How can I get values from a Google Sheets in Dialogflow? - google-sheets

Im kinda new in Dialogflow and now I am trying to make a chatbot for my own webpage. I was doing research about my question but I don't get any solution to my problem.
The thing is, I have a file in Google Sheets with the name of my users and the ID of all of them. I want to ask for the ID of the user and then get the name variable in all of the chat.
Bot: Hi, tell me your ID
User: 10289432
Bot: Hi Jason, what can i help you today?
Is that posible with the data in a sheets?
Note: I can't use fulfillment because i have a free account in Dialogflow

Without fulfillment this isn't possible. You need to use a webhook to authenticate with Google sheets and call the API to retrieve data from a sheet. During development you can create a free webhook by using a tool such as ngrok which creates a public https endpoint that targets a localhost address, but if you want to put this live somewhere you need to host it somewhere.


Integration: ActiveCampaign to Zapier to Google Chat

I can create an integration in zapier that will notify me via google chat when I have a new lead that completes a form on activecampaign.
However, it's just a simple notification on google chat from a zap bot. I would like the info that is transcribed into google chat to be hyperlinked to the lead contact record in active campaign.
Is that doable? If so, how?
If not, are there any other solutions to what I am trying to accomplish?
Thank you!
Seems like there is a syntax available for GChat, so try this:
so that link will have a hyperlink to

How to authenticate Tweepy Application to tweet via discord

I am currently developing a discord bot that can post tweets and more. The whole code is basically done all I need to do now is make the user authenticate the app so the bot can post tweets. I searched everywhere and I don't have any idea on how to do it. My goal is to have multiple users in a discord chat use the bot at the same time
From what I understand, you want your bot to have control multiple user's API ?
If so,
Have the user inputs their credentials using a command, (best would be by DM, like ?api XXXXXX)
store this credentials into a database and have your API Caller lookup for a specific API credentials within your DB.

How to get user id from #username in Telegram using php

Hi i'm working on a Telegram bot and i need to get the id of any one just form his username.
I searched for this question a lot but I did not find a solution and therefore I asked this question here, please help.
With the Bot API you can't. You can use the users.getUsers method from the Telegram APIs (the ones for clients, not for Bots) but it's a bit complicated. Otherwise you can store in a database all user_id and username from users when they start the bot so you'll be able to get the user_id from the username and viceversa.

How to sync data from podio to Google Sheets? (No Zapier or another paid services)

I have an application in Podio registering people how whats my service. I want to export this to a Google Spreadsheet automatically without Zapier or paid services like that. How can I do this?
Please, speak in a "for dummies" way hahahaha
There is an export to excel option there in app, you can generate excel and with your own code you can upload to google spread sheet.
If can try octoblu, instead of Zappier, since its free

POSTing to Google Sheets - Access Token

At the moment I have created two versions of my app - for iOS and Android - Where I use the OAuth workaround of posting to a Google Form to indirectly add to a Google Sheet.
However, I am now planning to remake the app in Google's Flutter (using Dart of course), and would prefer to use the proper direct way of POSTing to the sheet (it will simplify the situation for my client), but am having trouble trying to figure out how to do it.
I've found a simple explanation of how to to do the POSTing, but it requires an Access Token - what appears to just be a string.
After searching for an explanation of this, all I've found is explanations of how to create an OAuth token for the user using the app, but I just want to be able to post from within the app - totally separate from the user.
I guess I want a 'static' token that will just allow me to post to my sheet from my app indefinitely - is this possible, and can someone please explain it to me?
It sounds like you want to use what Google calls a service account for access to a sheet that belongs to your app rather than user's account for access to a sheet that belongs to a user.
