Integration: ActiveCampaign to Zapier to Google Chat - zapier

I can create an integration in zapier that will notify me via google chat when I have a new lead that completes a form on activecampaign.
However, it's just a simple notification on google chat from a zap bot. I would like the info that is transcribed into google chat to be hyperlinked to the lead contact record in active campaign.
Is that doable? If so, how?
If not, are there any other solutions to what I am trying to accomplish?
Thank you!

Seems like there is a syntax available for GChat, so try this:
so that link will have a hyperlink to


Twilio: track user action on SMS links and reply based on that action

I using twilio flow to create simple chatbot that sends user a whatsapp message with link to provide some details and once user has provided the required details on web page, chat bot must reply with a THANKS message.
Is there anything like postback using rest api on active execution based on which a thank you message can sent.
Please have look on diagram as well.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you say you are using Twilio flow, I guess you are using Twilio Studio to send the messages. In this case, I don't think you can achieve what you want with Studio. You can't move an execution on with the REST API.
However, it should be fairly straightforward to send the thank you message from your application using the Twilio Messaging API instead.
What you will need to do is, when the user submits the form, in your back-end code as well as saving the data to your database, make a call to the Twilio API to send the WhatsApp message. I'm not sure what your application is built in, so I've just linked to the relevant documentation.

How can I get values from a Google Sheets in Dialogflow?

Im kinda new in Dialogflow and now I am trying to make a chatbot for my own webpage. I was doing research about my question but I don't get any solution to my problem.
The thing is, I have a file in Google Sheets with the name of my users and the ID of all of them. I want to ask for the ID of the user and then get the name variable in all of the chat.
Bot: Hi, tell me your ID
User: 10289432
Bot: Hi Jason, what can i help you today?
Is that posible with the data in a sheets?
Note: I can't use fulfillment because i have a free account in Dialogflow
Without fulfillment this isn't possible. You need to use a webhook to authenticate with Google sheets and call the API to retrieve data from a sheet. During development you can create a free webhook by using a tool such as ngrok which creates a public https endpoint that targets a localhost address, but if you want to put this live somewhere you need to host it somewhere.

How to make your bot user reply with a simple help message using slack bot

I have created a slack bot and I want to send a general static help message to users when they send a direct message to my bot:
Should I subscribe to Events API? Or do I need to do this in another way? I couldn't find a clear answer for this.
There are two ways to do make your bot user reply to direct messages:
Events API
Real Time Messaging API
In my opinion the Events API approach is easier to implement since it does not require using WebSockets.
The basic approach with the Events API is:
You need an endpoint that can receive event requests from Slack and
react to it, e.g. by sending a direct message back to a user.
Subscribe to event for your bot user
Note that a bot user already has all the required scopes for this with the bot scope.
In addition I would recommend to subscribe to app.mention for your bot user. Then it can also react to mentions in other channels.
Btw. that message you posted looks a lot like a review comment from the Slack team for a new app submission. I got a similar one for my last app and I solved it with the approach above. In general it looks like if you want to have a bot user in your app it needs to be able to respond to help request from users.

How to sync data from podio to Google Sheets? (No Zapier or another paid services)

I have an application in Podio registering people how whats my service. I want to export this to a Google Spreadsheet automatically without Zapier or paid services like that. How can I do this?
Please, speak in a "for dummies" way hahahaha
There is an export to excel option there in app, you can generate excel and with your own code you can upload to google spread sheet.
If can try octoblu, instead of Zappier, since its free

Google Now Bill Reminder

My company is looking to have Google Now Bill Reminders from emails to our clients so they are reminded when to pay.
We aren't looking to integrate a separate app or anything, we just want it directly through Google Now/Gmail.
My question is, is there any definitive structure our emails need to be in, or any information we must include for the Google Now reminders to work? Or does the Now card need to be integrated completely in order to work?
Any links etc to documentation regarding the bill reminder feature so we can look into this? Or if it does need to be integrated, are there any links to API integration so we can forward this to a developer?
Thanks in advance
Based from this Google Now documentation:
Google Now brings users the right information at just the right time. For example, Google Now already provides updates to restaurant and hotel reservations or flight information received in Gmail. By marking up email notifications to your users, you can use Google Now to bring them similar updates about your services and products.
Be mindful that only some types are supported in Google Now. For example, use Event Reservation type to declare a reservation for one or more guests at an event.
For your case, you can check on this blog and this forum. Basically, Google Now is most useful for its ability to contextualize information from your Calendar and Gmail to send you alerts when you actually need them. Google Now introduced a new feature that makes it easier to keep track of which phone/Internet/education loan bills are actually due. Source.
