Rails search with will Paginate - ruby-on-rails

Below the code I am using now.Current code pagination will show 100 users per page.Currently search functionlaity implemented using JQuery code.Since pagination showing 100 records, search only working for 100 records. I need to implement search with will paginate.If I search users,It will fetch details from database and show in table .Can anyone please suggest how implement this with will paginate in rails?
#user_list = User.all.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 100)
<%= will_paginate #user_list %>
<table id="users_access_table">
<th>Curernt Access</th>
<th>API User Access</th>
<tbody id="table_body">
<div class="col-md-4" style="float: left;">
<input class="form-control" title="Search" type="text" id="userinput" onkeyup=" searchUsers()" placeholder="Search 🔍 :">
<% #user_list.each do |user| %>

You need to make changes in the controller level and UI side as well.
I am considering the parameters are coming to the controller from the UI side, and making changes in the query on the user controller.
Instead of all you need to create LIKE query
#user_list = User.all.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 100)
change it with
#user_list = User.where("name LIKE ? OR email LIKE ?", "%#{search_param}%", "%#{search_param}%").page(params[:page]).per(100)
hope it helps you to resolve your query.


Ruby On Rails - Rendering a partial after page load

I'm working on an application that makes some calls to the Twitter and Spotify APIs. After the user is authenticated with twitter, they are redirected to playlist.erb which is the callback url.
My problem is that the playlist.erb page takes a while to render because first we must make a call to fetch all tweets found on the users Twitter page, then try to find information about songs/artists, then use the Spotify API to search for a song that is closest to what information the user specified. Doing this for each tweet takes quite a while. For 10 tweets it sometimes takes between 5-10 seconds. The limit is 50 tweets in total.
The current playlist.erb page after it is fully loaded looks like this.
My question is, is there a way that I can render the page first, then get the partials for each individial tweet to render one at a time,
adding a new row for each tweet as it loads?
I've read that I should use something called AJAX, but I'm not sure how exactly to implement that here.
Also I'm aware that my view could use fixing in terms of CSS refactoring and not using the deprecated <center></center> HTML tags. And I should probably do a whole refactor of the system using proper MVC.
In the playlist.erb, a call to the Twitter API is made through the TweetsController to find all tweets from a page. the _tweet.erb partial is then rendered to this view for each tweet when new_tweet(tweet.text) is called. This method makes a call to the Spotify API to find details about the song mentioned in the tweet.
new_tweet is a method in a helper called playlist_helper.rb.
load_tweets is a method in a controller called tweets_controller.rb.
I realise that this is quite a bit of logic to put in a view, which is why the page takes quite long to load I guess.
<% loaded_tweets = TweetsController.load_tweets(current_user) %>
<% if loaded_tweets.any? %>
<table class='tweet_view'>
<tr class='tweet_row'>
<th class="fixed_cover"><div class='tableheader'><h6 style='color:white'>Cover</h6></div></th>
<th class="fixed_spotify"><div class='tableheader'><h6 style='color:white'>Spotify</h6></div></th>
<th class="fixed_title"><div class='tableheader'><h6 style='color:white'>Track title</h6></div></th>
<th class="fixed_artist"><div class='tableheader'><h6 style='color:white'>Artist</h6></div></th>
<th class="fluid"><div class='tableheader'><h6 style='color:white'>Album</h6></div></th>
<% loaded_tweets.reverse_each.each do |tweet| %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<p><h8><b>No tweets found!</b></h8></p>
<% end %>
The _tweet.erb partial just adds a new row for each song.
<tr class='tweet_row'>
<td class='tweet_column'>
<div class='tablerow#cover'>
<%= image_tag(#cover,:class => 'album_cover')%>
<td class='tweet_column'>
<div class='tablerow#spotify'>
<h5><%= link_to image_tag('spotify', :class => 'spotify_image'), 'https://open.spotify.com/track/'+#spotify %></h5>
<td class='tweet_column'>
<div class='tablerow'>
<td class='tweet_column'>
<div class='tablerow'>
<td class='tweet_column'>
<div class='tablerow'>
Change playlist.erb to playlist.html.erb
<div id="tweets">
<%= render 'tweet') %>
$( document ).ready(function() {
// call the controller function here
In controller methode add
respond_to do |format|
create one more file in views folder like action_name.js.erb and add
$('#tweets').html('<%= j(render "tweet") %>')

SET ASP.NET MVC4 button value

I'm a newbie.
My problem is that i have a button and i want to set the value by a ASP.NET variable.
<input type="button" id="mybt" value="<%=Student.Name %>" />
This code is not working.
The code:
<%var Products = (IEnumerable<Demo.Models.Product>)ViewBag.Products;%></div>
<table border="1">
<%foreach(var product in Products)
{ %>
<td style="width:68px;height:20px">
<%=product.Id %>
<td style="width:120px">
<td style="width:120px">
<%=product.Price %>
<td style="width:120px">
<input type="button" value='<%=product.Id%>' />
<%} %>
Instead of <%=Student.Name %> use this: #Student.Name
Provided that "Student" is the model name and "Name" is the property you want.
The reason for this is because <%= %> works for aspx but not the razor view engine which is probably what you have chosen for your MVC solution.

getting form value into controller in ruby on rails

I have a "search" page that have some controls and below is the search page code:
<%= form_for :search, :url => { :method => :get, :action => :search } do |f| %>
<td align="center" style="vertical-align:top;">
<h2 style="color:Black; font-size: x-large;">Specs</h2>
<td align="center">
<input type="text" name="tf_Zip" Style="text-align: left;" BackColor="#e5e5e5" Width="180px" ForeColor="Gray" Font-Size="Large">
<div class="button">
<input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" class="buttonSearch">
<td align="center" style="vertical-align:top;">
<h2 style="color:Black; font-size: x-large;">
<% #user_zip.each do |uzr_zip| %>
<h1><%= uzr_zip.First_Name %></h1>
<% end %>
<table id="searchResult" width="100%" runat="server">
<td bgcolor="#CCDBE0">
<td bgcolor="#CCDBE0">
<%= f.label(:zip, "Mentor") %>
<% end %>
And when I am trying to get the textbox value into the controllers page like below
def search
#blah = params[:search][:tf_Zip]
render 'search'
Then it gave me an error below, at this line #blah = params[:search][:tf_Zip]
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
Kindle help me. Thanks
I think your params[:search] is nil?
so for this you can use
#blah = params[:tf_Zip]
or change your input field like this
<%= f.text_field :tf_Zip %>
or you can use like this
<input type="text" name="search[tf_Zip]" Style="text-align: left;"
BackColor="#e5e5e5" Width="180px" ForeColor="Gray" Font-Size="Large">
Look at your log: you will see what is coming through in params, then you'll see why params[:search][:tf_Zip] doesn't work.
The error is telling you, effectively, that params[:search] is nil, and that you can't call [tf_Zip] on nil.
Your problem is this line:
<input type="text" name="tf_Zip" Style="text-align: left;" BackColor="#e5e5e5" Width="180px" ForeColor="Gray" Font-Size="Large">
It will populate params[:tf_Zip] because it's name is "tf_Zip". If you want it to populate params[:search][:tf_Zip] then you should set the name attribute to search[tf_Zip].
What would be nicer though is to use the rails form field helpers. I don't know why you have so much raw html inside a form_for.
<input type="text" name="tf_Zip" Style="text-align: left;" BackColor="#e5e5e5" Width="180px" ForeColor="Gray" Font-Size="Large">
can be replaced with
<%= f.text_field :tf_Zip %>
which will populate params[:search][:tf_Zip]
For the other attributes (Style etc) you should set these with css. Rails will probably put a class on the field automatically which you can use to do this. The "style" (note lowercase) attribute can be used instead but it's clumsy as it doesn't allow you to restyle the field (and more generally, your site) with css.
Have you checked to see if params[:search] is nil? If it is, then trying to pull [:tf_Zip] will cause that error.
Usually you'd submit the form from one controller action and handle the result in another action.
And your statement end looks misplaced.

Change table row using Rails Ajax

I've a simple page with link_to_remote Rails Ajax function and HTML table.
I'd like to change row of the table when click that link.
This is my html.
<table border="1">
<td><div id="ajax_result_1">1</div></td>
<div id="ajax_result_2"><td>2</td></div>
<div id="ajax_result_3">
And this is my code.
<%= link_to_remote 'Change', :update => "ajax_result_1", :url => "change_path" %>
change action just render simple text.
When I use ajax_result_1 for :update, it worked okay.
But, not for ajax_result_2 and ajax_result_3.
Is there a way to solve this? I want to replace row of the table.
<div id="ajax_result_2"><td>2</td></div>
this should be
<td><div id="ajax_result_2">2</div></td>
<div id="ajax_result_3">
should be
<tr id="ajax_result_3">
you cann't use <div> tag in table directly if you want to use <div> you have to use it in the <td> only.

Editable "GridView" like control in ASP.NET MVC

I'm trying to build a Editable GridView like control (Order column) with this code in the view:
<img alt="Save order" src="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/minisave.png") %>" />
<% foreach (var item in Model) { %>
<%= Html.Encode(item.Name) %>
<td colspan="2">
<%= Html.TextBox("Order", item.Order, new { size = "3" }) %>
<%= Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=item.id }) %> |
<%= Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id=item.id })%>
<% } %>
The result table look like:
The questions are: How I receive this data in my controller? I need a form tag around the table? How I know which Order value belongs to which record?
A couple extra questions: If you see the code I add the size attribute to the input tab but when the browser renders it, the input is larger, how can I fix it?
Thanks for your help!
I've done this before. I did it by having the ID as part of the name, and a form around the entire table. That way the controller pulled all the data from all the rows and updated it all at once like a spreadsheet.
That works well for a unit of work, where you edit the page and save it, though of course you'd need to consider how to cope with your locking strategy, be it optimistic or pessimistic.
However, these days a better alternative might be to use ajax to submit specific values, somewhat like Google Spreadsheet, maybe?
