Result verification with Weka Experiment tab with individual classifier models - machine-learning

I ran different classifiers on the same dataset. I got some statistical values after run the classifiers.
This is the summary of all classifiers
I am using Weka to trained the model. Weka itself has a method to compare different algorithms. For that we need to use the Experiment tab. I have done with this option as well for the same dataset.
Weka gave me the result for Kappa statistics when use Experiment tab
Rootmean squared error is
Relative absolute error
and so on.....
Now I am unable to understand that the values I got from Experiment tab how does those are similar to the values that I have shared in the table format in the first picture?

I presume that the initial table was populated with statistics obtained from cross-validation runs in the Weka Explorer.
The Explorer aggregates the predictions across a single cross-validation run so that it appears that you had a single test set of that size. It is only to be used as an explorative tool, hence the name.
The Experimenter records the metrics (like accuracy, rmse, etc) generated from each fold pair across the number of runs that you perform during your experiment. The metrics collected across multiple classifiers and/or datasets can then be analyzed using significance tests. By default, 10 runs of 10-fold CV are used, which is recommended for such comparisons. This results in 100 individual values for each metric from which mean and standard deviation are generated. */v indicate whether there is a statistically significant loss/win.


How to perform classification on training and test dataset in Weka

I am using Weka software to classify model. I have confusion using training and testing dataset partition. I divide 60% of the whole dataset as training dataset and save it to my hard disk and use 40% of data as test dataset and save this data to another file. The data that I am using is an imbalanced data. So I applied SMOTE in my training dataset. After that, in the classify tab of the Weka I selected Use training set option from Test options and used Random Forest classifier to do the classification on the training dataset. After getting the result I chose Supplied test set option from Test options and load my test dataset from hard disk and again ran the classifier.
I try to find out tutorial on how to load training set and test set in Weka but did not get it. I did the above process depend upon my understanding.
Therefore, I would like to know is that the right way to perform classification on training and test dataset?
Thank you.
There is no need to evaluate your classifier on the training set (this will be overly optimistic, since the classifier has already seen this data). Just use the Supplied test set option, then your classifier will get trained automatically on the currently loaded dataset before being evaluated on the specified test set.
Instead of manually splitting your data, you could also use the Percentage split test option, with 60% to be used for your training data.
When using filters, you should always wrap them (in this case SMOTE) and your classifier (in this case RandomForest) in the FilteredClassifier meta-classifier. That way, you will ensure that the training and test set data will get transformed correctly. This will also avoid the problem of leaking information into the test set when transforming the full dataset with a supervised filter and splitting the dataset into train/test afterwards. Finally, it also documents nicely what preprocessing is being done to your input data, all in a single command-line string.
If you need to apply more than one filter, use the MultiFilter to apply them sequentially.

How to output resultant documents from Weka text-classification

So we are running a multinomial naive bayes classification algorithm on a set of 15k tweets. We first break up each tweet into a vector of word features based on Weka's StringToWordVector function. We then save the results to a new arff file to user as our training set. We repeat this process with another set of 5k tweets and re-evaluate the test set using the same model derived from our training set.
What we would like to do is to output each sentence that weka classified in the test set along with its classification... We can see the general information (Precision, recall, f-score) of the performance and accuracy of the algorithm but we cannot see the individual sentences that were classified by weka, based on our classifier... Is there anyway to do this?
Another problem is that ultimately our professor will give us 20k more tweets and expect us to classify this new document. We are not sure how to do this however as:
All of the data we have been working with has been classified manually, both the training and test sets...
however the data we will be getting from the professor will be UNclassified... How can we
reevaluate our model on the unclassified data if Weka requires that the attribute information must
be the same as the set used to form the model and the test set we are evaluating against?
Thanks for any help!
The easiest way to acomplish these tasks is using a FilteredClassifier. This kind of classifier integrates a Filter and a Classifier, so you can connect a StringToWordVector filter with the classifier you prefer (J48, NaiveBayes, whatever), and you will be always keeping the original training set (unprocessed text), and applying the classifier to new tweets (unprocessed) by using the vocabular derived by the StringToWordVector filter.
You can see how to do this in the command line in "Command Line Functions for Text Mining in WEKA" and via a program in "A Simple Text Classifier in Java with WEKA".

Using weka to classify sensor data

I am working on a classification problem, which has different sensors. Each sensor collect a sets of numeric values.
I think its a classification problem and want to use weka as a ML tool for this problem. But I am not sure how to use weka to deal with the input values? And which classifier will best fit for this problem( one instance of a feature is a sets of numeric value)?
For example, I have three sensors A ,B, C. Can I define 5 collected data from all sensors,as one instance? Such as, One instance of A is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, and one instance of B is{3,434,534,213,55,4,7). C{424,24,24,13,24,5,6}.
Thanks a lot for your time on reviewing my question.
Commonly the first classifier to try is Naive Bayes (you can find it under "Bayes" directory in Weka) because it's fast, parameter less and the classification accuracy is hard to beat whenever the training sample is small.
Random Forest (you can find it under "Tree" directory in Weka) is another pleasant classifier since it process almost any data. Just run it and see whether it gives better results. It can be just necessary to increase the number of trees from the default 10 to some higher value. Since you have 7 attributes 100 trees should be enough.
Then I would try k-NN (you can find it under "Lazy" directory in Weka and it's called "IBk") because it commonly ranks amount the best single classifiers for a wide range of datasets. The only issues with k-nn are that it scales badly for large datasets (> 1GB) and it needs to fine tune k, the number of neighbors. This value is by default set to 1 but with increasing number of training samples it's commonly better to set it up to some higher integer value in range from 2 to 60.
And finally for some datasets where both, Naive Bayes and k-nn performs poorly, it's best to use SVM (under "Functions", it's called "Lib SVM"). However, it can be hassle to set up all the parameters of the SVM to get competitive results. Hence I leave it to the end when I already know what classification accuracies to expect. This classifier may not be the most convenient if you have more than two classes to classify.

How do I compare two classifiers in Weka using the Paired T-test

In Weka I can go to the experimenter. In the set-up I can load in an .arff file, and get weka to create a classifier (i.e. J48), then I can run it and then finally I can go to the analyze tab. In this tab it gives me an option to 'testing with Paired T-Test' but I cannot figure out how to create a second classifier (i.e. J48 unpruned) and do a T-Test on the two results.
Google does not lead me to any tutorial or answers.
How can I get Weka to do a T-Test on the results of two different classifiers, made from the same data?
Please follow the steps in
In this screenshot, the author is setting the significance level to be 0.05. In my understanding, in such a test, you always compare with a baseline classifier (here it is the NaiveBayes), the output uses the annotation v or * to indicate that a specific result is statistically better (v) or worse (*) than the baseline scheme at the significance level specified (currently 0.05). It might not be the one you expected though.

measuring the accuracy of a model and the importance of a feature in SVM

I'm starting to use LIBSVM for regression analysis. My world has about 20 features and thousands to millions of training samples.
I'm curious about two things:
Is there a metric that indicates the accuracy or confidence of the model, perhaps in the .model file or elsewhere?
How can I determine whether or not a feature is significant? E.g., if I'm trying to predict body weight as a function of height, shoulder width, gender and hair color, I might discover that hair color is not a significant feature in predicting weight. Is that reflected in the .model file, or is there some way to find out?
libSVM calculates p-values for test points based upon the certainty of the classifier (i.e., how far is the test point from the decision boundary and how wide are the margins).
I think you should consider the determination of feature importance a separate problem from training your SVMs. There are tons of approaches for "feature selection" (just open any text book) but one easy to understand, straightforward approach would be a simple cross-validation as follows:
Divide your dataset into k folds (e.g., k = 10 is common)
For each of the k folds:
Separate your data into train/test sets (the current fold is the test set, the rest are the training set)
Train your SVM classifier using only n-1 of your n features
Measure the prediction performance
Average the performance of your n-1 feature classifier for all k test folds
Repeat 1-3 for all remaining features
You could also do the reverse where you test each of the n features separately but you will likely miss out on important second and higher order interactions between the features.
In general, however, SVMs are good at ignoring irrelevant features.
You may also want to try and visualize your data using Principal Components Analysis to get a feel for how the data is distributed.
The F-score is a metric commonly used for features selection in Machine Learning.
Since version 3.0, LIBSVM library includes a directory called tools. In that directory is a python script called, which calculates F-score. To use it, just execute from the command line and pass in the file comprised of training data (and optionally a testing data file).
python data_training data_testing
The output is comprised of an fscore for each of the features in your data set which corresponds to the importance of that feature to the model result (regression score).
