Remove 'Embed watch content' on the basis of a scheme - ios

We are creating a companion watch app for our mobile applications. We have created two different mobile apps from a single codebase and a single target by using different schemes.
But we want to release watch only for one of the mobile apps.
So is there a way to remove 'Embed watch content' on the basis of the scheme or some script/pre-action that can be executed while compilation per the scheme for removing watch content?
Any help would be appreciated.

Answering my own question, I believe there is no way to separate out this on the basis of the scheme. Schemes are associated with a target.
I created a separate target and made it mobile app only. Applied the corresponding theme on them.
Separate target gives you the capability to modify build settings as per need.


Xcode - Sharing extensions and app groups among targets with different developer accounts

I have an iOS app in Xcode which has 5 targets (meaning, they're different applications with different developer accounts, just using the same codebase).
I have added a Notification Content Extension and I want all other targets to use it.
The thing is, this extension also uses a certain App Group to share data between it and parent targets. But, because the other targets all have different developer accounts, I cannot set a global App Group to all apps. Is there a way around it? what's the best practice?
Thanks :)
No , it's not possible app groups for targets with the same developer account you may upload your logic to server and share it with apis , you may use UIPasteboard as a workaround but it's not recommended from Apple Docs

Can I submit same app with different name on iOS App Store?

I have developed one iOS app but I have about 10-13 clients whom I will be selling this app. So, the app is one and I will just change the name on all apps and publish it from same account. Is it allowed by Apple? The source code will be same and the name will be different on apps. The app is built to sale copies to client so it is allowed?
It is possible, but Apple won't be happy about it, the proposed way to do this is to license your apps to the clients instead of placing them on the public app store.
Apple does allow one App with different names for different languages.
So you might use a little trick, where you only "translate" the name of the app and leave everything else as it is.
Yes you can submit the same app with different name.
You just need to create the different targets of the same app. Bundle identifier will be different but the source code will be same.
Here is the link for guiding of target creation-
Multiple target creation

Xcode Watchkit no executables in Edit Scheme

I am trying to create different schemes in Xcode for the Watchkit app - one for Notification and one for Glance.
When I duplicate the Watchkit scheme, and then go to "Edit scheme", to change the Executable in the Run tab, there is only the main executable there, and not the one I just duplicated.
I tryed everything.
Any ideas?
In the latest beta of Xcode 6.2 WatchKit automatically creates the Schemes for Glance and Notification.
In the Edit Scheme Window, click on the Run icon in the left panel. Next, look to the right panel and where it says "Watch Interface", click on the word "Main" and change to the appropriate option.
You have select watchkitInterface and you will see static, dynamic notification and glance in that.
Xcode Schemes manage build targets. Apple Watch Notifications and Glances are not created as separate targets.
They are designed with Glance Interface Controller and Notification Interface Controller objects on your Storyboard within your WatchKit app, and supported with code in your WatchKit App Extension (and potentially elsewhere, for the source of notifications).
Therefore, they cannot be managed with a build scheme. May be useful to review what you were you trying to achieve functionally with this action. There may be another way to achieve it. If, for instance, you want to have just a Glance or Notification interface without having a WatchKit App, you simply create a Storyboard in your WatchKit App that only includes Glance and/or Notification Interface controllers, and not a standard WKInterfaceController. The Apple Watch will do the rest.

How to sign iOS project with two or more different accounts keeping only one project

I've recently got an iOS app template with a friend. We want to keep only one code in our bitbucket but we want to create the best structure to sign it with our different Apple Developer Account and also have our own icons, characters , images in general. You can check our iOS template here. It's a native project.
You can do it easily using different Targets in Xcode.
You can define different icon, characters, images, etc. for each target and you will get different apps from the same Xcode project.
Check out this link from Apple Developer documentation.

Integrate multiple iOS Apps into single iOS App

I have more than two Apps which will be available on App Store, Those apps are small Apps for different departments/categories (let's suppose Medical App, Tourism/Travel App, Education App, etc).
Now I want to develop some "General app" which will contain above small apps as micro-apps,
There will be icons/buttons on Main Screen to navigate to any category (Health, Travel, Education etc) inside the General App, rest of the App Flow inside each category will remain same as in Mini Apps.
The mini-apps and General App will be available on App Store separately, so any new version/update in the source code of Mini Apps need to be updated into General App.
Is it possible to add more than 1 projects into one project assuming each project has it's own storyboard,xibs.
You can create a single project with different build targets, and each build target could be one of your apps.
Also you can use xcconfig files to config the settings of the different build targets
