useNetInfo not working when connection is reestablished - ios

I'm using react-native-netinfo to keep track of my device's internet connection. It was working fine for the most part until the point where the internet is disconnected and comes back on. At this point NetInfo does not respond with the correct internet state.
While going over the repo on github it looks like this is a known issue without a fix yet. In one of the threads, there was a mention of using the hook useNetInfo instead cos apparently that still worked fine.
So I tried that out as mentioned here but even this isn't returning the correct state when the connection is established again.
I'm not sure what to do now. I don't know if there is more to this hook or if it needs to be implemented differently.

What I did to make it work was to add an event listener in componentDidMount() and remove the listener in componentWillUnMount().
NetInfo.isConnected.fetch().then(isConnected => {
this.handleConnectivityChange(isConnected === undefined ? true : isConnected);
My handleConnectivityChange() function stores the isConnected boolean in redux to be used wherever I want.
componentWillUnMount() {


ReactJs PWA not updating on iOS

I'm building a ReactJs PWA but I'm having trouble detecting updates on iOS.
On Android everything is working great so I'm wondering if all of this is related to iOS support for PWAs or if my implementation of the service worker is not good.
Here's what I've done so far:
Build process and hosting
My app is built using webpack and hosted on AWS. Most of the files (js/css) are built with some hash in their name, generated from their content. For those which aren't (app manifest, index.html, sw.js), I made sure that AWS serves them with some Cache-Control headers preventing any cache. Everything is served over https.
Service Worker
I kept this one as simple as possible : I didn't add any cache rules except precache for my app-shell:
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest || []);
Service-worker registration
Registration of the service worker occurs in the main ReactJs App component, in the componentDidMount() lifecycle hook:
componentDidMount() {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
.then((reg) => {
reg.onupdatefound = () => {
this.newWorker = reg.installing;
this.newWorker.onstatechange = () => {
if (this.newWorker.state === 'installed') {
if ( {
// a version of the SW is already up and running
code omitted: displays a snackbar to the user to manually trigger
activation of the new SW. This will be done by calling skipWaiting()
then reloading the page
} else {
// first service worker registration, do nothing
Service worker lifecycle management
According to the Google documentation about service workers, a new version of the service worker should be detected when navigating to an in-scope page. But as a single-page application, there is no hard navigation happening once the app has been loaded.
The workaround I found for this is to hook into react-router and listen for route changes, then manually ask the registered service worker to update itself :
const history = createBrowserHistory(); // from 'history' node package
history.listen(() => {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
.then((reg) => {
if (!reg) {
return null;
Actual behavior
Throwing a bunch of alert() everywhere in the code showed above, this is what I observe :
When opening the pwa for the first time after adding it to the homescreen, the service worker is registered as expected, on Android and iOS
While keeping the app opened, I deploy a new version on AWS. Navigating in the app triggers the manual update thanks to my history listener. The new version is found, installed in the background. Then my snackbar is displayed and I can trigger the switch to the new SW.
Now I close the app and deploy a new version on AWS. When opening the app again :
On Android the update is found immediately as Android reloads the page
iOS does not, so I need to navigate within the app for my history listener to trigger the search for an update. When doing so, the update is found
After this, for both OS, my snackbar is displayed and I can trigger the switch to the new SW
Now I close the app and turn off the phones. After deploying a new version, I start them again and open the app :
On Android, just like before, the page is reloaded which detects the update, then the snackbar is displayed, etc..
On iOS, I navigate within the app and my listener triggers the search for an update. But this time, the new version is never found and my onupdatefound event handler is never triggered
Reading this post on Medium from Maximiliano Firtman, it seems that iOS 12.2 has brought a new lifecycle for PWAs. According to him, when the app stays idle for a long time or during a reboot of the device, the app state is killed, as well as the page.
I'm wondering if this could be the root cause of my problem here, but I was not able to find anyone having the same trouble so far.
So after a lot of digging and investigation, I finally found out what was my problem.
From what I was able to observe, I think there is a little difference in the way Android and iOS handle PWAs lifecycle, as well as service workers.
On Android, when starting the app after a reboot, it looks like starting the app and searching an update of the service worker (thanks to the hard navigation occuring when reloading the page) are 2 tasks done in parallel. By doing that, the app have enough time to subscribe to the already existing service worker and define a onupdatefound() handler before the new version of the service worker is found.
On the other hand with iOS, it seems that when you start the app after a reboot of the device (or after not using it for a long period, see Medium article linked in the main topic), iOS triggers the search for an update before starting your app. And if an update is found, it will be installed and and enter its 'waiting' status before the app is actually started. This is probably what happens when the splashscreen is displayed...
So in the end, when your app finally starts and you subscribe to the already existing service worker to define your onupdatefound() handler, the update has already been installed and is waiting to take control of the clients.
So here is my final code to register the service worker :
componentDidMount() {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
.then((reg) => {
if (reg.waiting) {
// a new version is already waiting to take control
this.newWorker = reg.waiting;
code omitted: displays a snackbar to the user to manually trigger
activation of the new SW. This will be done by calling skipWaiting()
then reloading the page
// handler for updates occuring while the app is running, either actively or in the background
reg.onupdatefound = () => {
this.newWorker = reg.installing;
this.newWorker.onstatechange = () => {
if (this.newWorker.state === 'installed') {
if ( {
// a version of the SW already has control over the app
same code omitted
} else {
// very first service worker registration, do nothing
Note :
I also got rid of my listener on history that I used to trigger the search for an update on every route change, as it seemed overkill.
Now I rely on the Page Visibility API to trigger this search every time the app gets the focus :
// this function is called in the service worker registration promise, providing the ServiceWorkerRegistration instance
const registerPwaOpeningHandler = (reg) => {
let hidden;
let visibilityChange;
if (typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined') { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support
hidden = 'hidden';
visibilityChange = 'visibilitychange';
} else if (typeof document.msHidden !== 'undefined') {
hidden = 'msHidden';
visibilityChange = 'msvisibilitychange';
} else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== 'undefined') {
hidden = 'webkitHidden';
visibilityChange = 'webkitvisibilitychange';
window.document.addEventListener(visibilityChange, () => {
if (!document[hidden]) {
// manually force detection of a potential update when the pwa is opened
return reg;
As noted by Speckles (thanks for saving me the headache), iOS installs the new SW before launching the app. So the SW doesn't get a chance to catch the 'installing' state.
Work-around: check if the registration is in the waiting state then handle it.
I've made an (untested) example of handling this. - a mod to the default CRA SW.

Any way yet to auto-update (or just clear the cache on) a PWA on iOS?

I have been struggling on iOS with something that works easily on Android: Getting my PWA to auto-update when there is a new version. I am not at all sure this is even possible on iOS. I have used vue.js and Quasar to build my app, and everything works out of the box on Android. Here is the (ugly, terrible) way things stand currently on the iOS version:
I can check my own server for the version and compare it against the current one stored in my app (in indexedDB) and throw up a notice that there is a new version. So far so good.
Other than having the user MANUALLY CLEAR THE SAFARI CACHE (!!) there is no way I can figure out how to programmatically clear the PWA cache from within the app or force an upload in another way.
So at this point I guess my questions are:
Has ANYONE been able to get a PWA on iOS (11.3 or later) to auto-update when a new version is available?
Is there a way to clear the (safari) app cache from within my PWA?
Obviously it is an incredibly awful user experience to notify the user that in order to update they must perform several steps outside of the app to be able to refresh it, but it seems this is where iOS stands at the moment unless I am missing something. Has anyone anywhere made this work?
After weeks and weeks of searching, I finally found a solution:
I add a check for versionstring on the server, and return it to the app as mentioned above.
I look for it in localtstorage (IndexedDB) and if I don’t find it, I add it. If I do find it, I compare versions and if there is a newer one on the server, I throw up a dialog.
Dismissing this dialog (my button is labeled “update”) runs window.location.reload(true) and then stores the new versionstring in localstorage
Voila! My app is updated! I can't believe it came down to something this simple, I could not find a solution anywhere. Hope this helps someone else!
There were a few problems with the technique above, notably that it was bypassing the PWA service worker mechanisms and that sometimes reload would not immediately load new content (because the current SW would not release the page). I have now a new solution to this that seems to work on all platforms:
function forceSWupdate() {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function (registrations) {
for (let registration of registrations) {
And inside my serviceworker I now throw up the dialog if there is an update, and do my location.reload(true) from there. This always results in my app being refreshed immediately (with the important caveat that I have added skipWaiting and clientsClaim directives to my registration).
This works on every platform the same, and I can programatically check for the update or wait for the service worker to do it by itself (although the times it checks vary greatly by platform, device, and other unknowable factors. Usually not more than 24 hours though.)
If anyone is still having issues with this, registration.update() did not work for me. I used the exact solution but when the version from my server did not match my local stored version, I had to unregister the service workers for it to work.
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
await this.setState({ loadingMessage: 'Updating Your Experience' })
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function(registrations) { => {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('appVersion', this.state.serverAppVersion)
Then when the app reloads, the service worker is reregistered and the current version of the app is visible on iOS safari browsers and 'bookmarked' PWAs.
Instead of prompting the user, that a new version is available, you can also extend the 'activate' Eventlistener to delete your old cache whenever you publish a new serviceworker version.
Add version and name variables
var version = "v3" // increase for new version
var staticCacheName = version + "_pwa-static";
var dynamicCacheName = version + "_pwa-dynamic";
Delete caches, when their names do not fit the current version:
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) {
return Promise.all(
cacheNames.filter(function(cacheName) {
if (!cacheName.startsWith(staticCacheName) &&
!cacheName.startsWith(dynamicCacheName)) {
return true;
}).map(function(cacheName) {
console.log('Removing old cache.', cacheName);
return caches.delete(cacheName);
In order to make this work for iOS safari browsers and 'bookmarked' PWAs too, I just added the sligthly reduced function by #jbone107:
self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) {
return Promise.all(
cacheNames.filter(function(cacheName) {
if (!cacheName.startsWith(staticCacheName) &&
!cacheName.startsWith(dynamicCacheName)) {
return true;
}).map(function(cacheName) {
// completely deregister for ios to get changes too
console.log('deregistering Serviceworker')
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations().then(function(registrations) { => {
console.log('Removing old cache.', cacheName);
return caches.delete(cacheName);
This way you just have to increase the version number and updating is done by the serviceworker automatically.

Cocos2d-x v3 iOS app not registering first x touch events

I have a really weird issue with cocos2d-x v3, the first 15 touches or so are not registered on my iOS device (tried iPad 2 and iPad air). As soon as a touch is finally registered, everything works fine (aka all touches after that trigger the onTouch functions).
The touch events work perfectly fine in the simulator.
Also, the same code works perfectly fin in my Windows and Android builds.
Has anyone had this happen, or maybe know what could be causing it?
I'm using the listener, and I debugged up to the spot where touchesBegan forwards the input events to the listener, but even there the events don't come in until after the 15th tap or so.
It's really weird... And I figured I'd give it a shot here, as someone might have encountered this as well, before I start stripping code to as clean as possible, and then try to work my way back from there...
Kind regards,
EDIT: As requested, here is some code. The desired behaviour is that it works in iOS devices like it should: First touch triggers the onTouchBegan.
I didn't add it as it didn't think it would matter, since the code works fine for Android.
But I appreciate that you'd like to see it, just in case I might have missed something
GameLayer is a Cocos2d::Layer.
void GameLayer::onEnter()
// Register Touch Event
auto pEventDispatcher = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();
if (pEventDispatcher)
// Touch listener
auto pTouchListener = cocos2d::EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
if (pTouchListener)
pTouchListener->setSwallowTouches( true );
pTouchListener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchBegan, this );
pTouchListener->onTouchMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchMoved, this );
pTouchListener->onTouchEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchEnded, this );
pTouchListener->onTouchCancelled = CC_CALLBACK_2( GameLayer::onTouchCancelled, this );
pEventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority( pTouchListener, this );
bool GameLayer::onTouchBegan( cocos2d::Touch* pTouch, cocos2d::Event* /*pEvent*/ )
// Breakpoint here triggers fine on first touch for Android/Windows/iOS Simulator,
// but not on iOS device (iPad/iPhone)
bool breakHere = true;
<<snip actual code>>
The problem was an std::ofstream trying to open() on the iOS device (most likely in a folder it didn't have access to).
I have lots of layers in my game and I don't do it like you do. In your code the need to get the EventDispatcher locally and create the touch listener like how you are seems odd to me. I've never seen it down that way in so many steps.
I do:
auto listener = cocos2d::EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
listener->onTouchBegan = [&](cocos2d::Touch* touch, cocos2d::Event* event)
return true;
listener->onTouchEnded = [=](cocos2d::Touch* touch, cocos2d::Event* event)
// ... do something
cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithFixedPriority(listener, 31);
I got it fixed.
The problem was seemingly totally unrelated, I was trying to open an std::ofstream file (my log file), most likely in a folder it didn't have (any and/or write) access to.
Which is not required, nor wanted on the iOS device.
Once I added IOS to the exclusion list (just like Android and some more targets) everything started to work perfect.
I do not know what goes wrong exactly, and why it does start working after a few touch inputs, but I'm guess it was waiting or retrying something in the background.
I found the issue while debugging another one :)
Hopefully this helps anyone else who might stumble onto the same or a related issue.
Kind regards,

what is the propper way to use Titanium eventListerner/fireEvent to communication with webview

so I'm working on an application that uses webview to display data. At the moment i'm trying to get data from, and send data to the webview. It seems that getting data from the webview works fine, but sending data back to the webview forms the problem.
I use fireEvents and Eventlisteners to communicat. It looks somethhing like this:
webview : index.html
// declared at the beginning of the html file
Ti.App.addEventListener('sendToWebview', function(data) {
alert('alert in webview');
// fires when button is pushed
function onClick(){
Ti.App.fireEvent('sendToTi', { "someDataToTi" });
Ti.App.addEventListener('sendToTi', function(data) {
alert('alert in Ti');
Ti.App.fireEvent('sendToWebview', { "someDataToWebview" });
What works is the sendToTi event. here i always get the alert. What doesn't seem to work all the time is the sendToWebview event. The weird thing is that is sometimes seem to work, other times not and even when I go back to the code that worked, it seems to not work anymore.
What am I doing wrong? is there a way to make it work?
Your 'sendToTi' is correct. But you can't send events to the WebView in that way.
To execute JavaScript (which is sending events) in your WebView you can use
webview.evalJS('someJSFunction(with, parameters, for, instance);');
webview.evalJS('alert("Hello World!");');
There is no need of EventListeners (especially no app-wide event listeners).

How to bind the HTML5::stalled event from soundmanager?

I'm trying to to write a javascript app that use the [SoundManager 2][1] api and aim to run in
all desktop and mobile browsers. On the iPad platform, Soundmanager is using the HTML5 audio api since there is on flash support. Now, when I'm trying to play two audio files back to back, both loaded in response to a click event, a [HTML5::stalled][2] event is occasionally raised. How do I set an event handler to catch the stalled event?
Since sound objects in my app are created on the fly and I don't know how to access directly to tags that are created by SoundManager, I tried to use a delegate to handle the stalled event:
document.delegate('audio', 'stalled', function (event) {...});
It doesn't work. the event did not raised in respond to stalled. (I had an alert in my handler).
Also tried to use [Sound::onsuspend()][3] to listen for stalled, but onsuspend pops out
on the end of sound::play(). How can we distinguish between stalled and other events that may raise the audio::suspend? Is there any other way to access the tags that SoundManager must create in order to play HTML audio?
I solved it with the following solution. This is not documented and found by reverse engineering.
It is all about accessing the html audio object, which is availalbe under _a.
currentSound = soundManager.createSound({..});
currentSound._a.addEventListener('stalled', function() {
if (!self.currentSound) return;
var audio = this;
The body of the method is based on this post about html5 stalled callback in safari
I can suggest a different "fix" I use with an html5 using platform (samsung smart TV):
var mySound = soundManager.createSound({..});
setTimeout(function() {
if (mySound.readyState == 1) {
// this object is probably stalled
}, 1500);
This works since in html5, unlike flash, the 'readystate' property jumps from '0' to '3' almost instantanously, skipping '1'. ('cause if the track started buffering it's playable...).
Hope this works for you as well.
