How to remove the router from the quasar default app template? - quasar-framework

I want to develop an app with only one root component without all the VueRouter machinery, and I generated the project with the quasar cli.
I cleaned the source directory to start fresh with a single A.vue component.
However, the compile process generates an app.js file that requires it (by the way, I would also like to get rid of the app.scss).
How to do that ?
(I don't need SSR, but I may build to electron.)

You always need at least one "route" for your application to work with Quasar. Doesn't mean you have to use all their special stuff - just add a "/" base route and give it "component: A".
Pretty easy.


Jenkins: File Operations Plugin

I just started with using jenkins, and learning a lot.
Installed on windows 7.
One thing i can figure out is about File operations plugin.
I don't know how to set up just simple "copy, paste" from one location to another.
Yea maybe is dumb, but i just cant figure out, try a lot of and always got build break.
What i need to set up for simple test ? like i liked to say, show me a door, i'll figure out rest :)
The include file pattern wants an ANT style filter (relative to your workspace as the root).
Include File Pattern: myWorkspaceSubFolder\*.txt
Target location also assumes the root workspace though I guess you can redirect it to another drive.

Read config settings from PhoneGap app

Apparently I'm terrible at Googling. All I want to do is have the ability to read my web service URL from a config file in my PhoneGap app. Also, be able to modify that value during the build process. Is this named alot different in Xcode? I think I need to save this value in the plist file. If that's the case, then I can just set a user-setting in my build configuration stuff to have it change depending on which build type, Dev/Release.
If that's true, how do I access this from PhoneGap?
I'm guessing this question will get closed, but where else do I go for help...
plist file for cordova project already depreciate since v2.2. Cordova v2.3 start using config.xml.
Target > Edit Scheme
You could probably use hooks to accomplish everything that you are trying to do without changing around the config.xml file, but I'm not entirely sure this is supported with Phonegap (it is with Cordova.)
Check out the official help page to use the /hooks/ folder to modify anything during the build process:
This blog post also seems pretty useful: it talks about changing things based on the environment and I'm sure it'd be easy to extend that to changing based on dev/release.
You could store the link to your web service probably as a config variable. I'm trying to figure out how you can add a config variable and will report back if I get it. In the mean time you could probably just have something like a server.txt file that you change with hooks.

Why running the generated Angular index.html without Grunt shows an empty page?

I generated an Angular app and when I run grunt server it works (it shows the default page) but when I browse the files and double click index.html I get an empty page (except for the grey background).
Why is that? Isn't it just JS/CSS/HTML?
Depending on your setup some files usually need conversion- for instance your styles may well be in compass or SASS and need to be converted to regular css. Grunt handles all the various conversions you need (as well as launching the static page server).
Check out your console error log in the browser and I'll bet you'll see some "Failed to load resource" errors- for instance the css file may well not be there (when you're trying to run index.html directly).
By the way, you can run:
grunt build
This will create a new directory "dist" with everything converted and ready for distribution- sounds like this might be what you're looking for.

May I use sf_sandbox directly as my symfony project?

As sf_sandbox has set up the symfony environment, why not develop in the sandbox directly and then upload on to server? What are the disadvantages of sandbox compared with configuring manually?
I think there is no drawback in following this approach. sf_sandbox is a pre-configured symfony project. One of the pluses is that is saves you time in creating your project and initializing an empty application (by default this is called frontend).
It's more a matter of taste rather than a matter of right or wrong. It's up to you!
Note: If you follow this approach you have to make some initial configuration (steps 1,2,3 would be done anyway if you started your project from scratch):
Rename the project
Change the config/properties.ini file
Change the config/databases.yml file (by default sf_sandbox uses sqlite database)
Remove the data/sandbox.db database file

Web.config in open source repository

I am creating web application in C# using ASP.NET MVC and I am using MSSQL server installed on my machine.
Also I wanted to publish application as open source project, and run it on production server.
Should I add web.config file to source code repository? If i should, how I should track "open source version" (pointing on MsSQL installed on localhost) and production version (pointing on my hosting of web.config (I am using Mercurial).
The recommended way to do this is as follows:
Create a copy of the public version of the file you'd like people to use as a starting point, and name it something other than the actual usable file. In your case, it could be web.config.template. Make sure the file would be usable if you just renamed it.
Instruct Mercurial to ignore the actual file, ie. web.config
If possible, make the build process figure out if the actual file is present, and if not, make a copy from the template file into the actual file
If step 3 is not possible, a batch file to make the actual file is the next best thing, or simple instructions on how to make it.
This ensures that:
There is a simple way of getting the actual configuration file
You can edit your local actual configuration file without worrying about committing it (it is ignored)
If step 3 was possible, this is largely transparent unless you need to make modifications to the file
Step 3 can be handled with a pre-build event for your project, something like:
if not exist web.config copy web.config.template web.config
You could commit a generic version to your repository, probably on the initial load only (so that the project will build for those who don't know how to create their own), and then add an ignore rule later so that you can add your connection strings and whatnot.
