I have a framework that depends on a couple of pods such as IQKeyboardManagerSwift, It used to work fine when I generate framework file and integrate it in a project that has the required pods installed. however, after updating cocoapods to version 1.11.2 the app that has the framework crashes with signal sigabrt from the framework on the first line that uses any of the pods, and the console prints
I've tried to revert back to cocoapods 1.10.1 but the crash keeps happening! I tried to change the linker flags options, framework path, header path, and it didn't work
Any ideas how to solve this issue or how to investigate it?
For me this was an issue with the RealSwift pod, going back to version 10.20.0 solved it for me
This occurs when any pods code implementation syntax changes in new version or pod name changes, you need to check migration of that pod for code level changes or you can also downgrade the particular pod if you don't want to change the current code.
I'm trying to implement MoPub into my Swift app, but in some of the files that are provided by the MoPub pod there are errors saying Cannot find type 'SKAdImpression' in scope. I also cannot import MoPub in my own documents. I tried running pod update restarting xcode, and making sure I am using the .xcworkspace file
Edit: I just re-read the apple documentation, and noticed that it says SKAdImpression is an iOS 14.5+ feature. The version of Xcode I have is for iOS 14.4, so it makes sense as to why it cannot be found. My only concern is, does this mean that my app will only work on iOS 14.5+?
Edit 2: My mac does not support the latest MacOS which is required for the latest Xcode for 14.5. Is there anything I can do to get MoPub working anyway?
The version of Xcode I have is for iOS 14.4
My mac does not support the latest MacOS
Bad news is that is there is no other way around this error, as far as I can see.
What did not help:
Removing the version, pod 'mopub-ios-sdk' and running pod install of pod update again.
Cleaning Build Folder.
Cleaning the /DerivedData folder.
What did help:
Updating Xcode to the 12.5 version.
Take the version out.
pod 'mopub-ios-sdk'
run pod install
Alternatively you can follow this from their guide:
simply import MoPubSDK/MoPub-Bridging-Header.h to your project and
ensure that the Objective-C Bridging Header build setting under Swift
Compiler - Code Generation has a path to the header.
They also have a sample program, take a look at that as well. You can find it here:
Also, make sure you have the project closed out before you run pod install. I have seen issues in the past when this happens.
I am trying to install a Pod in my IOS/iPhone project using Xcode 9.3.1.
My target app is configured to use Swift 3.3.
After adding the following line to my podfile...
pod 'Concorde'
I ran...
pod install
The pod installed normally. However, upon compilation, I receive a mess of compiler warnings and errors like "NSUrlResponse was obsoleted in Swift 3". It seems the Swift version I have (3.3) is too new.
The Swift version configured for the build target is also 3.3.
It looks like an older Swift is required for this Pod. However, is there a simple way to determine which Swift version is required for the pod?
I checked the CocoaPods.org web site and the page does not show the Swift version required for the library.
I also checked the podspec, where I expected to find that version number requirement.
You can try terminal command,
pod try "pod name"
this will clone the repo automatically for you to test the framework on the fly
there you can check out whatever you need.
Plus reading the description on GitHub helps too
Also i recommend using highly popular pods, as they tempt to be more stable.
read the reviews about the framework, and try to find other alternatives for it.
New update: You can try to preview .podspec file inside the Repo on github sometimes you can find the Swift Version of that Pod example : here
I am using CoreBitcoin with Pod. It comes with two other pods, one is OpenSSL-Universal v( according to OpenSSL-Universal Github, many people was facing some warning like
`ld: warning: object file (/Users/me/projet/myProject/ios/Pods/OpenSSL-Universal/lib-ios/libcrypto.a(cversion.o)) was built for newer iOS version (9.2) than being linked (8.0)
as mentionned here
I already tried disabling all warning from pod project, it does disable all warning from the pod I did install, but not from the ones coming as dependencies of some pod.
I tried to install newer OpenSSL-Universal pod myself, but as you can imagine, it didn't solved my problem. It's just a warning problem so what I'm looking for :
Can I find a way with my podfile to install CoreBitcoin with a newer version of OpenSSL-Universal, so new people working on the project would just have to clone it and won't have tons of warnings
What kind of settings could I set to disable those warnings once for all
I am using Xcode v8.3.3 & pod v1.2.1
Give, please, more info about Pods. My solution is:
pod 'CoreBitcoin'
And others dependencies I install with add pod 'NameOfPod'
For use in Swift-project, you must be create bridging header and import CoreBitcoin to file, than you can use any methods from library.
As you may be aware of it, Google now switch to Firebase instead of Google Analytics. So I tried to integrate it to my current working project. Admob is also integrated to my project with Pods.
I have followed Google's document and created a new pod and re-install with firebase. After it , now my project does not build.
Here is error
Use of unresolved identifiers "GADBannerView"
Try switching your imports to just:
#import GoogleMobileAds;
Everything should work as it was before, but using the module map is a great a way to pull in the headers rather than directly importing.
I have resolved it with:
-delete all pod related files from my project folder
-pod init
-re-add my required pods
-pod install
So I get this error as well with GADRequest errors even on Google's sample Banner project.
I fixed it with #Ian Barber's suggestion with #batgun's answer, of updating cocoapod version to 1.0.0 by running
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
then deleting all cocoapod items then install them again.
When I was in cocoapod version lower than 1.0.0, when I run pod install again, I still had errors, like "Use of unresolved identifier 'GADRequest'"
I retyped the whole thing and worked perfectly. When I was still not in cocoapod 1.0.0 version (i think it was 0.39 version), I can only find GADRequestError and not GADRequest.
When I retry extracting the original project now, do pod install and run the app, It doesn't throw any errors now.
I believe this has something to do with cocoapod version but it is not in google admob instruction to update it on.
I was trying to figure this out since the day of the release and losing hope for firebase because it was the sample basic banner project and it doesn't work!
I can verify it has something to do with cocoapod version.
I was trying to do the Google's Codelab 'FriendlyChatSwift' practice project since the release and throws a bunch of errors after running pod, not finding bunch of classes.
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
I deleted the existing downloaded pods and related (ProjectName.xcworkspace, PodFile.lock, /Pods)
Run pod install
Build and Run of the project
It worked perfectly. I also tried running the project before doing this steps and It had bunch of errors.
I had this same issue and this helped me get setup the way I needed it but I don't think anyone touched on my exact issue. Thought I'd provide that just in case someone was looking.
After I cleared everything out and ran pod init I noticed that the generated pod file has use_frameworks! set in it. Once I added that everything was solved. Stupid mistake on my part since you need use_frameworks! for swift projects but leaving that out lead to a lot of random not found errors showing up and going away at random. Hope this helps someone.
I have a currently working cocoapods, however whenever I want to add frameworks and run pod install I get this warning in the terminal and the project does not compile.
I have followed what it is suggesting, I already had the inherited flag in my build settings, and I tried deleting the EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT from target build settings.
I have to run a git reset --hard to go back to my working cocoapods after removing the framework I wanted to add.
Edit: Added my podfile
Okay, so after a lot of pain and suffering, I found the solution.
We cannot have frameworks in cocoapods use other frameworks in your podfile. I was using Atlas but added custom implementation that included MBProgressHUD which was the issue. I cannot import MBProgressHUD into Atlas because thats what was causing the issues above.
Not sure why but that was all there was to it.