Is it possible to remove camera frame but still continue detection in command prompt console? - opencv

I am working with YOLOv4 for detection through IP Camera. I have a GUI for camera control. So I don't want the camera frame to show the detected objects. However, I want the detected objects and the percentage to be shown in the Command Prompt console. Is it possible to make that? If yes, please suggest the way. Thank You

Add -dont_show after the command


How to track an opened hand in any environment with RGB camera?

I want to make a movable camera that tracks an opened hand (toward the floor). It just needs to track the opened hand but it has to also know the rotation (2d rotation).
This is what I searched for so far:
Contour- As the camera is movable, the background is unknown, even the lighting is not fixed. It's hard for me to get a clear hand
segment in real time.
Haar- It seems this just returns a rect and can't deal with rotation.
Feature detect- A hand doesn't have enough detail for this.
I am using the Opencv Unity plugin to do this.
I see another library can do something like this. Can OpenCV also do this?

How can I get the position of an identified object in Scikit-Learn?

I can use Scikit-Learn to train a model and recognize objects but I also need to be able to tell where in my test data images the object is residing. Is there someway I could maybe get the coordinates of the part of the test image which has the object I'm trying to recognize?
If not, please refer me to some other library that'll help me achieve this task.
I assume that you are talking about a computer vision application. Usually, the way that a box is drawn around an identified object is by using a sliding window and running your classifier on each window as it steps across the screen. You can keep track of which windows come back with positive results and use those windows as your bounds. You may wish to use windows of various size, if the object scale changes from image to image. In that case, you would likely want to prefer the smaller of two overlapping windows.

Smooth camera stop motion unity3d ios

I have been googling for solution to stop camera in motion. But could not find a better solution. I used this script from asset store. it does what it says but stops suddenly when i stop touching the device.
I need help to modify this script to achieve my goal.
Can you show me your line of code where you are moving camera? If you are using transform.position , try transform.Translate instead of using transform.position.

Image tracking - tracking a screen with a camera

I want to track the relative position of a camera aimed at a computer screen.
I can’t control what is displayed on the computer screen but I can receive screen dumps whenever something changes on the screen. Those screen dumps can hopefully be used to find the screen when analyzing the video from the camera.
I see many videos on youtube for face, logo or single colored objects tracking using OpenCV but I’m unsure those methods would work finding and tracking a more detailed image like a screen dump.
Maybe Template Matching is the way to go? But I need to find the screen even at an angle.
Basically I don’t know where to begin and need help from people with experience in this field to find the best way for achieving what I want.
Using feature matching should do the trick (Sift/SURF/ORB/...)

How to disable automatic white balance from Webcam?

I got a webcam and I'm running some algorithm on the received images to find movements in it.
But, the automatic auto white balance is changing the excepted result of the pixels color variance.
That's why I'm trying to disable it.
Some one knows a way to get the web can image with out this automatic color balance or disable it ?
If you are on Linux, you can test disabling automatic white balance using the uvcdynctrl command line utility. This is not a permanent solution, since these settings are reset every time the webcam is disconnected from the computer. As of OpenCV 2.1, configuring white balance is not supported using cv::VideoCapture::set(). Assuming this is still the case in OpenCV 2.2, you will need to use another library to configure your webcam and capture frames.
If you on Linux, you can see an example of using direct Video4Linux (V4L) syscalls to do this in one of my Github projects.
In my case I found on driver two options that must be disabled, auto white exposure and auto white balance, I disable both of them and the image got as I needed.
