I have a parameter problem with a url protocol, what happens is that doing tests I wanted to make an html that when pressing a button an application will be executed locally, it works well by putting programs from the regedit but I cannot put a program as an argument, so i made a bat
start %1
which works well in the command line but when it is run in chrome it does not run as
start "notepad.exe"
but as
start "test:notepad.exe
which does not work
some solution or alternative?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="URL:test Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"C:\executor.bat\" \"%1\""
if there are grammatical errors it is because I am using translator...
I want to set up an Automator Quick Action that runs the bbdiff command, and passes it the selected files in the Finder.
I created a Quick Action, and set it to receive "files or folders" in "Finder.app".
Then I added the "Run Shell Script" action, and set the shell to "/bin/bash", and to Pass Input "as arguments". The script is:
/usr/local/bin/bbdiff "$1" "$2"
If I run that script manually from Automator or Terminal (replacing the arguments with real filenames) it prompts me to authorize the host program to control BBEdit, and then it works.
But if I run it from the Finder, I get this error:
The action “Run Shell Script” encountered an error: “You must allow bbdiff to send events to the BBEdit application.
Use tccutil reset AppleEvents to reset the system's permissions, and try again.
bbdiff: error: -1743”
I tried running tccutil reset AppleEvents and running the action again, but it showed the same error.
I also tried adding bbdiff, /bin/bash, and Finder to the Accessibility and Full Disk Access tabs of System Preferences > Privacy, but nothing changed. It looks like you need to add something to the Automation tab, which can't be done manually.
How can I get it to allow a UNIX command like bbdiff to control an application?
I managed to work around this by using a "Run AppleScript" action, instead of "Run Shell Script", with this script:
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "BBEdit" to compare (item 1 of input) against (item 2 of input)
return input
end run
The first time I ran it, I got the prompt to allow Finder to control BBEdit, and then it worked.
But this wouldn't work for other shell scripts, so the question is still open.
In my case, I was able to fix it simply by closing the currently opened BBEdit then opening it again. In my case, I was doing a BBEdit update before the error appears.
I'm using PyCharm community edition to create a love2d application. I've created a hotkey that runs a .bat file to run it with lovec.exe which is opens the console as the app runs, then i've created an external tool to run the .batfile through a keyboard shortcut, when i use it, the console opens within PyCharm, which doesn't write anything, and after closing the app, everything that was meant to have been written appears, when i run the .bat file outside of PyCharm it functions perfectly.
I would like to know if there's either an obvious fix to that or, just how to run the console outside of pycharm through an external tool.
This issue is due to the way Lua delays writing files, known as "buffering." To change it, put the following command at the top of your file:
io.stdout:setvbuf( 'no' ) -- Switches buffering for stdout to be off
Read more in Lua's manual:
file:setvbuf (mode [, size])
Sets the buffering mode for an output file. There are three available modes:
"no": no buffering; the result of any output operation appears immediately.
"full": full buffering; output operation is performed only when the buffer is full or when you explicitly flush the file (see io.flush).
"line": line buffering; output is buffered until a newline is output or there is any input from some special files (such as a terminal device).
For the last two cases, size specifies the size of the buffer, in bytes. The default is an appropriate size.
I'm very new to IDL (trying to do a POC for someone using it) and I am trying to run an external command. The line of code I have added is this:
spawn, 'C:\Program Files\ITT\IDL\IDL80\products\envi48\save_add\visual.exe'
I thought this was all that was needed to launch an external command. When I run the app, i can use the debugger to step through the code, and when I get to this line and Step over, my executable does not run. I see no messages in the debugger indicating any type of error.
I put the file visual.exe in the directory and can run it by hand with no issues. It just seems to step right over the code without executing it or reporting any error.
You can use the form:
spawn, cmd, result, errResult
to get the any error messages that might be generated from the cmd. In your particular case, I think you need to quote the path to the executable because of the space in the path.
Your usage of the spawn command is correct. Perhaps visual.exe is exiting prematurely
for some reason (for example, maybe the working directory when run via spawn isn't what
your external program is expecting.)
You might try writing a little script that starts visual.exe, then does a pause,
and then spawn the wrapper script instead of visual.exe directly. That might
give you a chance to see any error messages before the DOS window disappears.
I've got a console application that crashes with an I/O error 6 when the output is redirected to a file. It probably has something to do with the fact that the console application changes the text color, which doesn't make much sense in a file.
This works: c:\dir\app.exe
This crashes: c:\dir\app.exe >out.txt
When I supply >out.txt as a parameter in the IDE (run\parameters\parameters\), I just get >out.txt as a parameter.
How can I debug the application with the stdout redirected to a file instead of the console?
Redirection is made by the command line interpreter, in windows it is cmd.exe
To debug the application, just launch a cmd.exe with propers arguments to launch your application and redirect the output, for example:
cmd.exe /c "yourapplication.exe >redirect.txt"
To make this happen from inside IDE in order to debug, configure cmd.exe as the host application (Run/Parameters):
Put a breakpoint where you want to stop, and launch a new cmd.exe (Project/Load process) with "Run to first source" after load action:
And you're done... the debugger must stop the application at your breakpoint.
You could try remote debugging:
at the beginning of the application, add a ReadLn; which gives you time to attach to the process from within Delphi
start the application from a command line (specifying the >out.txt parameter)
in Delphi, connect with the app process (Run | Attach to Process...), set a breakpoint and then switch to the application to enter a key
Hint: a debugger breakpoint can also be set in code:
int 3
Make sure it isn't failing due to directory permissions. Fully-qualify the output file path to somewhere that you're guaranteed to be able to write. Otherwise, Windows7 may be playing games with the directory. (VirtualStore stuff).
I am able to get a shell registry type context menu function to work , see below . But is there a way to tell windows to send multiple files selected to the same application , perhaps instead of %1 or %L some other parameter . What happens now is that it launches the associated application for each file in the list .
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="&Upload to (File*Pics)Mojo"
#="c:\Program Files\app_directory\App.exe -n \"%1\""
Is there a way to send an array of names like sys.args in python ?
My guess is to look into DDEExec instead of shell\open\command. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb165967(VS.80).aspx
Seems like a superuser.com question, but I think these kind of operations require a bit of code. e.g. you write a proxy program that accepts the files, and adds them to an execution queue or batch of another program (like adding several files to a media player) I don't know if what you are looking for is supported inherently in Windows
You will need a full shell extension DLL to do what you want to do here. So the answer is programming even if the question was not.