Smooth camera stop motion unity3d ios - ios

I have been googling for solution to stop camera in motion. But could not find a better solution. I used this script from asset store. it does what it says but stops suddenly when i stop touching the device.
I need help to modify this script to achieve my goal.

Can you show me your line of code where you are moving camera? If you are using transform.position , try transform.Translate instead of using transform.position.


Is there any way to capture video or image from Unity (which use Vuforia) iOS application?

I have an Augmented Reality functionality made using Unity + Vuforia plugin which I integrated into the iOS application. The app uses the camera as background and when you navigate camera to some marker 3D object will appear on it.
My task is to add buttons which will start and stop capture video (or image) from the camera. The output should be a video with camera scene + 3D object.
I made some investigation, but the only solution I found is to convert the view of AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer on which camera preview is showing to a video (or image). But from my opinion, this solution is inefficient and not flexible.
Is there any way to get a current instance of the AVCaptureSession from Unity (or maybe Vuforia plugin)? Or maybe there is another way to solve my problem?
Any pieces of advice or guides will be very helpful.
I don't think you should use AVCaptureSession to get the preview and even do the capture operation in Cocoa-Touch instead you should capture the image in Unity and pass the data to Cocoa-Touch native API.
Here is the link how to capture the screenshot in Unity.

Swift: 360 image with Device Motion

I’m trying to make an iOS app for viewing 360 degrees images on Google Cardboard (or any other VR glasses) and i’m kinda stuck. What I want is the same thing as the app ( does, using Device Motion.
I don’t have much experience with Swift, so I’m trying to figure it out what library should I use. I tried to move the UIView changing the offset, but with no success.
Anyone can give me a tip or recommendation on where should I start and what should I use?
You may want to take a look at this the Panorama library. It rotates 360 images manually, but it also has VR capabilities
I didn't test its VR capacity, but manual scroll seems to work perfectly, so it should be a good start for you. It's written in Objective-C, but installing it with CocoaPods, it should work. For me though, I had to edit the library and add #import <GLKit/GLKit.h> in PanoramaView.h file.
Also go to Link Binary with Libraries and add these libraries

Unity 2D side scrolling game stutter/jerk/lag issue when run on iOS devices

I just want to say thanks in advance for anyone you can provide some help on this we're completely stuck at the moment.
Project Scenario : -> 2D side scrolling game with simple 2d sprites -> Camera is orthographic and stays in its place (camera doesn't move) -> My Character (A camel) is also static and does not move. -> The sprites (Platforms) move from right to left (movement done by script) -> Project Video is uploaded here (running on iphone5). It clearly shows the small hiccups and jerks.
Issue : The game works very smoothly on Android devices and Unity Editor (no spikes on the Unity profiler as well) But, when i run it on iOS devices (iphone5, iphon5s) the motion of my sprites is jerky. Like it will move smoothly for like 1 second and then a small hiccup/jerk of a split second occurs. This results in lag and lagging motion of the game which is very annoying as i am unable to get the right quality for iOS.
Things i have tried : -> I have studied many possible solutions on various threads and forums but none issue seems to be working for me :-( -> I have tried different scripting techniques like use Lerp function for movement, tried putting the code in LateUpdate and also FixedUpdate. -> I also turned off vSync in project Quality settings but no luck :-( -> I also tried the movement without the script by making an animation of the sprites to move from right to left. -> I tried making the project from the latest Unity 5.1 as well but still the same lag :-( -> I tried reducing the sprite sizes to very low (low quality pixels) but still issue prevailed. -> I also tried to change the camera to perspective view to see if it reduces the jerk or not
I am sure lots of other people around must have faced this issue while making a 2D game of such sort. I hope someone must have overcome the issue and can please help me with this. This has been an issue with me for long now ...
I would really appreciate any help ... any new technique in unity or any better optimised logic of making such a 2D game in Unity. Thanks.
Looking forward to everyones input.

Ios Video Effect

I want to add a effect on video on ios app , but i dunno what to search for , what i want exactly is the funny face effect , mutate face from front camera, so what i could search for , am using the avfoundation.
any clue that i can start with ?
example :
Its applying filters on it.
There is open source library which help you to develop this, But obvious you need to apply your own logic and open GL.
CoreImage Framework

Is there any lib that recognize object from camera?

I'm currently working on a project which part of it needs some level of AI. End user pointing iOS camera to a pre recorded video, the screen is very large so they can only frame part of the entire video. They can move their iPhone and shoot any part of the video and the app will automatically recognize what they aiming for and fire a match event.
To sum up
Is there a lib can recognize predefined object from video source?
I've heard of people getting OpenCV to compile on the iPhone. I am not quite clear on what you will be able to do with it, but I would certainly check it out.
yes OpenCv
