Google sheets question - filter sum equation - google-sheets

I have a list of email addresses in one sheet (first column).
I have a list of transactions in another sheet with emails and sale amounts.
I am looking for a formula that adds up all the transaction $ sales for any transactions made by the people (emails) in the first sheet.
Any help would be much appreciated!

Your sample data is very limited (only one row matching one person, in fact). But the following formula should work for you. Place it in a new sheet, in cell A1:
=ArrayFormula(IFERROR({"Name","Total"; QUERY(FILTER(Transactions!A2:D,NOT(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(Transactions!A2:A,Tags!A:A,1,FALSE)))),"Select Col2, SUM(Col4) GROUP BY Col2 ORDER BY Col2 LABEL SUM(Col4) '' ")},"No Data"))
This one formula will produce the headers (which you can change within the formula itself as desired) and all results.
FILTER filters in only 'Transactions' data (names through amounts) where the emails are found in the 'Tags' sheet.
Then QUERY returns the name and totals for each match in alphabetical order by name.
If there are no matches, "No Data" will show instead.

If I understood your question correctly!
Try this on the sheet, where you only have emails and wanted to get sum of sales amount
=sumifs(range_whichHasTransaction , range_of_Email_inThat_TransactionsTable , Cell_Reference_ofEmail_forWhich_you_want_sum_the_Transaction_Amount)
it will Look something like this:-


How to 'count' only when header matches value?

I have a Google Form that collects a bunch of data from dropdown questions on a Sheet with each question going to one column (as normal). On separate sheets, I want to be able to count how many times each option is selected.
Here is an example of what the response sheet might look like. A, B, and C are all questions.
I would then have separate sheets for 'Person?', 'Place?', and 'Thing?'. The 'Person?' sheet would look something like this:
I want to be able to add in the count of each time the option appears for that question. In the example, notice that 'Napoleon" is in both Col A and Col C. If I just count the number of times 'Napoleon' appears, I will get '2' even though he only appears once in the "Person?" responses.
I originally used a QUERY function like =QUERY('Input Data'!1:1000, "select count(A) where A contains '"&$A2&"'",0). BUT, I need it to be dynamic. So the "Person?" question may not always be Col A. I want the Query (or whatever formula) to search the headers and only return the count of that option for that question even if the column location changes.
Okay, I figured it out! In case someone else is curious, I used this formula:
=QUERY({'Input Data'!A1:L}, "SELECT COUNT(Col"&MATCH("Person?", 'Input Data'!1:1,0)&") WHERE Col"&MATCH("Person?", 'Input Data'!1:1,0)&" CONTAINS '"&$A2&"' label COUNT(Col"&MATCH("Person?", 'Input Data'!1:1,0)&") ''",0)
Lee, I sent you a PM about your most recent post, but in the process, I came across this one. There is no need for multiple formulas or manual entry references. One formula can produce the entire report with headers, listing and counts:
=IFERROR(QUERY(FILTER(FILTER(A:L,A:A<>""),A1:L1="Person?"),"Select Col1, COUNT(Col1) GROUP BY Col1 ORDER BY Col1 LABEL COUNT(Col1) 'Count'",1),"No Matches")
Just fill in the header your looking for between the quotes where Person? is now.
The double FILTERs mean "Start with only rows where Col A is not null and Row 1 reads 'Person?'"
Then QUERY simply returns the unique names in the left column and their counts in the right column. Because the QUERY had a final parameter of 1, any existing header will be kept (in this case, the one you were searching for); and the created column will receive a header (i.e., LABEL) of Count.
IFERROR will give a friendly error message if no matches are found (in which case check that what you entered for the search in the formula exactly matches a column header in the range).

Is there a way to average from filtering specific data from an importrange?

I'm working on a different Google Sheets spreadsheet to input data (film details such as English Title, Original Title, Release Date, Rating, Country of Origin and a Link), while on the one I'm analyzing the data I managed to use importrange successfully.
Here is the code I used successfully in order to get the average rating of a country's list of movies:
This average is outputted to column C, while the name of the Country (which is also the name of the sheet for importrange) is in Column A.
I want to create a similar query but for movies that have the Country of Origin matching the Country from Column A (Any movie that has multiple countries of origin are inputted with the first one in the spreadsheet and copied over in all the other countries of origin's respective sheets).
I tried using the QUERY from Google Sheets to make my resultset, but in the best case scenario, it gives the same result as the previous average, while in the worst case scenario it just gives out errors. Here is my latest attempt at the query:
As far as I can tell, this should work, but at the moment it says it cannot find the range or sheet for the imported range.
Any help is deeply appreciated!
Here's a link of the input sheet:
Here's a link of the analysis spreadsheet (the query should be in the MOVIES sheet):
I am not sure If I got you right:
- you want: import the average of the ratings (column 4) by movie title (column 1) where the country matches your current column A?
If so it can simply done with queries, especially if you include the average in the query as well. But you need to include all columns you use in the importrange:
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("https://...", "Syria!A1:E"),"SELECT AVG(Col4) WHERE Col5='"&A2&"' LABEL AVG(Col4) ''")
Explanation: group by will aggregate all columns by the column you declared as being used as average.
this is the correct syntax:
=AVERAGE(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("ID_OR_URL"; "Sheet1!A1:A"); "SELECT Col4 WHERE Col5='"&A1&"'"; 0))

Google Sheets sum rows with the same first cell value grouped by first row value

I have dynamic data for an online shop with sales by product, by week split into columns:
I want to create a header row of the unique weeks and summarise the total sales by product by week in a dynamic table using query and or array formula if possible. However, Arrays and Queries seem to be designed for data exclusively in columns so maybe I need to transpose it in some way? Any ideas?
you can do:
=QUERY(B2:E, "select B,C+D,E label C+D''", 0)
=ARRAYFORMULA({IF(B99=C99, B100:B+C100:C, B100:B),
IF(C99=D99, C100:C+D100:D, C100:C),
IF(D99=E99, D100:D+E100:E, D100:D),
IF(E99=F99, E100:E+F100:F, E100:E)})
Okay, so I took my own advice and did a transpose to get the data into a state that Query can work with and then re-transposed it back to get the format I wanted. However, it's not exactly dynamic as I'd have to edit the formula if we added or took away any products.
=Transpose(query(transpose(A2:E13),"Select Col1, Sum(Col2), Sum (Col3), Sum(Col4), Sum(Col5), Sum(Col6) ,Sum(Col7), Sum(Col8), Sum(Col9), Sum(Col10), Sum(Col11), Sum(Col12) group by Col1",1))
Which produces a nice tabular result:
Any ideas how to make the formula more dynamic?

Display Rows From Another Sheet Based On Range Of Dates

I'll try to explain this as best as I can, I'm not super experienced with spreadsheet formulas so bear with me.
Currently I have 2 Google spreadsheets, one contains a list of all client related tasks. The second spreadsheet is client specific, it has a few sheets such as "Feeder", "Archived Requests", "Monthly Report". The "Archived Requests" sheet lists all the data assigned to a specific client from my first spreadsheet using QUERY IMPORTRANGE:
=Query(IMPORTRANGE("key","spreadsheet-name!A:Z"),"Select Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5 where Col1 contains 'TOSC'",1)
This part works all fine and good.
My "Feeder" sheet lists some =DATE and =EOMONTH formulas which I have made into Named Ranges.
What I'd like to do, ideally, is display all data from the "Archived Requests" sheet on the "Monthly Report" sheet between the named range "ReportMonthStart" and "PriorMonthStart".
Essentially, what I'm hoping to achieve is a dynamic listing of row data that goes back 30 days from the 15th of each month.
I'm not sure if this should/can be done with a Query or a Filter, or any other formula.
Here is the link to my current spreadsheet.
The filter does this nicely:
=filter('Archived Requests'!A2:E, ('Archived Requests'!A2:A >= PriorMonthStart) * ('Archived Requests'!A2:A <= ReportMonthStart))
This returns A-E entries of the rows where A column is between PriorMonthStart and ReportMonthStart. Multiplication of two conditions is logical AND.

Google Sheets - Query - Running Total below dynamic results

Testing Sheet:
Wondering if there is a witty way to add a Total to the last row +1 of
a Query result.
See Sheet 'Lookup' for a static example of what I am asking for.
I don't know if there is a way to have a hidden column that calculates
transposed only under the last row of a query, or if there is a smart
way to work Query for this answer.
All great answers. Each on very useful in its use case.
Макс Махров gets the answer with using a query statement.
Now I was not keen on having an extra sheet to hold the totals so I added a row at the top which I can simply hide and used this formula:
query({Orders!A:E;A1:E1},"select Col1, Col3, Col4 where Col2 = '"&C3&"' order by Col4",1)
Only problem I have is trying to figure out how to add TEXT to the bottom row, it seems to only want numerical input.
How do I fix this? What am I glitching?
Thanks !
The trick is to make second query and count totals for selected product.
Plan of actions:
add new sheet with query on it, something like this: =QUERY(Orders!A:E,"select B, 0, sum(D) where B like '"&Lookup!C2&"' Group by B",0)
Prepare arrayformula which combines data in Lookup sheet: = ArrayFormula({Importrange(1),Importrange(2)}) Note that number of columns must retain the same.
Edit query so it takes Col1, Col2, Col3... instead of A, B, C...
Make word 'total' visible instead of zero. Set number format: 0;0;total Set it for range B9:B on Lookup sheet
Make Conditional Formatting with formula =and($B4 =0,isnumber($B4)) for range A4:C on Lookup sheet.
That's seems have to complete the task.
Hope it Helps!
Your Example
Working example.
Here is one way:
Put TOTAL way down in row 1000
Select the range A3:C999. Select data > filter to create filters
Select C3, set the filter to hide all blanks
A second way is to limit the query result to show only the top 8 results:
Change your query to =query(Orders!A:E, "select A, C, D where B = '"&C2&"' order by D desc limit 8",1) It will reverse-order column D (largest first), and set row limit to 8.
Change the formula of your TOTAL to =sumif(Orders!B:B,C2,Orders!D:D)
Try this formula in the column adjacent to your query:
It duplicates your column of values (I haven't figured out a way around that yet) and then adds a total to the bottom of that column, and changes dynamically with the range from your query.
Here's a working version.
Interesting challenge! It got the old grey matter turning... ;)
