was having is that the option skipDefaultCheckout was set to true in the Jenkinsfile. When this is set, the normal p4 environment variables like P4_CLIENT are never set.
Solution: don't set skipDefaultCheckout to true


Jenkins: Access job/plugin configuration values inside pipeline

I am trying the access the values set on a job's configuration page from within my pipeline. These values are not made available as params, nor are they injected as envvars.
Jenkins, v2.263.1
GitLab Branch Source plugin, v1.5.3 (link)
Multibranch pipeline job which is pointed to a Gitlab repo
Remote Jenkinsfile Provider, v1.13 (link)
Ordinarily, one would have a Jenkinsfile in the root of the repo and therefore the scm would be associated with the repo we want to checkout and build. However, in my case the code I want to build is in a different repo to the Jenkinsfile (hence the Remote Jenkinsfile Provider plugin).
This means that I need to checkout the code I wish to build as an explicit step in the pipeline, and to do that I need to know the repo. This repo is, however, already defined in the job config.
The Branch Source plugin does export things like the branch name or merge request number/branch/target into appropriate envvars, but NOT the actual repo.
As this is a multibranch pipeline, I cannot use something like envInject either (multibranch jobs do not provide the option to 'Prepare an environment for the run' as with other jobs)
I would like to be able to access the server, owner and project fields set in the job config page. Ultimately I could manage with just the project's ssh/http address even.
Is there some clever way of accessing a job's config from within the pipeline?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Reference images
Within the gitlab branch source plugin (and the documentation) you have a lot more information, than just with the normal branch source plugin. there are environment variables for the project like GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_SSH_URL/GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_HTTPS_URL for the git source and many more. So far i did not see one for the server, but that would be parse-able our of the URLs.
Within this information, it should be fairly easy to checkout the repository and build it.
As through the process it came clear, that it is needed to also trigger the pipeline manually, and this is normally also possible with variables (not sure about the Remote File plugin). I assume your Jenkinsfile is a groovy script, which opens up a lot of possibilities. You can define variables and use some logic to determine if the env variable or the parameter is used.
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'projectUrl', defaultValue: "")
stages {
stage('Prepare') {
steps {
def projectUrl = env.GITLAB_PROJECT_GIT_SSH_URL ?: params.projectUrl
// DO Checkout with projectUrl
The only critical thing you have to take into account, is that the multibranch pipeline, has to run once, for each branch or mr - so they detect the variables. Afterwards you can easily trigger it, manually by providing your values.
This allows you, to utilize webhooks for automatic actions, and also allows you to trigger the build manually when ever you like.
Sidenote: if you use the centralized jenkinsfile, for reducing duplication, you might also want to checkout Shared libraries for jenkins.
For completeness, here is a list of all current environment variables added by the jenkins gitlab branch source plugin version 1.5.3 (and only for Push Events - but they are pretty similar in the other event types too)

Get variables set in build.gradle in Jenkins pipeline build

I have a Jenkins pipeline job that builds my project using gradle. As part of the build i would like to use a global variable I have set in the build.gradle file
project.ext.set("MyVar", "My Value")
How can i access this variable in the pipeline build, so
myVar = varSetInGradleBuild
Hope that makes sense
Well, usually dependency is reverse, Jenkins sets variables for build to control behavior with -P key.
For your use case you can define variables in file and read it in Jenkins pipeline.

How to extract Jenkinsfile by a custom script?

I've created a Jenkins job of type "Pipeline", and used an inline pipeline script. Now I'd like to put the script under version control and use the "Pipeline script from SCM" option (I think, I don't have to describe the merits of this).
However, our version control system (CA SCM) is not well supported in Jenkins: I couldn't make the plugin to check out anything.
We do have, however, some scripts for working with CA SCM that allow to check out things reliably.
So, my question is: Is it possible (and how) to have the Jenkinsfile under version control, do the check out for it by a custom script (e.g. using a .bat command) and then have the pipeline executed as if the Jenkinsfile had been extracted by the "Pipeline script from SCM" option?
I.e., as I understand it, I need a command in the pipeline plugin to execute a given Jenkinsfile.
You could try to use the feature "Prepare an environment for the build" from the "Environment Injector Plugin" ( and provide a script file (or inlined content) to execute.

Environment variable in Jenkins Pipeline

Is there any environment variable available for getting the Jenkins Pipeline Title?
I know we can use $JOB_NAME to get title for a freestyle job,
but is there anything that can be used for getting Pipeline name?
You can access the same environment variables from groovy using the same names (e.g. JOB_NAME or env.JOB_NAME).
From the documentation:
Environment variables are accessible from Groovy code as env.VARNAME or simply as VARNAME. You can write to such properties as well (only using the env. prefix):
env.MYTOOL_VERSION = '1.33'
node {
sh '/usr/local/mytool-$MYTOOL_VERSION/bin/start'
These definitions will also be available via the REST API during the build or after its completion, and from upstream Pipeline builds using the build step.
For the rest of the documentation, click the "Pipeline Syntax" link from any Pipeline job
To avoid problems of side effects after changing env, especially using multiple nodes, it is better to set a temporary context.
One safe way to alter the environment is:
withEnv(['MYTOOL_HOME=/usr/local/mytool']) {
sh '$MYTOOL_HOME/bin/start'
This approach does not poison the env after the command execution.

Using parameterized credentials in Jenkins

Say I've got dev, qa, and stable server environments for some web app, with corresponding git branches. Each environment should be continuously integrated. Each of these environments has a separate username/password pair used to publish the app. I would like to make a Jenkins multiconfiguration (matrix) job to publish to all of these environments. The publishing almost certainly must be done with a shell script.
My failed attempt consisted of using the Jenkins Credentials and Credentials Binding plugins. Credentials Binding provides a way to inject credentials as environment variables using a parameter. However, setting this parameter dynamically (i.e., something like if ENV == dev: CREDS = CREDS_dev) doesn't appear to be possible. Build scripts happen afterwards, and even using the Environment Script plugin doesn't work.
Is there any way for this to happen?
Had similar situation and used groovy script with parameterized build ( In my case I had a choice parameter defined as "DEPLOY" and had different values, like "Test", "Release", then in the following groovy script (Evaluated Groovy script):
if ("Test".equals(DEPLOY)) {def map = [DEPLOY_URL: "http://someurl", DEPLOY_STORAGE: "testaccount"]; return map }
You should be able to specify your credentials in here or copy env variables. After that you can access these variables in windows batch command using:
I also had another choice parameter defined "Deploy.Branch", with values of "dev" and "master". And used it as a parameter to Branches to Build, the value was set to (if you want to dynamically specify branch based on parameters):
Hope this helps.
Here's what I ended up doing. It's kind of a workaround for what I would argue is a flawed design or missing use case in Jenkins.
Redid my creds so they have standard IDs (this is in the Advanced part and you can't set it after creation)
Matrix job runs a trivial script to figure out what env maps to what creds ID, then triggers...
The main job that does the deployment
