Jedi Project and Delphi 11 doesn't install via GetIt - delphi

I have attempted to install Jedi into Delphi 11, it goes through the installation process and Getit reports it as installed but it does not appear in the component palette. I have Jedi installed in Delphi 10.4.
Both JEDIVisualComponentLibrary and JEDICodeLibrary (Both JCL-2021.09) have been copied to the CatalogRepository but looking in the Options\language\Delphi\library none of the JediVCL libraries were entered and and only the 32 bit version of the CodeLibrary.
I entered the paths in Options/Language/Delphi/Library and restarted Delphi but none of the Jedi VCL controls appeared on the Palette.
Tried running uninstall from GetIt but nothing seems to happen then it says Done. Where do I find the actual Install/Unistall programs?
How do I clear out the Jedi Libraries and what is the best way to install them.

Got into your same situation and I didn't find JVCLInstall.exe either.
I went into folder:
and opened JVCLInstall.dproj in Delphi 11 IDE. I run it from there and a JVCL install wizard poped up. I went through it and, despite some warnings, I got the components installed and available after closing and opening the IDE.


RAD Studio 10.2.3 Jedi JVCL Install Problem

I've uninstalled my RAD Studio 10.2.2 and installed 10.2.3 in my Win10 development VM. Along the way I uninstalled all the previous 3rd-party libs, including the Jedi GetIt packages, and per the instructions got rid of all the old Jedi source and DCP/DCLs. I'm attempting to install them back into 10.2.3 via GetIt. The JCL libs install fine, but when I try to install JVCL, the installation batch file hangs after compiling the installer and the VM comes to its knees. I rebooted, started taskmgr and watched as the batch file ran - it appears to go into a loop creating many instances of msgfmt. I've tried removing it all again, downloading and installing the 3.8 version myself and running the install batch file by itself, same problem; then backing up to the 3.6 version that had installed OK in 10.2.2, and it does the same thing. If I edit the batch file to skip the language-setup section, the batch file completes OK, but trying to re-run the GetIt update causes it to re-download and replace that batch file. :(
The installer does compile before the languages part of the batch file is reached, so I tried running the installer directly. I assume I'm not passing it cmd line info it needs, because it compiles the 64-bit libs fine but chokes immediately on compiling the 32-bit version of JvCore250.bpl with an unspecified compile error.
Anyone else run into this? Is a solution known?
Turns out to ultimately be a pathing problem. When multiple installations of the IDE exist on a machine (e.g. my VM has or previously had D2007, XE2 and 10.1 on it), the PATH environment variable can be too long - edit the PATH in the system to remove the old/stale paths. Then make sure that the library paths in the IDE includes $(BDSLIB)\$(PLATFORM)\release or you'll get "can't find RTL" when building the packages.
For me the problem is generated from the msgfmt.exe of dxgettext.
msgfmt.exe generates multilanguage messages, for a multilanguage support of jvcl installation.
For the specific problem of msgfmt.exe try to see this: dxgettext and Windows 10
I resolved the problem opened the install.bat file in jvcl folder, and I commented (with ::) every line where the msgfmt is executed.
If you use getit I suppose you have to open the folder where jvcl is downloaded and search install.bat (I didn't use getit)
Instead I downloaded jvcl directly from github in my component folder, and I did what is written above in that folder.

JediInstaller will not run

I downlaoded newest verrsion of JVCl which include JCL
As first thing, I try in jcl folder to doubleclick install.bat
It compiles and runs but then throws error:
Program can not start as rtl180.bpl is missing on the computer
I have Delphi 2010 installed here:
D:\DevTools\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0
I have Delphi XE4 installed here:
D:\DevTools\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\11.0
I had many more installed in the past, but some were trials, some no longer work in Windows 10 etc. so I have been removing unwanted Delphi versions. But I have tried removing all traces.
Need to fix "System environment variables - Path" with path to bpls

Installing Synedit on Delphi 10 Seattle

I am trying to install the latest Unicode version of TSynEdit in the Delphi 10 Seattle IDE. It builds OK but when installing I get the error:
Access violation at address 27158679 in module 'bds.exe'. Read
of address 00000010
It installs OK on previous versions up to XE8.
I tried putting showmessages() at the start of the register procedure but AV error still occurs before the registration.
Has anyone found a work around for this ?
The GetIt Package Manager contains the latest version of TSynEdit.
You can reach GetIt from the tools menu in the IDE.
It downloads/compiles/installs without errors on my D10Seattle machine.
At the moment, SourceForge files are pretty old. But you can download SynEdit components from github. It has project files for newer Delphi versions. I just built and installed it for 10.2 Tokyo.

Delphi XE installation of Jedi JCL 2.6 on Win8 (x64)

So I have Delphi XE (no number) and I have a project that was built on another machine (using JVCL components). Now, my machine is a Windows 8.1 (64 bits), and the previous machine was Windows XP (32 bits).
Of course I want to be able to continue developing the app, but for that I need the JCL/JVCL to be installed here too.
Now comes my problem. When I run the installer (bat) of JCL, it starts ok, but it does not show any options, so when I click the Install button nothing happens, and I get a message saying the installation finished. But of course nothing is installed.
This is how the installer looks on my x64 machine:
What can I do to install this JCL on a win64 machine? I am very sure that this is the problem: the OS. Because on 32bit OS (Windows XP) I have no problem installing it.
I looked it up, but could not find a straightforward solution. There might be a problem with some registry where the installer looks for the location of Delphi ?!?! but I have no idea how to fix it.
I need to install the JVCL, but it wont install unless I have JCL installed first... and the JCL does not install
Please help me.
Thank you

Proper way to install JVCL 3.47 on XE3

I am trying to install JVCL 3.47 on a Delphi XE3 instance but I failed twice; I know that first I must install JCL; When I run Install.bat located in the jcl folder I get this error: "Windows cannot find '..\bin\JediInstaller.exe' ...;
I looked into bin folder but indeed JediInstaller.exe is not there; So I have opened the project JediInstaller located in "..\JVCL347CompleteJCL241-Build4571\jcl\jcl\install" and compiled it and then I started JediInstaller and installed JCL; Afer I tried to install JVCL again with opening the installer project and compiling it but again it returned an error that JCL is not installed and I don't know way because I have it installed;
When I installed JVCL 3.45 on Delphi Xe2, Win 7 it worked by opening install.bat, but now on Win8 , Delphi XE3 it doesn't work... Please somebody advise me how to install properly JVCL (I need to modify a project built with XE2 and Jvcl by the day after tomorrow).
Thanks in advance.
