Problem enabling Keycloak read-only user attributes - docker

I've attempted to enable Read-only user attributes in Keycloak as per the docs:
However the documented configuration does not actually prevent a user from changing their attributes.
Using Keycloak 15.0.0 with the regular Docker image from docker hub
Made a .cli file and added it to my Docker image, built from
FROM jboss/keycloak:15.0.0
ADD RESTRICT_USER_ATTRIBUTES.cli /opt/jboss/startup-scripts/
With contents of RESTRICT_USER_ATTRIBUTES.cli:
embed-server --server-config=standalone-ha.xml --std-out=echo
The .cli file is processed according to the log. I can exec into the docker instance and check the configuration using
But the end user can freely edit myUserAttribute using Postman or another tool.
What am i doing wrong here?

I just had this issue, and it seems the documentation is out-of-date.
They changed the provider name, probably in 15.0.0.
Try changing your cli script to:
# ...
# ...


Unable to define params variables in Serverless console

According to the Serverless documentation, I should be able to define params within the dashboard/console. But when I navigate there, the inputs are disabled:
I've tried following the instructions to update via CLI, with: serverless deploy --param="" --param="key=value". The deploy runs successfully (I get a ✔ Service deployed to... message with no errors), but nothing appears in my dashboard. Likewise, when I run a command to check whether there are any params stored: serverless param list, I get
Running "serverless" from node_modules
No parameters stored
Passing param flags will not upload the parameters to Dashboard/Console, it will only expose them in your configuration so you can access them with ${param:<param-name>}. To my best knowledge, it is not possible to set Dashboard parameters with CLI, you need to set them manually via UI.
It was a permissions problem. The owner of the account updated the permissions and I was able to update the inputs.

Default credentials can not be used to assume new style deployment roles

Following pipelines readme to set up a deployment pipeline, I ran
$ env CDK_NEW_BOOTSTRAP=1 npx cdk bootstrap \
--cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess \
to create the necessary roles. I would assume the roles would automatically add sts assume role permissions from my account principle. However, when I run cdk deploy I get the following warning
current credentials could not be used to assume
but are for the right account. Proceeding anyway.
I have root credentials in ~/.aws/credentials.
Looking at the deploy role policy, I don't see any sts permissions. What am I missing?
You will need to add permission to assume the role to the credentials from which you are trying to execute cdk deploy
"Sid": "assumerole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
First thing you need to do is enabling the verbose mode to see what is actually happenning.
cdk deploy --verbose
If you see similar message below. Continue with step 2. Otherwise, you need to address the problem by understanding the error message.
Could not assume role in target account using current credentials User: arn:aws:iam::XXX068599XXX:user/cdk-access is not authorized to perform: sts
:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::XXX068599XXX:role/cdk-hnb659fds-deploy-role-XXX068599XXX-us-east-2 . Please make sure that this role exists i
n the account. If it doesn't exist, (re)-bootstrap the environment with the right '--trust', using the latest version of the CDK CLI.
Check S3 buckets related to CDK and CloudFormation stacks from AWS Console. Delete them manually.
Enable the new style bootstrapping by one of the method mentioned here
Bootstrap the stack using below command. Then it should create all required roles automatically.
cdk bootstrap --trust=ACCOUNT_ID --cloudformation-execution-policies=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess --verbose
NOTE: If you are working with docker image assets, make sure you have setup your repository before you deploy. New style bootstrapping does not create the repos automatically for you as mentioned in this comment.
This may be of use to somebody... The issue could be a mismatch of regions. I spotted it in verbose mode - the roles were created for us-east-1 but I had specified eu-west-2 in the bootstrap. For some reason it had not worked. The solution was to set the region (by adding AWS_REGION=eu-west-2 before the cdk deploy command).
I ran into a similar error. The critical part of my error was
failed: Error: SSM parameter /cdk-bootstrap/<>/version not found.
I had to re-run using the new bootstrap method that creates the SSM parameter. To run the new bootstrap method first set CDK_NEW_BOOTSTRAP via export CDK_NEW_BOOTSTRAP=1
Don't forget to run cdk bootstrap with those credentials against your account [ACCOUNT_ID].
For me, the problem was that I was using expired credentials. I was trying to use temporary credentials from AWS SSO, which were expired. The problem was that the error message is misleading: it says
current credentials could not be used to assume 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/cdk-xxx999xxx-deploy-role-123456789012-us-east-1', but are for the right account. Proceeding anyway.
(To get rid of this warning, please upgrade to bootstrap version >= 8)
However, applying the --verbose flag as suggested above showed the real problem:
Assuming role 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/cdk-xxx999xxx-deploy-role-123456789012-us-east-1'.
Assuming role failed: The security token included in the request is expired
Could not assume role in target account using current credentials The security token included in the request is expired . Please make sure that this role exists in the account. If it doesn't exist, (re)-bootstrap the environment with the right '--trust', using the latest version of the CDK CLI.
Getting the latest SSO credentials fixed the problem.
After deploying with --verbose I could see it was a clock issue in my case:
Assuming role failed: Signature expired: 20220428T191847Z is now earlier than 20220428T192528Z (20220428T194028Z - 15 min.)
I resolve the clock issue on ubuntu using:
sudo ntpdate
which then resolves the cdk issue.

Selenium Hub - create a reusable profile

I need to execute integration testing using Python code and Selenium HUB driver.
I'm planning to use remote driver (I'm using Selenium HUB docker image on
I am unable to figure out how to create a persistent profile in the Selenium HUB image and recall from remote webdriver.
I guess I need to first create the profile on Selenium HUB, than recall in the python code:
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
browser = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='',desired_capabilities = chrome_options.to_capabilities())
session_id = browser.session_id
How can I create the "user data dir" profile on docker selenium hub image?
I run "chrome:\version" and I was able to identify the profile
I was able to specify it in the 'user-data-dir' param but, after committing on docker, when re-launching the image, the path change.
Is it there any way to make it persistent?
I've created a folder "/etc/opt/chrome/profile/maya"
I've created a test_policy.json file:
"UserDataDir": "/etc/opt/chrome/profile/maya"
placed in this directory:
When I try to execute the "chrome://policy/" I see this:
Indicating something is wrong:
You can add custom path to chrome using chrome://policy and later add that policy files to docker images.
Try the policy setup manually to assert if this approach works for you. While trying make sure you created valid policy file. Detailed steps are here.
Available policy list
Adding Steps in docker file.
3.1. Creating folder as mentioned in step-1
3.2. Copying the policy file tested in step-1
Build the docker image and use it.
PS: This approach works for me as I did some customization in chrome. Let me know in case you need more information.

How to read in other config information into a dropwizard service

I am building a dropwizard service which will connect to multiple data sources including mySQL and Elasticsearch. All the mySQL settings can be defined in the yaml config file which gets read in after running from the commandline.
But what about other settings that I need to read in for other data sources that I will connect with myself, for example Elasticsearch? Where can I define those settings?
I thought I could add another commandline Command - which I tried, but I can only run a single command (from the commandline) at a time - so I can't seem to run both the 'server' command as well as my custom command, 'custom' which is followed by the my own config file for elasticsearch.
How can I introduce settings either individually or from a file - which are defined at run time (not hard coded)?
Check out the Dropwizard Core documentation on adding custom configuration.
You'd create an ElasticSearchFactory class similar to the MessageQueueFactory in the example, reference this in your Configuration (that's in turn referenced in your Application), and then the options you need can be added to your main yaml configuration.

Google Cloud Storage: Output path does not exist or is not writeable

I am trying to follow this simple Dataflow example from google cloud site.
I have successfully installed the dataflow pipeline plugin and gcloud SDK (as well as Python 2.7). I have also set up a project on google cloud and enabled billing and all the necessary API's - as specified in the instructions above.
However, when I go to the run configurations and change the Pipeline Arguments tab to select BlockingDataflowPipelineRunner, after entering creating a bucket and setting my project-id, hitting run gives me:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Output path does not exist or is not writeable: gs://my-cloud-dataflow-bucket
... 9 more
I have used my terminal to execute 'gcloud auth login' and I see in the browser that I am successfully logged in.
I am really not sure what I have done wrong here. Can anyone confirm if this is a known issue with using dataflow pipeline and google buckets?
I had a similar issue with GCS bucket permissions, though I certainly had write permissions and I could upload files into the bucket.
What solved the problem for me was acquiring roles/dataflow.admin permission for the project I was submitting the pipeline to.
When submitting pipelines to the Google Cloud Dataflow Service, the pipeline runner on your local machine uploads files, which are necessary for execution in the cloud, to a "staging location" in Google Cloud Storage.
The pipeline runner on your local machine seems to be unable to write the required files to the staging location provided (gs://my-cloud-dataflow-bucket). It could be that the location doesn't exist, or that it belongs to a different GCP project than you authenticated against, or that there are more specific permissions set on that bucket, etc.
You can start debugging the issue via gsutil command-line too. For example, try running gsutil ls gs://my-cloud-dataflow-bucket to attempt to list the contents of the bucket. Then, try to upload via gsutil cp command. This will perhaps produce enough information to root-cause the issue you are facing.
Try to provide zone parameter, it works in my case with similar error. And of course export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable before running your app.
-Dexec.args="--runner=DataflowRunner \
--gcpTempLocation=gs://bucket/tmp \
--zone=bucket-zone \
Got the same error. Fixed it by setting GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS using the key file with write permissions in ~/.bash_profile on Mac.
I realised I needed to use a specific acl command via gsutil. Setting my account to have owner permissions did not do the job. Instead using:
gsutil acl set public-read-write gs://my-bucket-name-here
worked in this case. Hope this helps someone!
