How To Move Two Decimal Places To The Left On Google Sheets - google-sheets

I'm using google sheets to calculate sales tax for items our company is selling, but when I try and get the total sales tax, it produces it into a large number.
For example, I'm selling an item for $89.26, at a tax rate of 10.25%. The total should be 9.14915, and if it's rounded - would be 9.15
But the total that pops up at the moment is 915.
I'd like to know how to get the desired 9.15 and not 915
If anyone can help that would be great,
Thank you.

multiply it by 0.01

Alternatively you can divide by 100


Google Sheets: How to weigh two different numbers and rank them

I am trying to make a spreadsheet for a beer tasting/comparison event.
I have a column with price pr. liter and a column with tasting scores from the participants, and I'd like to make a column where I calculate "best" beer based on the score, and also factor in the price - for example the score (0-50 points pr. beer) is of 80% "importance" and the price pr. liter (from around 33 USD to 12 USD) weighs 20%. Is this possible?
I haven't been able to figure out a solution to this at all. I have a hard time "mapping" it out in my head.

Calculate the number of rides for users by day_of_week by adding Count of trip_id to Values

Hello I am trying to calculate the number of rides for users by day of the week by trip ID but instead it's coming up as Averaging the number as if I am adding all numbers and dividing by the number of entries. I want to treat the trip ID as a count not avg all the number because then I think that won't reflect the number of rides per week. Can anyone help me with a formula on how to count the number of rides per week with these dates. I put an picture example of how I tried to do it but it is not working, and cannot find a solution.
enter image description here
And you plot against Days of Week
This is how I ended up using Countif.

Calculate a percentage for subtotals in a Pivot Table - Google Sheets

I have a pivot table that is pulling in quarterly sales data and splitting it up by lead source. I want to calculate the percentage of leads brought in by each person as compared to the subtotal of jobs per quarter.
The problem I am running into is I cannot figure out how to get the subtotal as a number in my calculated field. The equation is simple- total leads per lead source divided by total number of leads. But because I have the pivot table split up by lead source, I cannot get the subtotal to calculate.
In my screenshot, you will see the "% of Total Jobs" column looking correct in the 2021-Q4 category. This is because I just did the Calculated field as "=counta(Project)/16." This is what I want it to look like dynamically for each quarter, with the "16" being replaced with whatever the subtotal of that quarter is. For instance, for Q3, that number should be 14.
The solution might be right under my nose and I'm not thinking of it.
Google Sheets screenshot of pivot table
Thank you!

how to pivot balance amount in google sheet

I am using this formula in I5 =G5-SUMIF($A$5:A5,A5,$K$5:K5) to calculate the outstanding amount which is getting 0 once all the fee is paid, then I am pivoting the data to compare the course Fee vs Outstanding amount as shown in the below pivot screen shot:
As per the calculation I want to compare the fee amount received vs remaining balance in the pivot of a respective reg no. If the final balance is 0 it should show in the pivot instead of adding the course outstanding entries.
Please help me out.
Sample worksheet :
Since the balance goes down every time a payment is made every row, you can use MIN of Course Outstanding Amount Rs on the PivotTable values to show the final balance:

Average instead of Sum in Grand Total of Pivot Table in Google Sheets

In Google Sheets, is there any way that the "Grand Total" of a column in a Pivot Table is something different than the values of the column represents? (for instance, in a sum column, show the average).
An example would be in a sheet with daily sales of several products. You want in the column for each product to show the yearly sales (sum column), but the grand total to show the average of the values in the column.
This is very easy to do in Excel, since you can configure the Grand Total to be other function. I have not been able to find the same functionality in Google Sheets.
Edit: Original question was badly formulated.
Though it reads Grand Total, the presented result depends on the choices you make on Summarise by as clearly seen in the image.
In our example for Days the Grand Total is the average of all days.
For Points the Grand Total is the minimum of all points
