Electron adding basic browser features - electron

I would like to activate basic browser features in electron like tabs, url input, contextmenu, download manager and forms autofill. Since electron based on chromium maybe there's easy way to just activate them all? Or everything has to be reimplamented?

The official policy of the Electron project is that browser features are left to the developer. See #15753 for one such statement. In many cases browser features are implemented in Chrome/Chromium code that isn't shared with Electron.


How to load javascript globally on a web-based Rhomobile application

We are looking at transferring our web-based app from Naurtech CETerm to Rhomobile. We can change javascript functions/meta tags to use the methods of Rhomobile instead of CETerm, but due to the poor hardware performance of our devices the slow down caused by the overhead of loading jQuery and other files is significant. (Prior to this we had no requirement for jQuery, although it would have been nice to have it). We also now need the rhoapi javascript which is significant.
Is there a way to include these "framework" javascript files in the Rhomobile container app and have them available to all pages loaded without them needing to be re-parsed on each page load?
It is currently a web based app loaded using something like the following in our rhoconfig.txt file as opposed to a local file:
start_path = 'http://xxxxxx.co.uk/login.php'
My current understanding is that this means the app/layout.erb file cannot be used to solve this problem?
More than RhoMobile Suite (and it's RhoElements enterprise device framework) you can take a look at Zebra Technologies' Enterprise Browser that is intended to be used as a stand-alone industrial browser, targeting Windows Mobile/Windows CE and Android devices manufactured by Motorola Solutions (now Zebra Technologies).
On "not too old" Windows CE/ Windows Mobile devices Zebra's Enterprise Browser uses a webkit derived HTML5 capable renderer engine so, to answer your question, you can use HTML5 application cache to download the JavaScript libraries only if there's an update, in this way you can remove any network delay.
I've seen some project using giant JavaScript files (well above 1MB compressed) on old WinCE 6.0 devices, the startup time is clearly the biggest problem, with the risk to look at a white page for 5-7s. This can be alleviated with an async loader and a splash screen. It's not going to make your page faster, but the user will know what is going on.
You can find more information about Enterprise Browser on Zebra Technologies developer website, the Launchpad, inside Enterprise Browser area.
If you build your custom RhoMobile web-app container with the idea to use in server pages, local resources, you can hit some issues around cross-site scripting prevention policies.

Zendesk app integration

I created a web application by using HTML, JS, JQuery, and some Jquery plugins. Now I want to integrate it into Zendesk. Can I use it like just copy all my files and paste it into zendesk zip file ? Or Do I have to re-code entire thing to make it work for ZenDesk ?
I checked the examples in online, they didn't mentioned anywhere about reusing the apps that already developed in Zendesk.
I am currently doing some fairly extensive Zendesk integration. If you are referring to customisation on the Agent Portal side then it will have to be a Zendesk App under strict Zendesk adopted frameworks jquery is included (http://developer.zendesk.com/documentation/apps/). If in the customer facing Help Center you can simply go into there on screen editor and paste your html, js, etc into the relevant sections see (https://support.zendesk.com/entries/22618341)
Good luck,
If you want to integrate your app to Zendesk as an Agent App, you might consider the chance of using within an iframe.
Note that the url to which the iframe is pointing to must be served as HTTPS. Otherwise, it won't work.
As of version 2.0 of ZAF (Zendesk Application Framework), it's easy to integrate any webpage. In v2.0, you aren't restricted to any technology or environment.

Using XDK, how do I link to another page? Hyperlinks are disabled

Edit: so apparently adding class="button" make it work... Can someone provide a reference on what other classes are there? We can't find any information on this.. Thanks
We are making an app in HTML5 using XDK, it has quite a few different views. We were planning to just link to another html page each time we want to go to a different view. But we quickly found out that hyperlinking does not work, is disabled, and button does not link either.
One of the people in my group said she saw an example about having a bunch of and then just show and hide them and use that as UI navigation... is that the only way?
Thanks in advance!
The Intel XDK doesn't insert any class definitions or require that you use a specific framework. It is a tool for assembling an HTML5 hybrid mobile app using the CSS, HTML and JS files that you supply.
If you look at the samples and the default "blank" project that is created when you create a new project you'll see that there may be references to one or more of the following "phantom" JS files:
The first two (intelxdk.js and cordova.js) are special "device API" JavaScript libraries. You won't actually find them in your project directory, they are automatically included when you use the emulator and when you build your project (which "wraps up" your HTML5 code and assets into a native wrapper that is specific to the target you are building -- it does not compile anything, it just converts it into a hybrid native/HTML5 container app that can be installed on the target platform that you built for).
The third one is a special helper JS library for dealing with CORS issues from within your app.
None of these three JS files define any classes or HTML tags, etc. They simply implement target-specific device APIs that consist of JavaScript on the "top end" and native code on the "bottom end." Your application only sees and interacts with the JavaScript interface, and only with the APIs that you need to use (which is totally optional).
For an intro to all of this, please see the Intel XDK Documentation page.
So, that means you determine which frameworks and structure your app takes. In other words, if you want to use Bootstrap and jQuery you can do so. If you decide to use the App Designer or the App Starter tools, they will define some classes that impact your layout. However, you are not required to use these tools to define your HTML and CSS, you can do it by hand or use your favorite UI framework library.
Keep in mind that your code is not being rendered by a desktop browser but the embedded "webview" that is part of the device. These webviews don't have the same memory and CPU resources that you're used to working with in a desktop browser, so you need to learn to be "lean and mean" for the best results. You are using HTML5 technologies to build a mobile app -- not creating a web site on a phone.
Hope this helps, please see our HTML5 web site for more background material. It's a little slim right now, but we're adding examples and background material as time and resources permit.
Hope that helps...

Combine JQM, MVC and PhoneGap together

I have a site which uses microsoft mvc 3 on the server side, jQuery Mobile on the client side and I want to combine it with PhoneGap and produce executes for Android and iOS.
Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible.
If you must use Phonegap, there are a couple of things to do:
First, you must create a project corresponding to each platform , following these instructions. Once you do that, you basically copy all the client side code (js, html, css) to the www folder of your project. This is one of the reasons, the app could load faster, since it's reading its resources from the local filesystem, and not receiving them from an http connection each time.
Second, you must find a way to provide your server side data to your app. If you are already using REST services or RPC methods to populate your website, then that's done, but if not, you must start by building them, and then calling them from your client (through ajax calls from jQUery most likely), and then rendering them through javascript (you can use the multiple templating libraries out there or just plain javascript, I recommend the latter only if the UI updates are minimal).
As you can see, the second part requires quite a little bit more work. Especially if you haven't built web services before.
The other option ,which does not require phonega/cordova is to use an embedded webview. Then you wouldn't have to do anything. It would work similarly to a browser (Loading the remote URL of your site), with the added advantage of being inside and android/ios app, and you could add other views or communicate with the embedded webview using native code. If you are planning to load html files from the filesystem and not from your server, you would have to do the same thing you have to do with phonegap.
It happened to me, if you have a web app depending on server code I would go with a WebView based app, and not a Cordova app.
It's really simple to create those webviews apps for Android or IPhone.
Here you have an example for building a webview based app on android
Here you have an example for building a webview based app on IOS
Hope it helps.
If you want to reuse your site you'll need a webview that browses it.
Phonegap wouldn't be needed if you use this approach, but the application will not be as responsive as a native app, and the IPhone moderators may reject your app for that reason (it happened to me).
Another approach would be that you recreate your site as a pure Javascript application and only communicate with your servers to execute some REST Services. In this case Apache Cordova makes sense.

jQueryMobile / bootstrap / both

Today we got one version of the system for desktop and we got one version with jQueryMobile.
The goal is to only have one system/page for desktop, tablets and mobiles.
I know that bootstrap is a good css/js framework and it is responsive. That will soulve the todays problem with the desktop version of our system.
As I said we have one mobile version as well. But today it gives us some "double work". And it is made in webforms.
My thought was to use bootstrap for both desktop and mobile. But my boss like jQuerymobile look and functionality.
We belive that our main users will be mobile/tablet users. So the best solution will perhaps be to remake the jquerymobile page and build it with MVC?
The main content of the system is for eployees to check their scheme, accept work-suggestions from their bosses and so on... This is in a calender.
There will be some more functionality in this calendar futher on.
Ofc there is some other stuff in the system but this calendar is the biggest.
My question is what direction we will go with this. The goal is to have one page/system for both mobile and desktop users.
If you are using JqueryMobile, I normally use another kind of windows events, but i have tried those events in normal pc browser and they tend to work okay. So why dont you build the system base on jquery mobile and just change the layout depending on who is making the request with a agent request.
