rails ckeditor image upload went something wrong - ruby-on-rails

I'm using ckeditor-rails, carrierwave, mini-magick gem.
I'm trying to upload image from computer using ckeditor.
I followed some steps README in ckeditor said, but i cannot find the feature what i want(uploading image from local computer to aws, and use that image using url link)
can somebody help me ?
this is my case right now
this is what i want


Uploading Webcam screenshot with Rails 5 ActiveStorage

Like the new ActiveStorage functionality in Rails 5.2.
My app let's the user take a still form their webcam, which I then need to upload as an attachment.
Does anyone know how to do this with ActiveStorage?
My setup accesses the webcam via JS using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia and copies a still to an image tag via a canvas. I've tried uploading the data from the img tag to ActiveStorage, but either ignores it or gives a signing error.
Any ideas if this is possible and how it could be done??

Cloudinary with rails won't show my picture

I am developing a Rails application and I want to upload a picture directly from my browser using Cloudinary.
I followed all steps from the Cloudinary page and ended up with a box and a question mark after I "uploaded" it, no picture at all. Any ideas what might be the problem?
I am not sure what you have used. But you should use carrierwave with cloudinary. Cloudinary having some complex way to handle display and save image if you don't use carrierwave.
But carreirwave provide simpler way to achieve uploading and display image.
Without using carrierwave
Using carrierwave in compbination
You should try the sample project and then check the differences:

Uploading image from PhoneGap to Carrierwave / Rails 3?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to upload a camera image from a PhoneGap app to a Rails 3 app that has Carrierwave on it. My thoughts so far:
Option 1) Use phonegap filetransfer functionality to upload to a temp folder on S3 then assign the URL to the remote_avatar_url for my carrierwave field. Then carrierwave does all the work for me in terms of grabbing the image, resizing, cropping, etc. Carrierwave will then send the files back over to S3 where they will be stored in the right places.
Option 2) Use phonegap filetransfer functionality to upload directly to my rails server then let carrierwave do the work from here. This seems more efficient, but I don't know how to assign an image that was posted to a rails api controller to Carrierwave so that it can do its thing. Any ideas assuming this is the best way to handle?
You can send the image as Base64/encode and than parse it on the CarrierWave side. Take a look at http://ograycoding.wordpress.com/2012/07/03/api-upload-with-carrierwave/

What should i use for rails file attachment and jruby?

Normally I'd use carrierwave, but they do not officially support jruby, and I've been running in to bugs, possibly related. (https://github.com/jnicklas/carrierwave/issues/620, Image corruption on upload to s3, production only. (carrierwave, engineyard))
Have others had success here?
I'm considering trying out paperclip, but it looks like that may not be perfect either-- https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip/issues/100
Try dragonfly it's a really great library to manage you file attachment.
check out this guide, it's cake
It uses paperclip and amazon web s3 gems

Image upload in rails

How do I upload images and zip files in RoR? I am a newbie. So please help.
Give me both the view and the controller code example.
Thanks in advance.
Try the paperclip plugin, you can read about it here http://www.thoughtbot.com/projects/paperclip
We prefer CarrierWave for image uploads in Rails. Very easy to integrate and very modular.
The following post describes a solution for image uploading using CarrierWave while image transformations are done seamlessly in the cloud. Uploaded images are stored in the cloud and delivered through a CDN.
No need to install RMagick, MiniMagick and ImageMagick.
suggest checking out the Railscast for paperclip.
ImageMagick is also pretty cool
I would recommend paperclip, and the patch that allows you to store the content in the database instead of the file system
the link has the view and controller examples that you are looking for
I prefer carrierwave is better to upload images easily.
Here's github page , and railscasts page for quick start.
One option is attachment_fu. It allows you to save your uploaded file to the filesystem, database, or Amazon S3. It also allows you to select which image processor is used, such as RMagick or Minimagick.
The link provides better code than I could here.
