How do I remove third party tools from C++Builder 11? - c++builder

In C++Builder 11.0, the JEDI tools are installed. If I go into Third Party, select Project JEDI, or any of its subheadings, it says 'please select and option on the left'. But, there are no options on the left other than the headings themselves.
The JEDI tool does not show up in the Windows App listing.
How do I remove this tool?

You most probably installed JEDI from GetIt. So open the "GetIt Package Manager" from the Tools menu, select the "Installed" filter, select the JEDI package item (do not click on the header which is a link), click on the "Uninstall" button and follow the steps.
If you installed JEDI manually, then you have to find the JEDI sources on your computer. First uninstall JVCL then JCL. You have to run "install.bat" to uninstall either package.


Issue with TurboPower Async Professional installation on Delphi-XE7

I want to make a Delphi program that can connect to my Arduino via usb(Serial communication), I know i have to use TpaPro (TurboPower Async Professional) for this but i don't know how to install it on Delphi-xe7.
I installed the setup ( I added the source directory from TpaPro to the libraries but I still can't see any funtions of tpapro in the tool palette.
I already read the Readme.txt but i don't understand the install instructions.
Does anyone know how i can get TpaPro working for Delphi-XE7?
These are the install instructions i don't understand step 4 and 5:
Unzip the release files into a directory (e.g., d:\apro).
Start Delphi or C++Builder.
Add the source subdirectory (e.g., d:\apro\source) to the IDE's
library path.
Open & compile the runtime package specific to the IDE being
Open & install the designtime package specific to the IDE being
used. The IDE should notify you the components have been
I got my answer thanks to Tlama.
You open the \packages\Delphi\Delphi.groupproj project group and in the Project Manager you should see two projects. You right click the first one in the tree, AsyncProDR.bpl (that R at the end means runtime) and select From Here | Build All From Here menu item. Both projects will be build. Then you right click the second one, AsyncProDD.bpl (that D at the end means design-time) and select Install menu item. That will install design time package.

JVCL Docking-Docking_in_Code example - Tab Dock possible error

I am using delphi xe2 with update 4, under OS: Win7, and I want to build an application for my semestre exam that allows docking forms. Because I am a student I can`t afford to buy any docking components. So I began to learn how JVCL Docking works by taking a look at the examples provided by JVCL 3.45 authors(thank you for them). And Now I am stuck with a possible problem.
I have opened the project from JvDocking called Docking_in_Code: all the options in the left aligned panel(Sibling DOck, Cojoined Dock) are working, but when i click Tab Dock this is the message that I get
"ManualTabDock:Ttabhost not created. Your docking style may not support tabbed docking"
Has anyone else encounterd this? I tried to write the same code in the example in my own project but the same error appears. why it appears i can`t tell:(
I'm guessing since you have made it to the stage of looking at examples, you have installed both JCL (Java Component Library) and JVCL (Java Visual Component Library) into Delphi XE2.
I have just been learning how to work with the JVCL docking components recently as well. This example was one of the first I looked at and it worked fine for me. I suggest you reinstall JCL and the JVCL then double check that the library paths are present and correct in:
Tools > Options > Environment Options > Delphi Options > Library > LibraryPath
I have the following paths saved in my directory listing:
If you have confirmed this all and it is still not working, it may be an idea to install the packages manually. The package version that needs to be installed is D16 for both JCL and JVCL if you need to manually compile and install the packages (the installer should do this for you though). If you open up the 'D16 Packages' delphi project you should be able to manually install the components, for first the JCL, and then the JVCL.

How to install Virtual Treeview?

Virtual treeview by Mike Lischke seems so popular on the web and as third party component. I just downloaded version 4.8.7 on my machine.
I have Delphi 2010 and Delphi 7.0 in 2 partitions.
Aftter clicking installer of virtual treeview, a log file prompts, saying it has been installed successfully.
I check Delphi 2010, yes, it is on component palette showing 3 controls.
But when I start Delphi 7.0, IDE prompts 'Can not load VirtualtreesD7.bpl...'. I ignore it, and find that Virtual treeview design time package is in list but UNCHECKED. If I try to check it, again it promts "Can not load virtualtreesD7...".
I search whole Disk and find a VirtualTreesD7D.bpl, and manually add it in design time package list. It is on palette with 3 controls.
I tested it quickly and exit Delphi 7.0. But when I restart Delphi 7.0, again it prompts "Can not load VirtualtreesD7.bpl...", it is again not on palatte and not Checked in design time package list.
This is very simple question. Can you let me know how to solve it?
Thank you very much in advance.
Thanks for comments.
I tested your comments, but not work.
New problem:
If I uninstall virtual treeview by clicking unins000.exe and reinstall it only in Delphi 7.0, the installer prompts in the last screen ''...completed.." and no error prompts. When I start Delphi 7, the virtual treeview design time package is not in package list. This is even worse than the last time (last time it is in package list but not checked).
I check very carefully one line by one line of that log file, it says:
**VirtualTreesD7D.dpk(32) Fatal: Required package 'VirtualTreesD7' not found**
Why it does not successfully install and does not prompts the error in installation in the last install screen.
How to solve this "Fatal...not found" problem.
Thank you all for help.
New Edit: (Is this Answer?)
Thanks for your help and suggestion first.
I take 2 hours to test and find a possible solution. It works on my machine and it can be installed in Delphi 7.0.
1. uninstall virtual treeview by clicking unins000.exe from Delphi 7.0 ( you can separately install virtual treeview in Delphi 2010)
2. clicking newly downloaded VirtualTreeview setup 4.8.7.exe, install it in Delphi 7 folder, do not install it in default...Rad..path. Important: INGNORE ALL ERROR PROMPTS DURING INSTALLATION (INCLUDING ERROR PROMPT IN THAT LARGE INSTALLATION LOG FILE).
3. Go to $\Virtual Treeview, right click VirtualTreesD7D.dpk, select Open with Delphi 32 development environment. A window prompts for you to compile. JUST CLICK COMPILE, DO NOT CLICK INSTALL.
4. Go to Component -> Install Packages. Go to $\Bpl folder and manually add VirtualTreesD7D.bpl into Design Package. The three controls will appear in Palette.
5. Go to folder $\Bpl and YOU MUST COPY VirtualTreesD7.bpl (NOT VirtualTreesD7D.bpl) INTO $\Bin folder.
6. Close Delphi 7 and restart it, you will find that this component is on Palette and in Package list, it is in Design package list and CHECKED.
I personally feel that the installer of Virtual treeview needs improvements to free users from such trouble and test in installation. The installer needs rewrite.
This is my case of installation. I do not know if it can be generalized to all users.
Thank you all.
The IDE uses LoadLibrary (actually, LoadPackage) to load packages for components that are installed. This means that it follows the same logic for where it looks for files that LoadLibrary does.
The problem is that the IDE can't find the package using LoadLibrary's search logic - see the Remarks section here. So the solution is to add the folder to Delphi's Library Path (Tools->Options->Environment Options->Delphi Options->Library - Win32), or move it somewhere on the system PATH.
Ensure you have the folder where the virtualtrees.pas (\source) is located in the environment search path.
You may manually need to install the *.dpk file for Delphi 7. Open the D7.dpk, compile then open and install the D7D.dpk (Runtime first then Designtime package)
Haven't done it on Delphi2010 w/ Delphi7, but installing with just Delphi7 is fine.

how can i install shineOn in Delphiprism?

how can i install shineOn in Delphiprism?
I download ShineOn package for useing old's delphi functions such as inttostr and ...
but i can istall or add them in my delphi area.
Please help me.
Download the zip from:
In it you'll fine a two dlls, right click your projects 'References' tab, and press 'Add Reference', select the dlls you want (probably rtl, vcl). Then add
to your uses list.

Where Is TShellListView in Delphi 2009?

We have recently moved to Delphi 2009. I can't find the TShellListView and TShellTreeView controls. Do I need to install something extra?
From searching the web it seems they are shipped with Delphi 2009 but for some reason they havent been installed.
Has anyone had a similar problem?
Answer here
It looks like this package is not installed by default.
Navigate to Delphi demos (they are in "c:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos" on my machine; you should replace 6.0 with the appropriate version if you're not running Delphi 2009) and open subfolder DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\ShellControls.
Open and compile vclshlctrls.dproj.
Open and compile dclshlctrls.dproj.
While this last project is still open, right-click on the dclshlctrls120.bpl item in the Project Manager window (View, Project Manager) and select Install from the popup menu. You should see a dialog box informing you of new components. One of them is TShellListView.
Package C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Bpl\dclshlctrls120.bpl has been
The following new component(s) have been registered: TShellChangeNotifier,
TShellComboBox, TShellListView, TShellTreeView.
New package should now also be visible in the Component, Install Packages window ("Shell Control Property and Component Editors").
I put this answer in my question, but to make it easier to find, I'll put this answer here also, this is the final bit of the puzzle that solved it for me.
It appears codegear have installed the demos to the allusers section of documents and settings
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos\DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\ShellControls
Answer here
