I wish to remove the end line on Highcharts (as shown in image). Wish to show the Highcharts grid open.
If the top grid line of yAxes is always the last item (highcharts-yaxis-grid > highcharts-grid-line) and the right grid line of xAxes is always before the last one (highcharts-xaxis-grid > highcharts-grid-line). You can find both grid lines and then set the stroke-width to 0px.
check this demo: https://jsfiddle.net/zypherscript/60e4asjv/5/
We need a line chart where each point is not connected by a straight line, but a horizontal line from one value to the next, followed by a vertical line to pick up the new value. The picture below shows what I want.
Which chart type can I solve this?
You can use the line chart, but add the required values to form the line that you need
for example:
data: [[0,3], [1,3], [1,4], [2,4], [2,2], [3,2], [3,5], [4,5], [4,0]]
get you this:
I am using Highcharts for one of my project. Everything is okay except I could not change line style('Solid','ShortDash','ShortDot','ShortDashDot','ShortDashDotDot','Dot','Dash','LongDash','DashDot','LongDashDot','LongDashDotDot') of bottom grid line in x axis as shown in the attached image.
Because the line you highlighted is not a gridLine of yAxis and dash style does not apply to it. In fact it covers the bottom-most grid line. Disable it by setting its width to 0.
API Reference:
I am trying to use line chart, where I am using data with line series.
For that purpose I am using the legend. When clicked the legend, the following value will be hidden, and when I click the last one it also gets hidden, in my scenario last value should not get hidden so that at least one should be active.
I have done this in pie chart series but I can't implement this in line chart why?
- [Js Fiddle Pie Chart Demo][1]
- [Js Fiddle Line Chart][2]
var points = this.chart.series
I am using highcharts library to draw chart and I need to display Weekdays as labels on x-axis and also to auto reset it like from Monday to M if all weekdays can't fit on screen.
It should be dynamic, which means no flickering should appear when changing label text on x-axis.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
There is no straight option for that, rather simple workaround:
Disable reflow from Highcharts, use window.resize browser event
In that event add condition to decide showing full name of just shortened, and set this for chart - chart.xAxis[0].dateTimeLabelFormats should be fine
After setting new format, apply new chart dimensions using chart.setSize(w, h)
highcharts legend overlapping with the name section of the series.
I have got an url : Issue example.
I want to place the legend text bellow the chart.
Please help.
You need to disable floating parameter or use y parameter (http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#legend.y) to modify position.