Jenkins Fan-In Plug-in Job DSL Configure Block - jenkins

The Jenkins Fan-In Plugin is not natively supported by the Jenkins Job DSL Plugin.
I need a Job DSL Configure Block to be able to add a Fan-In Plugin to my existing Job DSL groovy scripts.


Equivalent of the build step for the Job DSL plugin?

The Pipeline: Build Step plugin. i.e. here:
has build.
What would be the equivalent with the Job DSL Plugin?

How to convert Jenkins UI to Jenkins DSL?

I need Jenkins DSL for purpose of code versioning.
I have seen that there is plugin which allows to convert jobs from groovy code to UI.
Since I have all jobs written in Jenkins UI I am wondering if there is some way to do it the other so that I will get groovy scripts from Jenkins UI jobs?
There is a plugin XML Job to Job DSL.
Each Jenkins UI job has config.xml in the file system. I have not used the plugin myself as I have converted Jenkins jobs to script manually.

Use Jenkins Job DSL to create / modify Docker Agent Templates

On our jenkins server we are providing ~30 Docker Agent Templates for build jobs. I've successfully automated the creation of the build jobs for those images using the Jenkins Job DSL plugin. Now I'm wondering whether I could use the Job DSL plugin (or any other plugin that provides scripting) to automate the configuration of the Docker Agent Templates in the Jenkins Settings:

Sidebar-Link Jenkins Plugin

I am trying to use Sidebar-Link Jenkins Plugin to publish report link at Jenkins job. As I am using Jenkins pipeline for creating jobs, I am not able to use this plugin. Could someone suggest me a better plugin which I can use for report link publish other than publishHTML plugin or provide pipeline wrapper script to use Sidebar-Link Plugin?

Configure block equivalent for Jenkins 2.0 Pipeline

For the Job DSL Plugin ( you can script your Jenkins jobs using this plugins DSL script with the help of their built in methods to support most plugins.
When you encounter a plugin that is not yet supported you can still use it by using a "Configure" block ( that tells the plugin how to build the XML manually.
Is there an equivalent feature for the new Jenkins 2.0 pipeline ( to support plugins that are either not updated often or at least until the plugin author adds support?
You should have a look at new Jenkinsfile capabilities. In essence, you can now configure your entire job using the Jenkinsfile and pipeline approach.
