How to create custom shapes in Jetpack Compose? - android-jetpack-compose

I am trying to create this shape using canvas
enter image description here

You can subclass Shape interface, and implement createOutline method. Outline.Generic accepts any Path object, so you can build any shape by adding lines, curves, rounded rects, etc.
class CustomShape(val param: Int): Shape {
override fun createOutline(
size: Size,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
density: Density,
) = Outline.Generic(Path().apply {
// build your path here depending on params and size
If the shape has no parameters, it can be defined as object instead of class.
Then you can pass this custom shape in any modifier which accepts Shape, like Modifier.background(color, shape = CustomShape(...)), border, or in views like Surface.


Achieving erase/restore drawing on UIImage in Swift

I'm trying to make a simple image eraser tool, where the user can erase and restore as drawing into an image, just like in this image:
After many attempts and testing, I have achieved the sufficient "erase" functionality with the following code on the UI side:
// Drawing code - on user touch
// `currentPath` is a `UIBezierPath` property of the containing class.
guard let image = pickedImage else { return }
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(imageView.frame.size, false, 0)
if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
mainImageView.layer.render(in: context)
let capturedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
imageView.image = capturedImage
And upon user touch-up I am applying a scale transform to currentPath to render the image with the cutout part in full size to preserve UI performance.
What I'm trying to figure out now is how to approach the "restore" functionality. Essentially, the user should draw on the erased parts to reveal the original image.
I've tried looking at CGContextClipToMask but I'm not sure how to approach the implementation.
I've also looked at other approaches to achieving this "erase/restore" effect before rendering the actual images, such as masking a CAShapeLayer over the image but also in this approach restoring becomes a problem.
Any help will be greatly appreciated, as well as alternative approaches to erase and restore with a path on the UI-level and rendering level.
Thank you!
Yes, I would recommend adding a CALayer to your image's layer as a mask.
You can either make the mask layer a CAShapeLayer and draw geometric shapes into it, or use a simple CALayer as a mask, where the contents property of the mask layer is a CGImage. You'd then draw opaque pixels into the mask to reveal the image contents, or transparent pixels to "erase" the corresponding image pixels.
This approach is hardware accelerated and quite fast.
Handling undo/redo of eraser functions would require you to collect changes to your mask layer as well as the previous state of the mask.
I created a small demo app on Github that shows how to use a CGImage as a mask on an image view
Here is the ReadMe file from that project:
This project demonstrates how to use a CALayer to mask a UIView.
It defines a custom subclass of UIImageView, MaskableView.
The MaskableView class has a property maskLayer that contains a CALayer.
MaskableView defines a didSet method on its bounds property so that when the view's bounds change, it resizes the mask layer to match the size of the image view.
The MaskableView has a method installSampleMask which builds an image the same size as the image view, mostly filled with opaque black, but with a small rectangle in the center filled with black at an alpha of 0.7. The translucent center rectangle causes the image view to become partly transparent and show the view underneath.
The demo app installs a couple of subviews into the MaskableView, a sample image of Scampers, one of my dogs, and a UILabel. It also installs an image of a checkerboard under the MaskableView so that you can see the translucent parts more easily.
The MaskableView has properties circleRadius, maskDrawingAlpha, and drawingAction that it uses to let the user erase/un-erase the image by tapping on the view to update the mask.
The MaskableView attaches a UIPanGestureRecognizer and a UITapGestureRecognizer to itself, with an action of gestureRecognizerUpdate. The gestureRecognizerUpdate method takes the tap/drag location from the gesture recognizer and uses it to draw a circle onto the image mask that either decreases the image mask's alpha (to partly erase pixels) or increase the image mask's alpha (to make those pixels more opaque.)
The MaskableView's mask drawing is crude, and only meant for demonstration purposes. It draws a series of discrete circles intstead of rendering a path into the mask based on the user's drag gesture. A better solution would be to connect the points from the gesture recognizer and use them to render a smoothed curve into the mask.
The app's screen looks like this:
Edit #2:
If you want to export the resulting image to a file that preserves the transparency, you can convert the CGImage to a UIImage (Using the init(cgImage:) initializer) and then use the UIImage function
func pngData() -> Data?
to convert the image to PNG data. That function returns nil if it is unable to convert the image to PNG data.
If it succeeds, you can then save the data to a file with a .png extension.
I updated the sample project to include the ability to save the resulting image to disk.
First I added an image computed property to the MaskableView. That looks like this:
public var image: UIImage? {
guard let renderer = renderer else { return nil}
let result = renderer.image {
context in
return layer.render(in: context.cgContext)
return result
Then I added a save button to the view controller that fetches the image from the MaskableView and saves it to the app's Documents directory:
#IBAction func handleSaveButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
print("In handleSaveButton")
if let image = maskableView.image,
let pngData = image.pngData(){
let imageURL = getDocumentsDirectory().appendingPathComponent("image.png", isDirectory: false)
do {
try pngData.write(to: imageURL)
print("Wrote png to \(imageURL.path)")
catch {
print("Error writing file to \(imageURL.path)")
You could also save the image to the user's camera roll. It's been a while since I've done that so I'd have to dig up the steps for that.

Entity model outline/border with different color than the material?

I'm looking for a way to make a red box Entity with custom white dotted outlined borders.
I'm really new to RealityKit, is that something I should be able to achieve programmatically?
What I have so far:
class Box: Entity, HasModel, HasAnchoring {
convenience init(color: UIColor, position: SIMD3<Float>) {
model = ModelComponent(
mesh: .generateBox(size: 0.1)
materials: [
SimpleMaterial(color: color, isMetallic: false)
position = position
That story is about UV-mapping of a model made in 3D authoring tool, or, if you want to do it programmatically, it's about Metal (vertices, edges, faces and uv-vertices). At the moment in RealityKit 2.0 there is no tools to uvmap a border of a model.
You can read about MTLTexture here.

How to draw different images on each side of SCNPlane Geometry

My ultimate goal is to have an SCNNode representing an image floating in space. This is more or less easily accomplished with the current code I have below, but the problem is that the back side of the image isn't rendered and is thus transparent from the back. I want to be able to display a different image on the back so that there is something to see from both sides. the isDoubleSided property doesn't work here because it simply mimics what's on the front. Any Ideas? I looked into the idea of creating my own geometry from Sources and Elements but it seemed very complex for what should be really simple.
My current code:
private func createNode() -> SCNNode{
let scaleFactor = image.size.width/0.2
let width = image.size.width/scaleFactor
let height = image.size.height/scaleFactor
let geometry = SCNPlane(width: width, height: height)
let material = SCNMaterial()
material.diffuse.contents = image
geometry.materials = [material]
return SCNNode(geometry: geometry)
Since you want different images, you need to use different materials. SceneKit allows specifying material per geometry element. SCNPlane has only one element, that's why isDoubleSided just mirrors image on the back side. You have two options here:
Create two SCNPlane geometries, orient them back to back and assign different images to each geometry.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents
Create custom SCNGeometry from SCNGeometrySource (4 vertices of plane) and two SCNGeometryElements (one for each side: 2 triangles, 6 indices), and assign array of two materials (different images) to geometry.
The first option is easier, but looks more like a workaround.

GPUImage: How to determine an average color within the hexagon?

I’m doing video processing with GPUImage2. When the app starts, I create a hexagonal grid and add it to my cameraView. The grid is fullscreen and consists of about 100 of hexagons.
In general, what I’m trying to achieve is
For each frame I want to find an average color (in RGB or even better HSV) within each cell of the grid.
When the color is determined, I want to draw something in the center of each hexagon depending on its average color.
I have an array with hexagons, each of them knows its vertexes’ coordinates and center.
I also have an array with UIBezierPaths which contains bounds of these hexagons (just in case).
So my code looks like this
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var hexagons = [HKHexagon]()
var hexagonsBounds = [UIBezierPath]()
let averageColorExtractor = AverageColorExtractor()
override func viewDidLoad() {
do {
camera = try Camera(sessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset1920x1080)
camera.delegate = self
cameraView.orientation = .landscapeLeft
camera --> cameraView
} catch {
fatalError("Could not initialize rendering pipeline: \(error)")
extension ViewController: CameraDelegate {
func didCaptureBuffer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) {
for hexagon in hexagons {
I guess didCaptureBuffer() should be the place to apply averageColorExtractor to each hexagon but don’t have an idea what to do next..
I am new to iOS development and it’s the first time I use GPUImage2… Please, guide me in the right direction.
Not coding for your platform at all but GPU architecture allows to do it like this:
pass the image as texture
render the center points only as points
in fragment shader compute the avg color of hex around actual position
This is the hardest and most performance demanding part. If you compute just inscribed circle it is easy but for hexagon you need to compute which texel is inside and which not. For axis aligned hexagons you can divide hex into regions (2x rectangle, 4x triangle) for rotated hexes you need add transformation matrix.
compute/render output inside the center point.
I do not know what your framework can do for you from this. If you rendered stuff is bigger then just the center point then you need either use another pass in your render or use bigger primitive then points in #2 but that means you will compute the avg color for each rendered pixel which can slow things down a lot.
Take a look at GLSL shader that uses this technique (for entirely different task but the technique is the same):
How to implement 2D raycasting light effect in GLSL
If this is not adaptable to your platform then ignore this answer ...

Passing UIBezierPath to view class for drawing

I am making a level based game with many different objects, all different. In each level, there will be different amounts of each type of object. Thus, I have been trying to make the drawing part as generic as possible so that all I have to do is pass in the coords and it will automatically draw. To do this, I have made a protocol that forces each object class to implement the method getBP(), which returns the UIBezierPath to draw for each. Then, the view class just has to say
However, this has been leading to some strange problems. The object does not draw at the correct coordinates. The y coordinate is correct, but the x coordinate puts it always at the left of the screen. I think it may be the fact that the Bezier Path is not being created in the view class. Here is my code in Surface.swift (this is meant to draw a surface in the game):
func getBP() -> UIBezierPath {
var rect:CGRect
var length:Double = getSurfaceVector().getMagnitude()//length of the surface
var cx = points.1.x+(points.0.x-points.1.x)//center coords of the surface
var cy = points.1.y+(points.0.y-points.1.y)
var bp = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: CGRectMake(CGFloat(cx - length/2), CGFloat(cy-RECT_HEIGHT/2), CGFloat(length), CGFloat(RECT_HEIGHT)), cornerRadius: CGFloat(5))
let transform:CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(Double(angle)*(Double(M_PI)/Double(180))))
return bp
points is just a tuple with the start and end points of the surface. RECT_HEIGHT is the height of the rectangle that is drawn to represent the surface. angle is the angle from horizontal of the surface.
Creating the surface in View.swift, I do this:
Surface(fixed: true, points: (Vector(x: 50, y:100), Vector(x: Double(UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width), y: 100)))
I add that surface to the array of objects in the game. I draw it in the View.swift file by saying
The surface draws on the screen with a y value of 100, but it is centered at x = 0 so that it is half on and half off of the screen. Also, it doesn't draw at the angle - it is always horizontal. Is there some better way of doing this? What is happening?
