BitBucket Pipeline log has no output when using custom image - bitbucket

I'm attempting to POC BitBucket Pipelines for some terraform work. I've got a self-hosted runner, running locally in my Docker environment, which is registered to my repository. This was set up following the generic instructions in the BitBucket UI.
My bitbucket-pipelines.yml file looks like this:
- step:
runs-on: self.hosted
image: hashicorp/terraform:latest
name: 'Terraform Version'
- terraform -v
Extremely basic, just run a terraform -v command on the hashicorp/terraform image.
The pipeline succeeds, and I can see the image is pulled, however there is absolutely no output in BitBucket from the container. All I see in the step log is:
Runner matching labels:
- linux
- self.hosted
Runner name: my-runner
Runner labels: self.hosted, linux
Runner version:
current: 1.252
latest: 1.252
Images used:
build: hashicorp/terraform#sha256:984ac701744995019b1309b542de03535a63097444e72b8f248d0a0d95520443
Even a simple echo "string" script does not get to the logs as output. I find that really strange, and I must be missing something fundamental. I've scoured the docs and can't find anything.
Does anyone know how to get the output from a custom image into the Bitbucket logs?

Do you use Docker Desktop on Windows?
You won't see any logs from containers if you use DockerDesktop (tested on 4.3.2) on Windows with WSL integration. That's due to container logs have another location and they're not available to bitbucket runner container.
-- Update --
There's a feature request to add local runners WSL full compatibility now. Pls vote if you need it too.

I had a similar issue where I was getting no logs in my Pipeline output UI, though the ultimate status was reflected correctly (i.e. pass or fail).
I was using the command provided by Bitbucket to create a Linux Docker runner, and I noticed it contains this volume definition:
... -v /var/lib/docker/containers:/var/lib/docker/containers:ro ...
However, I am using a custom data-root for docker (see this blog for details), so the path /var/lib/docker/containers doesn't exist on my host machine. So, I modified this volume to point at my data-root setting, and then the logs showed up as expected.


How to setup Docker in Docker (DinD) on CloudBuild?

I am trying to run a script (unitest) that uses docker behind the scenes on a CI. The script works as expected on droneci but switching to CloudBuild it is not clear how to setup DinD.
For the droneci I basically use the DinD as shown here my question is, how do I translate the code to Google CloudBuild. Is it even possible?
I searched the internet for the syntax of CloudBuild wrt DinD and couldn't find something.
Cloud Build lets you create Docker container images from your source code. The Cloud SDK provides the container buildsubcommand for using this service easily.
For example, here is a simple command to build a Docker image:
gcloud builds submit -t
This command sends the files in the current directory to Google Cloud Storage, then on one of the Cloud Build VMs, fetch the source code, run Docker build, and upload the image to Container Registry
By default, Cloud Build runs docker build command for building the image. You can also customize the build pipeline by having custom build steps.If you can use any arbitrary Docker image as the build step, and the source code is available, then you can run unit tests as a build step. By doing so, you always run the test with the same Docker image. There is a demonstration repository at cloudbuild-test-runner-example. This tutorial uses the demonstration repository as part of its instructions.
I would also recommend you to have a look at these informative links with similar use case:
Running Integration test on Google cloud build
Google cloud build pipeline
I managed to figure out a way to run Docker-in-Docker (DinD) in CloudBuild. To do that we need to launch a service in the background with docker-compose. Your docker-compose.yml script should look something like this.
version: '3'
image: docker:<dnd-version>-dind
privileged: true
- ""
- ""
name: cloudbuild
In my case, I had no problem using versions 18.03 or 18.09, later versions should also work. Secondly, it is important to attach the container to the cloudbuild network. This way the dind container will be on the same network as every container spawned during your step.
To start the service you need to add a step to your cloudbuild.yml file.
- id: start-dind
name: docker/compose
args: ['-f', 'docker-compose.yml', 'up', '-d', 'dind-service']
To validate that the dind service works as expected, you can just create a ping step.
- id: 'Check service is listening'
args: ["dind-service:2375"]
waitFor: [start-dind]
Now if it works you can run your script as normal with dind in the background. What is important is to pass the DOCKER_HOST env variable so that the docker client can locate the docker engine.
- id: my-script
name: my-image
script: myscript
- 'DOCKER_HOST=tcp://dind-service:2375'
Take note, any container spawned by your script will be located in dind-service, thus if you are to do any request to it you shouldn't do it to http://localhost but instead to the http://dind-service. Moreover, if you are to use private images you will require some type of authentication before running your script. For that, you should run gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet before running your script. Make sure your docker image has gcloud installed. This creates the required authentication credentials to run your app. The credentials are saved in path relevant to the $HOME variable, so make sure your app is able to access it. You might have some problems if you use tox for example.

docker image for dbt-snowflake

How can I run dbt commands within a bitbucket pipeline? What is the correct docker image that I should be using if I wanted to use dbt-snowflake? I tried fishtownanalytics/dbtand joevandyk/dbtboth:
- step:
name: 'Test'
image: fishtownanalytics/dbt
- cd dbt_4flow
- dbt compile
but I still get this error:
+ dbt compile
bash: dbt: command not found
When I try to pull the image locally using
docker pull fishtownanalytics/dbt
I am not able, but by adding the version:
docker pull fishtownanalytics/dbt:1.0.0
It's working.
You need to add the version to your bitbucket pipeline, so you will be able to do it.
As mentioned above, you need to specify the version for fishtownanalytics.
image: fishtownanalytics/dbt:1.0.0
Here's a full tutorial for creating a similar pipeline:

Use / CloudNativeBuildpacks (CNB) in GitLab CI with Kubernetes executor & unprivileged Runners (without pack CLI & docker)

We want to use / CloudNativeBuildpacks (CNB) GitLab CI in the most simple way. Our GitLab setup uses an AWS EKS cluster with unprivileged GitLab CI Runners leveraging the Kubernetes executor. We also don't want to introduce security risks by using Docker in our builds. So we don't have our host’s /var/run/docker.sock exposed nor want to use docker:dind.
We found some guides on how to use Paketo with GitLab CI like this . But as described beneath the headline Use Cloud Native Buildpacks with GitLab in GitLab Build Job WITHOUT Using the GitLab Build Template, the approach relies on Docker and pack CLI. We tried to resemble this in our .gitlab-ci.yml which looks like this:
image: docker:20.10.9
- build
- |
echo "install pack CLI (see"
apk add --no-cache curl
(curl -sSL "" | tar -C /usr/local/bin/ --no-same-owner -xzv pack)
stage: build
- pack --version
- >
--builder paketobuildpacks/builder:base
--path .
But as outlined our setup does not support docker and we end up with the following error inside our logs:
$ echo "install pack CLI (see" # collapsed multi-line command
install pack CLI (see
(1/4) Installing brotli-libs (1.0.9-r5)
(2/4) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.43.0-r0)
(3/4) Installing libcurl (7.79.1-r0)
(4/4) Installing curl (7.79.1-r0)
Executing busybox-1.33.1-r3.trigger
OK: 12 MiB in 26 packages
$ pack --version
$ pack build $REGISTRY_GROUP_PROJECT/$CI_PROJECT_NAME:latest --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:base --path .
ERROR: failed to build: failed to fetch builder image '': Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:01
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
Any idea on how to use Paketo Buildpacks with GitLab CI without having Docker present inside our GitLab Kubernetes runners (which seems to be kind of a best practice)? We also don't want our setup to become to complex - e.g. by adding kpack.
Use the Buildpack's lifecycle directly inside your .gitlab-ci.yml here's a fully working example):
image: paketobuildpacks/builder
- build
# We somehow need to access GitLab Container Registry with the Paketo lifecycle
# So we simply create ~/.docker/config.json as stated in
- mkdir ~/.docker
- echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_JOB_TOKEN\"}}}" >> ~/.docker/config.json
stage: build
- /cnb/lifecycle/creator -app=. $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
The details: "using the lifecycle directly"
There are ongoing discussions about this topic. Especially have a look into and As stated there:
If you're looking to build images in CI (not locally), I'd encourage
you to use the lifecycle directly for that, so that you don't need
Docker. Here's an example:
The link to the example is broken, but it refers to the Tekton implementation on how to use buildpacks in a Kubernetes environment. Here we can get a first glue about what Stephen Levine referred to as "to use the lifecycle directly". Inside it the crucial point is the usage of command: ["/cnb/lifecycle/creator"]. So this is the lifecycle everyone is talking about! And there's good documentaion about this command that could be found in this CNB RFC.
Choosing a good image: paketobuildpacks/builder:base
So how to develop a working .gitlab-ci.yml? Let's start simple. Digging into the Tekton implementation you'll see that the lifecycle command is executed inside an environment defined in BUILDER_IMAGE, which itself is documented as The image on which builds will run (must include lifecycle and compatible buildpacks). That sound's familiar! Can't we simply pick the builder image paketobuildpacks/builder:base from our pack CLI command? Let's try this locally on our workstation before commiting to much noise into our GitLab. Choose a project you want to build (I created a example Spring Boot app if you'd like at you can clone) and run:
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app paketobuildpacks/builder bash
Now inside the paketobuildpacks/builder image powered container try to run the Paketo lifecycle directly with:
/cnb/lifecycle/creator -app=. microservice-api-spring-boot:latest
I only used the -app parameter of the many possible parameters for the creator command, since most of them have quite good defaults. But as the default app directory path is not the default /workspace - but the current directory, I configured it. Also we need to define an <image-name> at the end, which will simply be used as the resulting container image name.
The first .gitlab-ci.yml
Both commands did work at my local workstation, so let's finally create a .gitlab-ci.yml using this approach (here's a fully working example .gitlab-ci.yml):
image: paketobuildpacks/builder
- build
stage: build
- /cnb/lifecycle/creator -app=. $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
docker login without docker
As we don't have docker available inside our Kubernetes Runners, we can't login into GitLab Container Registry as described in the docs. So the following error occured to me using this first approach:
ERROR: failed to get previous image: connect to repo store "": GET DENIED: access forbidden
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:01
ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1
Using the approach described in this so answer fixed the problem. We need to create a ~/.docker/config.json containing the GitLab Container Registry login information - and then the Paketo build will pick them up, as stated in the docs:
If CNB_REGISTRY_AUTH is unset and a docker config.json file is
present, the lifecycle SHOULD use the contents of this file to
authenticate with any matching registry.
Inside our .gitlab-ci.yml this could look like:
# We somehow need to access GitLab Container Registry with the Paketo lifecycle
# So we simply create ~/.docker/config.json as stated in
- mkdir ~/.docker
- echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_JOB_TOKEN\"}}}" >> ~/.docker/config.json
Our final .gitlab-ci.yml
As we're using the image: paketobuildpacks/builder at the top of our .gitlab-ci.yml, we can now leverage the lifecycle directly. Which is what we wanted to do in the first place. Only remember to use the correct GitLab CI variables to describe your <image-name> like this:
/cnb/lifecycle/creator -app=. $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
Otherwise the Buildpack process analyser step will break and it finally won't get pushed to the GitLab Container Registry. So finally our .gitlab-ci.yml looks like this (here's the fully working example):
image: paketobuildpacks/builder
- build
# We somehow need to access GitLab Container Registry with the Paketo lifecycle
# So we simply create ~/.docker/config.json as stated in
- mkdir ~/.docker
- echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_JOB_TOKEN\"}}}" >> ~/.docker/config.json
stage: build
- /cnb/lifecycle/creator -app=. $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
Our builds should now run successfully using Paketo/Buildpacks without pack CLI and Docker:
See the full log of the example project here.

How can I run a docker container in ansible?

This is my yml file
- name: Start jaegar daemon services
name: jaegar-logz
image: logzio/jaeger-logzio:latest
state: started
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: {{ token1 }}
API_TOKEN: {{ token2 }}
- "5775:5775"
- "6831:6831"
- "6832:6832"
- "5778:5778"
- "16686:16686"
- "14268:14268"
- "14250:14250"
- "9411:9411"
- name: Wait for jaegar services to be up
wait_for: delay=60 port=5775
Can ansible discover the docker image from the docker hub registry by itself?
Does this actually start the jaegar daemons or does it just build the image? If it's the latter, how can I run the container?
The docker image is from here -
Assuming you are using docker CE.
You should be able to run according to this documentation from ansible. Do note however; this module is deprecated in ansible 2.4 and above as the documentation itself dictates. Use the docker_container task if you want to run containers instead. The links are available in said documentation link.
As far as your questions go:
Can ansible discover the docker image from the docker hub registry by itself?
This would depend on the client machine that you will run it on. By default, docker will point to it's own docker hub registry unless you specifically log in to another repository. If you use the public repo (which it looks like in your link) and the client is able to go out online to said repo you should be fine.
Does this actually start the jaegar daemons or does it just build the image? If it's the latter, how can I run the container?
According to the docker_container documentation you should be able to run the container directly from this task. This would mean that you are good to go.
P.S.: The image parameter on that page tells us that:
Repository path and tag used to create the container. If an image is
not found or pull is true, the image will be pulled from the registry.
If no tag is included, 'latest' will be used.
In other words, with a small adjustment to your task you should be fine.

How do I build a docker-compose container from a git-resource in Concourse CI?

I am currently trying to build and deploy a dockerized Go project, pulled from a Git repo in using Concourse.
To give you some background about my current setup:
I got two AWS Lightsail instances set up, both of them using a Docker container to serve Concourse.
One of those instances is serving the web node, the other one is acting as a worker node, which connects to the web node.
My current pipeline looks like this:
- name: zsu-wasserlabor-api-repo
type: git
webhook_token: TOP_SECRET
branch: master
private_key: TOP_SECRET
- name: build-api
- get: zsu-wasserlabor-api-repo
trigger: true
- task: build
platform: linux
type: docker-image
source: {repository: alpine}
- name: zsu-wasserlabor-api-repo
path: sh
- -c
- |
cd zsu-wasserlabor-api-repo
docker-compose build
The problem is that docker-compose is not installed.
I am feeling like I am doing something fundamentally wrong. Could anyone give me a hint?
The pipeline described above specifies that it should use the alpine image, which doesn't have docker-compose on it. Thus, you will need to find an image that has docker-compose installed on it, but even then, there are additional steps you will need to take to make it work in Concourse (see this link for more details).
Fortunately, someone has made an image available that takes care of the additional steps, with a sample pipeline that you can find here:
That being said, if you are simply trying to build a Docker image, you can use the docker-image-resource instead and just specify the Dockerfile.
